Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1003510-E-Pig-and-Pepper---1-Knock-on-the-Door
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2242515
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#1003510 added February 2, 2021 at 7:12pm
Restrictions: None
E. Pig and Pepper - #1 "Knock on the Door"

Knock Knock

When I came to the door, I had to stop. It stood in my path. The door is as tall as it is wide. It is made of solid gold. A curious door. There is no handle.

“Knock, knock,” I shout at the door.

A large green toad opened the door and stepped out. He was dressed in a gold footman’s uniform.

“Who’s there?” he asked me.

“Mary,” I answered.

“Mary who?”

“Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does the cat get in the tree?”

“You may not come in. That is the wrong rhyme.” The door shut.

What a curious toad. How rude of him.

“Knock, knock,” I shout at the door.

The large green toad dressed in the gold footman’s uniform stepped out.

“Who’s there?” he asked me again.


“Mary who?”

“Mary, Mary quite contrary, how can I get into the house?”

“You may not come in. That is wrong. Try again.” The toad goes into the house and slams the door.

I cannot get into the house. This toad is quite curious.

“Knock, knock.”

“Who’s there?” the toad shouts again.


“Mary who?”

“Mary. Mary now quite contrary. How does your garden grow?”

“With silver bells and cockle shells and little maids all in a row.”

“Little toad, little toad, won’t you let me in?”

“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.”

I have to get into this door. It is blocking my path. I try again.

“Please, Mr. Toad. Let me inside.”

The toad opens the door.

“Well, why’d you not ask me nicely before? Please enter.”

W/C 263

Queen Norma Jean *Crown*

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