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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1001860-Two-Steps-Forward-One-Back
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1001860 added January 11, 2021 at 12:31am
Restrictions: None
Two Steps Forward, One Back
It's a new week and I started it off pretty well. I had plans to work in the garage this weekend, and today was the day, however, sometimes plans just don't work out the way we, well... plan.

We need to make more room in the garage and we need more light. I started out with the light project since I dislike working in the dark. However, to be able to string a second light on the ceiling, I needed to move a bunch of stuff out of the way. One of the items is an old wooden table. It's in rough shape, but it's solid -- and heavy.

My task involved moving a bunch of little things out of the way to make room to move the big, heavy table out of the way, so everything kind of got shuffled and created an even bigger mess. But, I now had room to install another light fixture and run the wiring over to the existing fixture. This involved working from a ladder and working a lot with my hands higher than my head, something that is rather difficult to do for extended periods of time if one is not used to it, which I'm not.

It took a bit longer than I had wanted, but soon enough the garage was bathed in light. Next was installing a countertop that was salvaged from a remodel job. It's intended to replace the much too big, heavy table. Now ideally, this countertop would be installed on a base cabinet to increase storage, but I don't have a base cabinet yet, so I was going to set it up on a couple of plastic 55-gallon barrels I have. But then, the barrels are different heights, so even after digging them out of the snow and bringing them in, I didn't have anything to set the counter on. So, I took them back out.

By this time, it was getting on into the late afternoon and I needed to get the garage back into some kind of order. I had already taken the table apart so I could move it, so I took that out to the patio, where it will be reassembled and put to use there. Of course, now without a table and no counter, there wasn't any place to put the chicken. Yes, you read that right, I said chicken, as in cluck, cluck and lays eggs. It's a story of it's own about how we came to have a pet chicken and I think I wrote on that a few blogs back.

Now, I have the cage with the chicken on my sawhorses so she's up off the floor again. But, since I don't have anything to put the countertop on, I'll need to build a stand, which will be difficult because the chicken cage is on the sawhorses. Also, a lot of the stuff I moved, including the cage, is now where the countertop needs to go. Yes, I moved everything with good intent on organizing it as I put it away. You could say I ended up almost back where I started! Two differences, however, the table is out and there is more light. Oh, and another difference, I'm tired and sore from moving everything out and back again.

Now, one of these first days, I get to move it all again so I can get that countertop put up, then rearrange and organize it all as I had planned on doing today.

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