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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1024649 added January 14, 2022 at 8:19am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2 - Attraction
Caius frowned at his friend. For the eighth time that week, Sebastian had gone out of his way to sneak a cuddle from Ember while at school. Ever since his sixteenth, Sebastian's behaviour towards Ember had become more open and affectionate. She-wolves who spoke against Ember near him were openly yelled at and it was clear to the three future alphas as well as Ember's friends that Sebastian was acting like a wolf trying to woo his mate.

Ember had expressed on more than one occasion to him that this behaviour from Sebastian was causing her trouble. Cuddles at the packhouse were fine. But cuddles at school incited the bullies. He sighed and watched as Ember awkwardly didn't react to the hug and waited for Sebastian to let go. She had tried to explain to him why he shouldn't do this but her gentle approach wasn't working. He had to be a bit blunter with his friend.

"I don't get it," Sebastian said, watching Ember walk away. She hadn't even acknowledged his hug like she did at home. "I usually get much more of a response from her when I do that."

"Probably pissed at you," Caius replied with a huff. "She has tried to ask you not to do that at school. You ignored her."

"I still don't understand even that," Sebastian was aware his tone sounded whiny and childish. But he didn't care. He knew what he wanted. "Why ok at your packhouse or mine but not at school?" He caught Caius rolling his eyes at him. "Just tell me straight."

Caius suddenly lifted his head up very alert. His eyes darkened angrily. "Come with me," he growled, anger rolling off him in waves. "You'll see why."

The pair ran in the direction Ember had gone earlier. Screams and angry voices filled the air as they approached. Sebastian's heart began to sink… The scent of Ember's blood was also in the air… Thick and heavy.

"You pathetic excuse for a she-wolf!" A she-wolf from his class screamed and picked Ember up by her hair. She dragged her across the ground before heaving her at the side of the building. "We told you to stay away from Sebastian! And what do you do? You go near him so he hugs you!"

Ember barely reacted. She was used to these bullies. Reacting incited them to hurt her more. They usually gave up hurting her because it wasn't fun to hit someone who didn't respond. They didn't care if it was Sebastian's choice to hug her. All they saw were him hugging her. All she would do when this happened was mindlink Caius and bear with it until either they stopped or he came.

"You're such a whore!" Another she-wolf kicked her hard in the side. When Ember made no sound, she stomped hard onto her wrist. She smiled at the pained cry she elicited from her. "Everyone knows being a mate to you brings nothing. You have no rank and provide no power for your mate. Stop toying with Sebastian so you can have power."

A black wolf with a small white patch between his eyes roared loudly. He swiped his paw throwing the she-wolves to the ground. The glowing golden eyes told them exactly who he was. He dropped his furry body onto Ember protectively, his size hiding her from view completely.

Nearby another black wolf with green eyes howled. The power the pair exuded forced the she-wolves to their knees. It wasn't long before the principal and two other male wolves came running towards them from the school building.

"Sebastian, Caius," Principal Jihyo called sternly. "You know it is against the school rules to shift outside of training classes."

"The golden-eyed wolf growled loudly and angrily before carefully lifting himself off of Ember and settling back down at her side. He nudged her, now unconscious, body with his nose. He finally understood why. She was being bullied for his actions because she was the easier target. He nudged her again trying to elicit a response to no avail.

Logan, Raven, can you let the principal know I've contacted my parents so they can come and collect Ember. Caius mind linked, growling at the she-wolves who tried to get up and leave.

Raven turned to the principal and relayed the same. He sighed and went over to check on Ember. Sebastian growled lightly. I know you're angry Sebastian but you are partially to blame for this. Sebastian gave a small whimper in response. I've mind linked the school nurse to come to check her over before Alpha Marcus and Luna Rebekah get here.

All four sets of parents are coming.
Logan added into the conversation before relaying it verbally to the principal. Bullying to this degree should not be tolerated. They want to make sure it never happens again.

"Where's my patient?" A bubbly she-wolf called running down towards them. She held a black bag bursting at the seams with supplies. Sebastian let out a small whine, drawing her attention to him, before nudging Ember again with his nose. "Oh my…" She ran over and gently started to check her over. "My name is Suzu, short for Suzume or Sparrow in my native tongue," she said to him. She ignored his light growls, use to the behaviour of males protecting their mates, and proceeded to wash down a few of Ember's wounds. "Let's see if I can get her more stabilised."

Caius kept an eye on the she-wolves still sitting submissively near him. Occasionally, he would growl when one would try to get up. These she-wolves seem to keep trying to escape. He rumbled angrily opening the link to the four future Alphas and their father's.

Not on my watch. Sebastian let out a powerful growl that sent shivers through everyone present. The shockwave forced the she-wolves to sit with their hands resting behind their back. No one hurts Ember and gets away with it. A growl rumbled through him again, less powerful this time, before lowering his head to give Ember a lick on the cheek.

Caius, Logan, and Raven looked at him curiously. Sebastian's presentation was like a wolf protecting his injured mate. It wasn't a secret amongst the four that he had feelings for her but when he reacted in this way, they often wondered if they really were mates. It would all make sense with how drawn he was to her and how much he doted on her wants and needs. The three agreed, however, to help keep Sebastian grounded until they knew for sure on her sixteenth.

I don't know how he commanded them all to stay put. Caius mindlinked Logan and Raven. They aren't even all from his pack.

I don't know either.
Logan replied spotting movement from the corner of his eye. A quick glance told him that Ember's three best friends her heading towards her. Frowning, he also caught sight of Raven's pensive look. Something on your mind?

There is a way Sebastian could have done it…
He was hesitant to put the thought out there. Only the Werewolf King can command any wolf from any pack. He took a deep breath. It made sense in his head and the pieces sort of fit. This is based on a guess. The only she-wolf Sebastian has a strong bond with, who isn't family, is Ember… If Ember is Avatar of the Moon…

I see where you are going with this.
Caius interrupted, his eyes widening slightly. When we were younger, Ember use to pretend she had a magical tattoo on her chest. If she really does have one…

That would make Sebastian the next generation.
Logan's eyes also widened in realisation. He could see the pieces fitting together perfectly. Only thing is that all of this is speculation until Ember is sixteen.

Or sooner if Sebastian has his way.
Caius thought to himself. He kept that out of the mind link. He knew his best friend well and him doting on his sister was opening the door to her seeing him in the same light. Right now their relationship was innocent as Ember didn't appear to have the same feelings. He sighed inwardly, not looking forward to the day Ember makes that decision… if she made a decision before she turned sixteen. His skin prickled slightly letting him know his parents were nearby.

The Alphas and Lunas all looked equally angry. Alpha Marcus and Luna Rebekah also looked rightfully upset at the situation before them. Feeling comfortable now that they were here, Caius started to make his way over to Sebastian and Ember.

"I need Ember transported somewhere she can rest," Suzu said interrupting all the mind links. She waited until Caius settled himself at Ember's side with his head on his paws. "Preferably at the packhouse while this situation is being dealt with."

Sebastian growled lightly when Raven lifted Ember up onto Caius' back. A whimpering sound filled the air. Caius stayed still, afraid of her falling off. Ember gripped his fur and continued to whimper. His attempts to reach her were met with a void letting him know she was still largely unconscious.

Luna Rebekah and Luna Rias ran over to them at the sound of her whimpering and took in her teary, injured state. "Sweetheart," Luna Rias called to Sebastian. "Can you bring your jacket to me before you shift back?" He padded over to her with his jacket in his mouth. He watched curiously as she put the jacket over Ember's back. Almost immediately, she stopped whimpering and snuggled into his jacket and Caius' fur.

"Let's take her home," Luna Rebekah said patting the top of Caius' head gently. "Your father and Sebastian will deal with things here."

"I'll come and handover to Doctor Aaliyah what I've done so far for Ember," Suzu added with nods as well from Violet and Rita. All five began to leave. Rita glanced back at Toby with a questioning eyebrow. He headed over to Logan before folding his arms. He wanted to see at least this aspect of the bullying stopped. She nodded and ran to catch up to the other four.

"Mum," Sebastian asked after shifting back and getting dressed again. "How did you know my jacket would calm her down?"

Rias laughed. Her eyes watched the four Alpha's talking to the she-wolves. "When you were a toddler, you would want cuddles from Rebekah while she was pregnant with Ember. Always asking to be picked up and cuddled. Once Ember was born, you would stay near her crib. You would know when she was upset and come get us before she even started crying." Sebastian's eyes widened in surprise. "You doted on Ember ever since she was born. Rebekah and I think you two are mates. Alpha Marcus and your father think we're just hoping you two are so we can join the families together."

He waited until Rias walked off to talk to the other Lunas before talking to Raven and Logan. "It seems," Sebastian said with a small satisfied purr. "At least on an unconscious level, Ember feels the same way." He caught Raven and Logan's eyes. "I know. I won't initiate. I'll wait until her sixteenth." Or sooner if Ember initiates. He watched the Alphas lecture the she-wolves. He could feel his fur starting to rise over his body.

"LISTEN TO THE ALPHAS," he roared scaring everyone present. "I can see all the smirking and sneaky smiles. You will listen, understand, and obey. Understood?" The she-wolves looked like they were trying to resist his words. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" He punctuated each word with a hard glare before ending in a growl. He stalked towards where the Alphas were standing.

"Yes Alpha," They replied, unable to resist the power in the command.

"Good. So faces up and listen," Sebastian folded his arms angrily. "Any smirking or expressions that show you aren't paying full attention and you won't like what I'll do to you." A sinister smile spread across his face.

Your son... Alpha Lucas mind linked to Alpha Alexius, his tone a mix of awe and concern. You don't think he's... He pulled the other two Alphas into the mindlink.

How? Alpha Arazel asked bluntly as ever. He listened as Alpha Marcus went over the school rules and werewolf laws as part of the she-wolf lecture. Remember the strength of the Werewolf King is determined by his bond to the Avatar of the Moon.

So are you saying Ember is Avatar of the Moon?
Alpha Marcus asked when Alpha Lucas took over explaining the punishment the she-wolves would be receiving. Because I've never seen any indication that she is.

Not to discredit your knowledge of your daughter. Alpha Arazel raised an eyebrow, almost mockingly. But you wouldn't know. The Moon Goddess hid the marks of the Avatars. They would present like any other she-wolf to us.

Alpha Marcus looked at the others thoughtfully. Let's shelve this for now. It could be that all our bloodlines have a single focal point and Sebastian is one of those rarities that can channel this strength through that. A bit more research is needed.

Leave that to my son and me since our historical library is the largest out of our packs... Thanks to my son.
Alpha Arazel gave the other Alphas a nod. If our families come from a single Alpha, we'll be able to find it.


I found something interesting.
Alpha Arazel's voice startled the other three Alphas. Our families did descend from one Alpha. He was the first Alpha to populate these lands. Alpha Lothlorian. He was the firstborn son of the first Werewolf King. He travelled from the Isle of Werewolves to here to bring together the warring clans of this continent as the Moon Goddess had requested. His four sons became the Alphas of our four packs with the school at its heart.

So Sebastian could be the most direct descendent of his?
Alpha Alexius asked curiously. That would mean Rias' family line joins to mine somewhere in her past.

That's the thing.
Alpha Arazel's voice took on a worried tone. Lothlorian was notorious for his war with witches and one cursed his family line to only birth one child each generation. He was lucky this curse came after his children were born. There is no way that there could be two branching paths from his family from then on.

Alpha Marcus' voice sounded confused. How did I get two children? I assume because of the curse this hasn't happened before.

Correct. I've been looking into that as well.
Alpha Arazel sounded mildly stressed. The only conclusion I can come up with is divine intervention.

But that loops us back to our original thought.
Alpha Lucas finally spoke up, uncertain how to process everything. Is Sebastian the next generation? With the curse on our families, Marcus could have only had Ember by divine intervention. If so, that makes it a high likelihood that Ember is the Avatar of the Moon.

This is all assuming that the two are mates.
Alpha Marcus replied. He wasn't sure how to take his only daughter being someone who wars could be fought over. He didn't want her to be in the centre of that. All he wanted was for both of his children to live happy and peaceful lives. Speculation isn't going to get us anywhere.

I'll have a chat with my son and get him to limit the displays of power.
Alpha Alexius said with a sigh. It puts both of them at risk if someone comes to the same possible conclusions as we have. A round of agreements was voiced. The last thing we want is either of them getting hurt because of wolves suspecting they are more than what they are.
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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