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A book to keep track of bible studies and other spiritual wisdoms.
#1006917 added March 23, 2021 at 12:16pm
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One Nation Under God
Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

What does it mean for a nation to have God as their Lord? Does America or the nation you live in have God as the Lord? Why or why not? What can you do to promote or encourage God to be the Lord of your nation?

Marvelous Friend

owl for signature use *posier*

Somewhere in Isaiah it says there will always be nations. I believe the USA does have God as their Lord. However, this nation is made up of individuals in all stages of spiritual growth and individuals, who don't believe in God yet still enjoy the individual freedoms of our laws.

You can see the Godliness in some of the laws and rules we try to live by. You can see the diversity that draws people to this nation. And, the personal freedoms and laws that anger God's enemies.

Lately, when I see what happened in the capitol and other times when militia were involved and white racism is involved I wonder what these people think the nation should be like.

Does everything always go righteous in each instance. No. If a rule or law is wrong people need to continue to ban together to change it. Violence is not the answer. And, I see the reason we fight wars, sending people with guns out to die to keep evil ideas from over running populations. It is right against evil in every instance.

The power of one group or another is not the answer if the situation targets innocence. The unity of Old and New Testament needs to be taught wherever possible. The more people who understand scripture teachings and understand Jesus as savior the more unity there will be.

The pledge of Allegiance has change since 1892.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." This is the 1954 version which is listed in Wikipedia as the current version.

You cannot have freedom without rules to live by. Someone once asked me what God (I was in my 20's) was trying to accomplish, when he gave out the ten commandments. As a simplistic on the spot answer, I said God was trying to civilize the Hebrew nation. I'm presently reading through Leviticus with references in the New Testament and Psalms. These people had just left Egypt. They were use to a certain way of life they learned in Egypt. Eventually some of them turned back and went to live on the border of Egypt because they would not accept the new way of life.{I'm sure my answer today would be longer winded.} *Smile*

During some of the struggles countries have endured with religious Muslim radicals. The Leader of Australia made a public statement in which he said Australia would welcome Muslims, but if they thought they could not obey Australia's laws or change the country they did not need to stay.{This is not the specific statement he made just the jist of what he meant.}

I wish the people who are running from one country to another could make a stand with God and just change the violence their own countries are experiencing. They need help to do this.

Afghanistan is making changes and rules that are encouraging their populations who fled the Islamic terrorism to return and help build the new country.

Change is slow. The fight is for God and against unrighteousness. Recently, I read about progress and changes being made in African nations.

Borrowed this from a post by Tina Stone on 30-day-Challenge. One nation under God.


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