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#1020868 added November 5, 2021 at 7:16pm
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Donuts [30dbc#5]
Easy answer for me: I ordered. I brought enough for 5. I serve the five and not myself. I can drink water and I don't need a donut. That said, maybe everyone will share. I don't see the problem unless everyone is immature.

There are basically four answers other than mine:

1. Make it fair (like in grade school)
2. Make it a competiton (like in Lord of the Flies)
3. Do it cooperatively (a more mature approach... the one I like)
4. Greed. THEY'RE ALL MINE! (the flip side of my answer)

I really loved the humorous answer by LeJenD' in Caffeine and Sugar - 30DBC 11/5 from Dissociated Thoughts 


LeJen: "Ah... greed. Not competition. Not cooperation. Not even fairness. Just plain greed. *Smirk2* Now... a personal question... do you like donut holes?" re "Caffeine and Sugar - 30DBC 11/5

QP: "Yeah, for me the problem is the prompt. Why would there be a problem? I'd drink water and lose weight (I wish). But... I do love coffee and donuts. *Smile*" re "Coffee and Donuts

Sox: That's a valid point! re "November 5, 2021

Petra: I'm on my __ cup. Oh, well. No donuts. I'm eating up left over rice because coffee on an empty stomach wouldn't be wise for me today. re "Sharing in the morning

Ray: So... macho...so... American... so... macho American! And juvenile! *sigh* I'm so... not! *Vamp* By-the-way, you left out the part where Lilli walks in, swoops up the coffee and donuts, gives them the evil eye... and vanishes. *Shock2* "Donut Get Upset

Sonali: "Yes. The prompt presents a 'problem' that in some cultures isn't a problem. Some here would try to make equal portions because that's how they are. "She got more than I did." is a common juvenile complaint that many never grow out of. In Thailand I'll have to understand 'only put a little on the plate at a time' until everyone has had a chance to try everything. I tend to do that anyways. Your side note: so that's why they cook enough to serve a village? Because the whole village may show up? " re "By Two Coffee - #30DBC

Viv: "All, all MINE. *Laugh* Ah... greed and making simple solutions difficult. Typical American corporate office... if you ask me. *Smirk* Yes, good answer to the prompt because I can see this." re "COFFEE AND DONUTS ANYONE?


LeJen: "Nothing like a personal story. Thanks for sharing. I don't remember whether I ever read a different point-of-view from someone 'inside'. 'Not all missing are lost' comes to mind. I can see why she stayed away. And I can vouch that once one has stayed away it becomes easier to just avoid or forget." re "Missing

Sonali: "Very nicely done. Here it applies to all the holidays. Some do make an effort. Like the bar Charlie B's (where everyone knows your name) that puts out a spread, invites everyone, asks no questions... except if it's turkey... "white meat or dark"." re "The Quest - #30DBC

Ray: 14 long lines with rhythm, a caesura at times. Rhyme: aabbccddeeffgg. You need to find a contest where you can enter it once you've edited! Nicely done. I was hoping to see a poem or two. There's more to life than NaNo. *Whistle* re "Missing Person

Sandy: The strength of this response is giving Melanie a voice. IRL so few live or living remember those moments. Recently, Winston Maxey III, who was 15 in 1971 was identified in Oregon after DNA matched a daughter he never knew about. An unsolved case now 'solved'. But what happened will most likely never be known. *Sad* re "Missing

QP: "Who-you-are matters. As do priorities. Amber alerts need to be rethought. At times I wonder whether we already live in a Twilight Zone. " re "Missing

Petra: "Ah... Being Black. And people wonder why BlackLivesMatter? Maybe because to them... they don't. 1983 was a long long time ago... but that family remembers. Grief has no expiration date." re "Missing

Sox: "Oh... something is definitely going on. It may be MenInBlack memory erasure; but, I wouldn't bet on it. Raen's surely in a heap of trouble. Keep writing; we'll keep reading." "November 4, 2021

Annette: "Yes, asking too many question can be dangerous. I liked the notion of nearly invisible "For one, their light-absorbing fur made it almost impossible to see them until they were right in front of someone, even in broad daylight." In fact... those who dare to ask... ah... maybe I just need more coffee or a donut." re "She's Not Missing

Viv: Caves... yes, people do disappear in them... which makes a good cover story for those who need to runaway... or those who never got the chance.{/} re "INTO THE CAVES NEVER SEEN AGAIN


LeJen: "I have mixed emotions. Big money has moved in here, razed housing put up luxury condos. Where the poor are going to go is beyond me. Or should I say... where am I going to go? I like cities. I like small towns; but, strip malls or drive-thru-coffee means you're becoming a suburb. I don't like suburbs." "When Visitors Won't Leave

Sonali: Makes me humble. I just hop on a plane, train, bus. People here find that amazing because they go nowhere without a car, even renting one when necessary. It's an expensive way to live life but very very American. They don't understand me.

Because I prefer staying in hostels I've met cyclists and walkers and world travelers who are just as likely to ride a donkey or a camel as ride in a limo.

I need to travel again soon and keep this in mind. *Care*
re "Self Driven - #30DBC

Sox: "One small detail... if Mira Black is a villain then all her minions could be shades of grey... but never black. There's only One Black. *Smirk* That said, Raen has a reason to be worried. But is she worried for the right reason or is something else going on as well? Could *gasp* Mira Black even end up being on the 'same' side... villain or not? Horrors!" re "November 3, 2021

Sandy: Whether fictional or real... this actually happens. Both the honor guard and the police. We've had the police out when the bikers show up because there's the assumption that there will always be trouble. That's sad in a way. Very sad. re "Sore Thumbs

Annette "Yep, I'm with Charity. Seems kinda normal like the annual Riverfest here. Until you mention the flower fairy setting up shop in your hair! *Bigsmile* I think some pixies got into mine. *Laugh*" re "Fairy Dance

Petra: "Yep, historically, the English have been bad fans. I was in Ireland when they had a friendly with England in 2015, first after 20 years. Solution? Game should've been cancelled and England should've been sent home and banned. I have nooooo patience with this type of misbehaviour." re "Hooligans

Viv: "I wasn't sure whether they were werewolves or dogs. But does it matter? A good pet will calm the inner beast... most of the time.""VISITORS WHO ...



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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1020868-Donuts-30dbc5