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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1001656-My-Turn
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1001656 added January 8, 2021 at 12:45am
Restrictions: None
My Turn
Not much to say tonight, just too tired. I ended up not sleeping much at all last night; I just couldn't fall asleep. Finally, after four, I did manage to sleep, but it was very uneasy and I woke quite often. I was up at seven-thirty and now I'm just feeling like a zombie. No not Rob, the other kind of zombie.

Other than tired, it was a fair day today. I'm starting to burn out, I think, and really need a break, this distance learning is very difficult, and it's no help the school isn't even letting parents know what needs to be done. Also, the girls both have IEP's and need some special assistance with school. they have trained facilitators at the school, but unfortunately, with the school closed since Thanksgiving, they don't get the help they need and I have to fill that role as well as teacher and parent.

Add to that the fact that the girls are getting burned out as well. It's also very difficult for them to try and learn with partial lessons delivered online and trying to interact with teachers through e-mail. They also miss the organized structure of school as well as interacting with friends and classmates. Of course, with them getting frustrated and me getting frustrated, it only complicates things more and we all need a break.

Hopefully, if things work right, I should have the place to myself Saturday afternoon, night, and Sunday morning. That will help out; it will give me a break from the girls, the girls a break from me, as well as give the girls and my wife some time together. If things work out, I may even get out ice fishing, finally.

That was the idea of getting the fishing shelter and gear, a place for me to get a break and relax for a while. But, by the time everything arrived, it was after Christmas; actually, the sled didn't come until New Year's Eve. I did set it up, I have my gear all ready to go, and now just need an opportunity. I would go out for a while now, but with distance learning and the girls IEP issues, I need to be here to help them when they need it, keep them on task, and since they have separation anxieties, if they are home and I'm out relaxing, they will text and call over everything and anything.

One more week! Restaurants and stuff reopen on Monday, school opens again on Tuesday, but it's a hybrid model here. Half the students attend on Monday and Tuesday, the other half on Thursday and Friday, with Wednesday being a catch-up day for everyone. Before the school shut down, the girls did go every day as a result of their IEP's, but so far nothing has been stated that they will be starting that right away next week. So, they will attend Thursday and Friday.

Hell, since Tuesday is back to the normal school, if you can call it normal, and since they attended five days a week before the break, I may just have them go on Tuesday and let the teachers figure it out. What are they going to do, bring them back home? I know, they will call, text, and e-mail. Sounds like a good time for me to go out fishing and put my phone on silent... The teachers had a nice break while I filled in, now comes my turn~

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