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#1023168 added December 13, 2021 at 3:45pm
Restrictions: None
The Reindeer Replacement
“He came out of nowhere, officer!” Santa’s ruddy cheeks crinkled in distress as he pointed to the slender, gray-skinned alien across the snowy field.

“He just swooped his saucer right in front of me, and… BAM!” Santa pounded one fleshy palm into the other to punctuate his point. “Presents went flying everywhere!”

“So you’re saying the wreck was the fault of the other driver?” the Officer Murphy confirmed, looking distinctly uncomfortable as he adjusted his cap.

“Let’s just say that this guy’s not going on the ‘nice’ list next year.” Santa crossed his arms, his eyes blazing with anger. “And if Blitzen’s shoulder has any permanent damage…”

As the normally jolly old elf stewed, Murphy lowered his notepad. He nodded at Santa, his lips curled into a grim frown. Crossing the field, he joined his two colleagues, who were still questioning the other driver.

“...and with no proof of insurance and no license, I’m not gonna lie. This is looking pretty ugly for you, mister,” Officer Lawrence finished, scratching his head under his cap. “I think I might have to book you.”

The alien simply stared at him with black, vacant eyes, blinking twice.

Sighing, Officer Lawrence turned to his partner. “George, I don’t think this guy’s understanding a word that I’m saying!”

George shrugged. “Yeah. It’s always tough dealing with accidents between out-of-towners.”

“x#*&^%” said the alien.

Officer Lawrence turned back toward the saucer’s driver after the outburst, removing his handcuffs and placing them on the alien’s hands. “I’m not exactly sure what those clicks and clacks mean, buddy, but I recognize the tone, and it’s probably appropriate. Not sure if you know what Christmas is all about here on earth, but this little accident here is sure gonna disappoint a lotta kids.”

“Blitzen’s shoulder is dislocated, Santa! Looks like he’s not going to be doing any more flying this Christmas,” cried the elf doctor, still kneeling beside the injured reindeer.

“*#&^@$.” The alien replied, his large eyes downcast, shoulders slumping.

Suddenly, however, the alien perked up, surprising the police when he scrambled quickly across the snow to his smoking spacecraft. He disappeared inside, clangs and clunks from the strange vessel reverberating across the field to the wide-eyed collection of onlookers.

Suddenly, the spaceship rose from the ground, the plume of smoke dissipating in the evening breeze. The ship zoomed around the field twice before slowing to land beside the downed reindeer.

Elves and humans looked on in wonder as the small alien popped out of the hovering ship, the handcuffs no longer binding his slender wrists. He dropped to the ground next to Blitzen. His long, slender fingers worked Blitzen free of the harness, then attached the buckles magnetically to the hull of his ship.

He turned toward Santa, eyes looking hopeful. “&^%&@^#!” he said cheerfully.

Santa’s fingers stroked his white beard as he glanced back and forth between the alien and the large metallic disc attached to his sleigh. “By golly, I think we might be able to save Christmas after all!”

The alien nodded vigorously, then joined Santa in collecting the fallen presents, dumping them in the back of the sleigh. Smile dimpling his ruddy cheeks, Santa mounted his sled, offering a hand to the alien, who happily joined him. He grabbed the reins and gave them a flip. His reindeer and the spacecraft instantly bounded upward, pulling the two men into the sky. As wind whipped back Santa’s red cap, he clapped his new friend on the back. “It will be my pleasure to show a fine man like you one of Earth’s finest traditions.”

Laughing, Santa turned to call out to the awestruck police officers. “Happy Christmas to all⁠, and to all a good night!”

619 words
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