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Rated: E · Book · Supernatural · #2266738
For him, reality only existed in this room.
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#1026035 added February 4, 2022 at 6:00pm
Restrictions: None
         The blinding rays of light peering in from outside the apartment window had made its occupant stir. Here in this room, days blurred together, and minutes were no different than hours. The only sense of reality hit when the sun rose each day, penetrating the dark room with its warmth. Black strands of hair tickled his face as he sat up in bed. The white sheets fell around him in a bundle, stacking up as if to hold him hostage.

         Across the room, his eyes fell upon his roommate. Noticing his gaze, the man smiled at him, yellow teeth flashing across the room, brown hair swaying in the breeze from the slightly opened window.

         "Welcome back," he said. The brown-haired man held a mug of what smelled like coffee up to his lips.

         "How long was I out?" asked the black-haired youth. The wind was pleasant against his bare skin. Was spring already on its way?

         When his roommate failed to reply, he tried nudging him for a reply. "Leo."

         "I passed."

         His heart skipped a beat.

         "The exam?" His friend has been studying for it for months. "Are you serious? We have to celebrate."

         Leo flashed another one of his winning smiles. The scent of strong, freshly ground coffee danced around him. It left him aching for things he could no longer have.

         His roommate must have noticed this, for a sly smile adorned his lips. "Want some?"

         "That's not even funny." He scowled back at Leo.

         It was quiet for a moment. The sun had moved up higher in the sky, now allowing the shadows that followed it to make themselves at home in the spaces left behind.

         Leo looked at him, eyes soft.

         "I'll tell you all about it next time," he said. "And then we can celebrate."

         "I'd like that." It was all he could manage. The fatigue hit him fast. The time in-between was becoming shorter.

         He was so tired.

         "I'll wait for you," Leo whispered.

         It was as if he knew when the darkness was going to take him. Then again, they had been going through the motions for years.

         How long would he be out this time, he wondered as his consciousness slowly started to fade.

         For him, reality only existed in this room. The comfort of their shared apartment slowly enveloped his body, thoughts ceasing until he would be no more.

         The last image he saw was of his roommate's smile slipping.
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