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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1002019-January-13-2021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
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#1002019 added January 13, 2021 at 8:55am
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January 13, 2021
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox }Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image "Proverbs 12:24 says "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute."

What will the diligent rule? What is a tribute and why are the slothful under it?"

God inspired Solomon to essentially tell us here that those who are diligent and on the ball will rule their own lives. Of course God is always the first person in charge of our lives, but if we are hard-working and on the ball, we will be second in command. Yes, we will always have bosses. No matter who we are we have other humans that we answer to. This proverb is not saying we will be independent and answer to nobody. It is saying that we will be in charge of our own lives. Nobody will tell us when to come and go. We will have a level of independence. The slothful on the other hand find themselves dependent on others. The tribute they pay is their self-worth. They surrender it because others tell them when to come and go when to eat when to sleep. They lose their sense of self. They become tributaries paying others for protection and care.

Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox "Prompt: Chewbecca and I were traveling the galaxy and found this planet: (37)
Read this item:
 A Time for Respect  (E)
Shadows and Light Poetry Contest
#2239288 by Anna Marie Carlson

What are your views about this poem?"

I agree with the author of this poem that times are definitely changing. These days gender roles are becoming blurred and people often don't know right from wrong. Chivalry as this young lady wants has long since died in the world. I used to open doors for ladies and offer to help if I thought they were distressed. I did so until a woman chewed me out for offering. She said I was a chauvanist pig. I told her "No. I am not a chauvanist. I simply saw you trying to change a flat tire and doing it in a way that would have torn the bumper off of your car and gotten you hurt. I thought I would prevent that but you go right on and hurt yourself."

She apologized and said she certainly did not want to damage her car or hurt herself and asked me to go ahead and change the tire for her. I did so but have not offered to help anybody like that since. I'm always afraid I will offend somebody and that is certainly not my intention.

Another problem is that people take things the wrong way. I say hello to nearly everybody I meet except for teen aged girls or younger women. I don't speak to them because I had a young woman call me a perverted old fool for speaking to her. She apparently thought she was God's gift to men and I was flirting with her. I was simply acknowledging that she existed.

Yes. Times are changing and they have not changed for the better. The Apostle Paul particularly told us that all of this was going to happen and prophecy is being fulfilled. It will only get worse.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: " Is happiness to be acquired by learning, by habit, or some other form of training? It seems to come as a result of virtue and some process of learning and to be among the godlike things since its end is godlike and blessed." Aristotle

Your thoughts,"

Aristotle was a brilliant thinker. His problem was that He did not know Jesus Christ so his thoughts were the vain philosophies of men. Aristotle had no hope of being truly blessed because He did not know the Holy Spirit.

Blog City image small "Prompt: What things do you hate paying for?"

I hate paying for services I will never use just to get something I actually need. For example, I have needed programs for my computer but to get the program I had to buy a "membership" in some site that I would probably never use again. Then the membership is a one-month plan that bills to your debit card and then overdraws your bank account when you neglect to deduct it the following month or fail to find the miniature "cancel membership" link which is so small you either can't see it or completely non-existent. If I ripped people off that way I'd be locked up for fraud. When they do it they say it is "good business practices."

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1002019-January-13-2021