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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1018844
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#1018844 added March 25, 2022 at 4:31pm
Restrictions: None
Mad Hater Day, Alice In Wonderland
Prompt: Mad Hater Day. Write something about Alice In Wonderland.

I love Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. I have a doll of him and Alice In Wonderland dolls. I love the Cheschire Cat. I have a Cheschire shirt. I have an Alice In Wonderland cosmetics case by Kate Spade and hope to get a purse to match. I love the movies and Alice is all grown up and has her own ship. She was friends with the Mad Hatter and caterpillar. Wouldn't it be great to visit Alice In Wonderland? We are all mad here. I don't like the Red Queen but I think she was my boss. The fantasy and magic of Wonderland. The white rabbit. The March Hare. Tea with the Mad Hatter {Johnny Depp}. You get so lost in the story line. I worked in mental health and I would rather go to Wonderland. It would have been more fun. The White Queen and I could have been friends. The song White Rabbit. I have felt like that song at times.If I fall down a rabbit hole, I would be okay being in Wonderland. I do need to reread the Alice In Wonderland book my Great Grandma bought me when I was a kid. Alice. If only.

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