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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1012304-Natural-Disaster
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#1012304 added June 21, 2021 at 7:20pm
Restrictions: None
Natural Disaster
Prompt: Have you personally experienced a natural disaster like Hurricane Florence?

I live in Indiana and have seen tornado winds and rains. I haven't seen the tornado itself but I have seen the effects of it. The wind blows the leaves in the opposite direction and a tornado may be coming. That is scary. Hearing the winds, it is dark and you can't see the tornado {you wouldn't want to!} but you know it is there. My grandma drove in a tornado to get my grandfather who was out in the field farming. Grandma couldn't see anything but she drove to the field and saw Grandpa's tractor at a house near by and stopped by and they invited her in until the storm passed. Grandpa was there safe.

I was nine years old living in Maryland and a tornado destroyed the lake area in Indiana by my grandparents. We were worried about Mom and Dad's family but everyone was okay. I saw pictures years later of what that storm did. I hope we never see that again.

Last night, we had bad rainstorms and our electricity was out 17 hours. There were tornadoes in towns 40 miles away. God kept us safe. I hate severe storms. Hopefully, the rest of summer will be calm.

Violet and Mary picture, Downton Abbey.

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