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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#1008129 added April 9, 2021 at 7:50pm
Restrictions: None
Murder in Tallehassee
Friday, April 9
The Sims Family Murders in Tallahassee

On October 22, 1966, Robert and Helen Sims and their daughter, Joy, were found dead in their Tallahassee, Florida home by the Sims's oldest daughter, Jeanie, when she returned from a babysitting job. “A massive search was launched to find whoever committed the crime,” a local news station recounts. But the Sims had no enemies, there was no discernible motive to the crime, and although there were suspects, no one was ever charged.

Tell us what happened, who did it, and why.
Did you do it?

owl for signature use

Nope. I have an unbreakable alibi. Interesting comparisons: I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in a First Baptist Church. I was born in Daytona Beach, Florida. I had a male cousin about 5 years older than I am, who I was told died, when his motorcycle hit a truck on a street in Florida. The grandson of the prime suspect died that way. My first name is Judith. One of the older daughters is named Judith. There were suspects just no charges.

This is an interesting case to me. The pastor was not involved in the murder but, he may have known something about it. The murder might even have had something to do with the secretary resigning her church job. The murder happened soon after she resigned. Yet no one mentioned this as a link to the crime.

I know of three other types of deaths and violence connected with different congregations of the First Baptist church in other parts of the USA, over a large period of time. Was the sheriff or the father of the main witness members of the same church congregation? How many of the neighbors were members of the First Baptist Church? Perhaps, I notice news items about the First Baptist Church because I was a member for years.

Running throughout some protestant churches are secret brotherhoods and sisterhoods.
I’m neutral about people banding together to get good things accomplished within nations. The problem occurs when someone goes rogue and there is a big cover up to save the guilty party. Inside democratic countries nepotism is a problem concerning secret societies. We already know that a church will close ranks and try to ignore crimes perpetrated by officers of the church or members of congregations.

So let’s look at the cover up. There is a County Sheriff who was a patrol office at the time, working in the investigation, who asked or did not ask the right questions to a witness.

There is a legal officer that lost 2 different jobs at different times in his life, when he investigated this murder. The second time he had submitted evidence that should have been followed up on.

Also, there is no clear evidence linking the families youngest daughter with rape at the time of the murder. Why is the public left guessing about the cause of the murder? Sexual molestation of a child before the murder or during the break in would account for the type of individual who might be a positive suspect. An autopsy should have cleared up this point, positive evidenced for or against. Were the prime suspects involved in taking drugs?

This mentioned in the 1978 interrogation of the girl who came forward as a witness. Was she a witness with no information?

If the investigator actually knew who committed the murders. What stopped him from moving on what he knew? He later became the County Sheriff.

Was it a coincidence that the two oldest daughters were not home at the time of the murders? I'd like to know so much more than is actually told in this story. What have their lives been like since losing their parents? Losing a protecting parent can leave you vulnerable to all kinds of problems in your life you might not have experienced otherwise. God lays out big rules and punishment for murder in the old testament.

I’m sure there are people out there who might read the facts of this murder and ask the same questions.

The End

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