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#1003724 added February 5, 2021 at 11:46pm
Restrictions: None
G. The Queen's Croquet Game #2 - "The King's Mercy"

The Case of the Lizard

“Off with your head!” the Queen of Hearts bellowed in my ear.

I sat on the witness stand. The jury sat across from me. In the jury was one member, the King of Hearts.

The judge, the White Rabbit, asked me a question.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself? And make it snappy. I have places to go.”

“I am innocent. Because…”

“You are too slow! I’m late! Goodbye.” The White Rabbit left the courtroom.

“If it please the court,” I said, “I can explain. I was only trying to help the Lizard get back into the swamp.”

“Off with her head!” Bellowed the queen again.

“And why should the Queen not take off your head?” asked the King.

I thought for a few moments.

“I have diplomatic immunity. I am from a country far away. In my country, we do not lose heads for helping poor Lizards cross the path to the swamp.”

The King of Hearts thought for a few moments.

Then he said, “The jury has found this girl innocent. She will not lose her head. Case closed.”

The Queen of Hearts got red in the face. Then she bellowed, “Off with his head!”

I left the courtroom. I had to find the Lizard.

W/C 209

Queen Norma Jean *Crown*

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