Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1027162-Glen-Beck-Faith-and-Begorrah
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2256536
Are we all crazy or saved?
#1027162 added February 22, 2022 at 3:39am
Restrictions: None
Glen Beck Faith and Begorrah!

I listen to Fox Radio Chanel in my white van...
Which includes Glen Beck and his magical underpants.
Whoopie do!
His cause today is the Ukrainian people and Canadian truckers.
I'm worried about $3.55 a gallon for my white van...
But, Glen does have a point.

If we all pray, then there will be world peace.
Or maybe Glen Beck is still insane...
Abraham, the founder of Jewdiasism, was polygamous.
And Mormons practice polygamy.
One husband to several wives.
Abraham's last wife Keturah had six sons...

How many bombs have been dropped on the Middle East by the U.S.A?
Does anyone care about the innocent collateral damage?
Remember Yemen?
The Saudis want to bomb Yemen off the map.
Saudi Arabia is getting its bombs from the U.S.A.
What does Ukraine have?
This is all part of Putin's master plan to recreate the Soviet Union.

Let's all take a knee with Glen Beck and pray for peace...
President Clinton took the nukes out of Ukraine.
Ukraine could use those nukes now.
Didn't Hunter Biden do a lot of business in Ukraine?
The Ukrainian exports Ukrainian women for U.S.A. husbands.
Is this all about Hunter Biden and Ukrainian women?

I don't know...

Another denarius for the ferryman.

Bob County

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