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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1013823-Waukegan-Illinois
Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
#1013823 added July 17, 2021 at 8:23pm
Restrictions: None
Waukegan, Illinois
Locale: Waukegan, Illinois

Week  of: July 12, 2021

         This has not been a typical week for me, not by a long shot.  Let me give you the lowdown on what happened.

         First, I need to stop posting things in the newsfeed that really belong in one of my blogs.  So that stops, and entries like this begin.  Second, on Sunday, July 11th, one of my best friends at work (now retired) passed on due to Bladder/Spleen/Pancreatic Cancer.  Today was his Memorial Service/Funeral.

         As for the rest of the week?  I delivered a 3-day (Tue-Thu) Virtual class for a customer, one I've delivered many times in person, and a few times virtually.  In looking at how their system was configured and programmed, I noted a few things they should look at.  We'll see if those truly are a problem in their system.  The biggest event that happened this past week work-wise, was losing my voice on Wednesday.  I felt it getting weak on Tuesday afternoon; and on Wednesday, there was no voice, just a hoarse croak.  As I started talking, and lubricating (for lack of a better word) my vocal chords, my voice got stronger, and I made it through the day.  By Thursday morning it was fine, a little weak at times, but still strong overall.  Someone tell me why this happened over a one-day period.  Maybe I strained my voice singing along while driving home from my doctor's appointment Monday afternoon, and it took a couple of days to catch up to me?  No clue here.

         Today was not a typical Saturday either.  I've mentioned Bob in previous newsfeed posts, he retired from Motorola a year ago today.  Last Sunday (the 11th), he passed on due to Cancer.  Today was his memorial service and funeral in Waukegan, so I woke at 4:30 am and drove up this morning.  I won't describe things too much, but let's just say this man spent an awful lot of money on his, and his wife's funeral arrangements.  The service was a very moving and sad experience, as was expected.  At the Mausoleum, Taps were played by a long bugler, an American Flag that had been draped over him was folded and presented to his wife, and a bagpiper played Amazing Grace.  While it was a very subdued experience, I will say it was nice to see about 10 of my co-workers there.  Additionally, I met two of my support team for breakfast at the Egg Harbor Cafe in Schaumburg this morning.  This is the place Bob and I would meet at once a week on those weeks we were both in town.  Weeks that were all too often few and far between. I had the same dish (Georgia Stone Ground Grits with Bacon, Green Onion and Jalapeno) that Bob and I would both order on those occasions we met for breakfast.  Before breakfast arrived, the three of us toasted our water glasses to Bob.

         Once everything was completed, I headed home (200 miles away), but not before stopping at a store that we don't have here in Bloomington to get a couple of bags of Chocolate Cherry Kiss Coffee for my daughter, who I will see next month, and a couple of other things that looked good.

In Closing

         As of now, I will spend the rest of the year delivering classes from home.  I do have field classes scheduled, but those will either move to someone else, or become a virtual delivery.  The Instructor Manager has told me that I will not travel on business until treatments are done, and I've been reevaluated.  So, home it is.  Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell

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