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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1015150-Apollo-and-Space
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#1015150 added August 4, 2021 at 7:44pm
Restrictions: None
Apollo and Space
Prompt: Write about Apollo and space.

Apollo 13 had a problem after being in space 2 days. Problem with an oxygen tank. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM. That was a good movie. This situation really happened and the problem got solved.

The Challenger blew up and the astronauts were killed. This was sad. If only they would have waited a couple of days and realized disaster could happen.

We did make it to the moon. That was an accomplishment and I look at the moon and I have respect for it. I wave to the moon and if someone waved back, I would be shocked.

Going to outer space is special. Some people get hooked on Sci fi and outer space. You know I think I am getting hooked as well.

My plaque for being October 2009 Reviewer of the Month.

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