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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1003366-Thins-Are-Looking-Up
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1003366 added February 1, 2021 at 12:10am
Restrictions: None
Thins Are Looking Up
Today was another good day. What's even better is last night was a restful night; the first in at least a week. I slept sound, waking only once very early this morning to get a drink of water and use the bathroom. It was also the first night in a week without fevers and waking in a pool of sweat,  no weird dreams. I took it easy today, after doing so much yesterday. So far, no fever yesterday or today. I still have a ways to go to return to feeling good, but I'm happy for now with just not feeling bad. I'll be heading off to bed after I finish here and looking forward to another good night's sleep.

I haven't planned anything for tomorrow, it's more just see how I feel and take things slow and easy for now, but I did have thoughts of maybe getting out and doing some ice fishing in the not so distant future. I still haven't had an opportunity to go out and try my gear out, and have been waiting since the first part of the month after the last few items arrived that I had ordered. The first hold-up was my wife getting Covid and while she didn't get seriously ill, she was exhausted and unable to do anything. Also, she stayed separated from the girls and I did what I could to prevent catching it while still taking care of her. I do firmly believe now, after all the precautions, the masks don't do squat.

Then, I got sick right as she was ending quarantine and was beginning to feel better. I had helped with some stuff in storage and stirred up a lot of dust, which always triggers a sinus problem with me. Then, even as I thought I was getting over that, the weather turned cold and the air got dry and it just hung in there. No fever or other symptoms, just irritated sinuses and pressure. Then, while working o a shelving project I pulled a knuckleheaded move and whacked my head real hard and messed myself up pretty good. The symptoms were there but with Covid, they didn't want me to come in, so the checkup was done over the phone, answering questions ad describing my problems. It was likely I had a mild concussion and needed to take it easy for a few days to a week.

Before that cleared up, the fevers started and my energy was gone. No other symptoms and I'm not complaining, it was rough just sweating and freezing through the days and nights, and when I say no energy, I mean completely drained. Heating up a can of soup was enough to send me off to bed, too tired and exhausted to even eat my soup. Was it Covid? More than likely. But, again, unless I really needed medical attention, the clinic preferred I stay home and not risk spreading it. The doctor again did a phone interview and since my wife had tested positive and I had lost my ability to smell, figured I had contacted Covid.

The good news is, I'm already feeling better. The girls were exposed at the same time my wife was, but they have not gotten sick. It was a hell of a start to the new year, but January is done and hopefully February treats us better.

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