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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1002869-One-Day-At-A-Time
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1002869 added January 25, 2021 at 11:51pm
Restrictions: None
One Day At A Time
Yes, sometimes the best way to go is one day at a time. To look at more can be overwhelming, frustrating, and even depressing. Covid has made it difficult in so many ways and it's nice to look for a light at the end of the tunnel, but I find it's better to watch each step and push on through these trying times. In fact, it seems like even when a light shines in the distance, it's more likely a false sense of security than actual hope. I know there is a light at the end and we will come out of this, but it won't be the same world we knew when we entered a year ago. Some of the changes will be good, others will be bad, and there will be a lot of adjusting to all the changes.

Right now, we are under quarantine after my wife was exposed to Covid by her thoughtless brother. She and our two girls were all exposed at the same time, but only my wife got Covid. Of course, after she tested positive she was told how long she had to stay home and was finally able to return to work today. I know I wasn't exposed at the same time as she was, since I was at home that weekend, but, the girls were with her and they are still under quarantine until February 8, as am I. How that works makes no sense to me and that's the darkest part of the tunnel, not understanding the system.

It's like so many things going on during this pandemic. I read the news and it changes daily, hell sometimes two or three times a day. Also, we have our professionals that can't seem to agree on anything, including what they said the day before. Now I read that it may be good to wear two masks at that same time. Sure, if I suffocate and die, I'm sure I won't catch Covid. Of course, I'm sure they would find a way to link it or at least say it was due to Covid. What's next, they tell us to put plastic bags over our heads and zip-tie them around the neck to keep the virus out? Why doesn't the state issue us all hazmat suits to wear outside of the house?

No, if a person reads much of the news and applies any common sense, they have to figure out that we are all getting a big pile of bull from so many of them. It's not news, it's what story to tell that will strike fear and confusion into the people. The sad part is, most of the people are buying it. They seriously don't want to know the truth, they just want something to stimulate them. Then, there are those who feed upon the crazy times we live in and they use it as an excuse to give rise to riots, even though most of them don't really don't care what they are rioting for.

I think back some years ago when there was a big demonstration going o over a pipe-line. One of the guys that worked for me came in and asked if I thought it was a real offer he had gotten in the mail.  He had a letter, no name but an east-coast address, that offered him $60.00 a day to hold a sign and demonstrate against the pipe-line. His question was, how would I even answer them, it has to be a gag or something.

A couple of days went by and he hadn't given it much thought until he received a phone call from someone who was offering him the same deal and transportation to and from the demonstration. He was still sure it was a scam, and being a young man who had worked as a youth with the local police, decided to address this to one of the investigators. They also thought it may be a scam, but it wasn't asking for any money, and there was't anything to indicate otherwise. He was told if they contacted him again, to go for the deal and they would watch and see what transpired.

They did call back, he agreed to demonstrate for them, and the next day he met a couple of other people who had also signed up to demonstrate. One of them gave him a check for 120.00 bucks for two days of demonstrating and they rode off to the site. They shared a room at a cheap motel at night, they provided food, and when he finished the two days, they gave him transportation back. They even had the signs made up for him 120.00 bucks plus room and board to hold a sign and make it look like a big mob of people were against the pipeline. In that two days, he talked to over a dozen people who had also been hired to do the same.

He never did find out who, as far as organizations, was paying for all this, but it was enlightening to learn that half of what we see for protests and demonstrations is more of our broken political system. It leaves me wondering how much we are being blinded and are we, like lambs to the slaughter, following blindly?

Even for us who put thought into our lives and use common sense, there is so little truth to hold to and so much we are blind to. How can we know what is truth and what is being fed to us as truth? How long can we stumble along in the dark, waiting for the light at the end, before we give up home and grasp at anything they offer us?

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