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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1027771 added March 2, 2022 at 7:59am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 11 - Stalker Trouble 2
The next day, Ember sat uncomfortably in the classroom. She could feel Trance's eyes staring at her back as if trying to force his way into her thoughts. She kept her mindlink open with the other Avatars and with Sebastian in an attempt to try and keep herself looking like she was unaffected by the sensation.

The four occasionally checked in with her to make sure she was doing ok. She had relayed about the sensation causing Sebastian to growl out loud in his class. He didn't care who knew he was angry. No one had a claim on his mate but him. Ember had to do some soothing of her own to try and stop him from coming to her class and ripping Trance apart.

Trance, on the other hand, pondered what to do about the current situation. He could see her mate mark sitting boldly on her neck as if to taunt him. He desperately wanted to rip it from her neck but the situation called for a more... Subtle... Approach. He thought about Sebastian's known habits.

Caius always grabs a sandwich or a roll for him as he's always outside waiting for my love to come to him. He frowned. Some days Violet does that for Ember as well. Other days she doesn't and there's no pattern to tell what sort of day it will be... Shaking his head, he stared intently at the mark on Ember's neck. The only way to remove it was to either override it or kill the one who made it.

Wolfsbane... Or silver... Wolfsbane better. If I can get Sebastian to eat something with wolfsbane in it and Ember ends up eating it as well then it won't harm her too badly... But it won't kill him either. He shrugged and a wry smile formed on his lips. He frowned, with the resources Sebastian had at his disposal, if he tried and failed to kill Sebastian then he would not get another chance. He had a better chance of poisoning him to buy him some time. No matter. Once I bite Ember, my true mate mark will override that imposter's mark on her. And then she'll understand how bad it is to go against your true mate.

He thought carefully about where he should get the supplies of wolfsbane from. He knew he had to go to underground sources since the ranked members would grow suspicious if wolfsbane suddenly entered the pack territory. Alpha Arazel in particular would skin him alive if he was caught with wolfsbane on him.

He knew by the King's law that wolfsbane and silver were illegal to own by anyone who was not an Alpha. Both were methods of punishment and the crimes that allowed them to be used as punishment were severe. He knew there were underground rings of rogues that can be used to purchase wolfsbane so it was only a matter of finding one.

Nodding to himself, he decided that soon he would set his plan in motion. Until then, he would be content to continue threatening Sebastian's life with warnings to Ember about going against the Moon Goddess. She knows she is my mate. I've told her she's my mate. She will pay heavily. I won't let her out of our bedroom until she's has given me enough pups to keep her busy for the rest of her life.

He vaguely listened to their teacher, a plan slowly forming in his mind. The school curriculum always allocated their year as learning life skills. Part of this was learning about working. He glanced over the plan for their class to work a week in the cafeteria assisting the omegas that cook for the school. I have a few weeks before my turn comes. He smiled. Doable. I'll poison a few and make sure Caius grabs a poisoned one for Sebastian. He smiled directing his energy towards imagining Ember's body writhing with pleasure under his. I can't wait!


Phoebe sighed. Trance was making things more difficult than usual for her to approach their Alpha. Given she has off for a week due to her condition, she had to seek out her teacher for make-up work. No need to wait for me Trance. I have to go see Logarth to get my work from last week.

Are you sure? Trance asked. She was the only one he would use his concerned tone on. It made her feel guilty that she was going to betray his trust. I'm happy to wait.

I'm sure. Phoebe replied. Besides, you usually watch Ember around this time as she waits for Sebastian and Caius. His growl rippled through their mindlink. I don't want to keep you from that.

Ok then. See you at home sis. Trance gave her a smile before disappearing out the door.

Phoebe sighed and walked towards the teacher's lounge. She lightly knocked on the door. A spunky looking teacher stuck her head out and gave Phoebe a questioning look. "I'm here to collect my work from Logarth for last week."

"Oh, of course! I'll go get him." The teacher ducked back inside and closed the door. Phoebe stood waiting, wondering if she should mention something to her teacher. She was drawn back out of her thoughts to the sound of his voice.

"Phoebe," Logarth handed her a folder with exercises and an assignment. He went over what he expected and smiled as she relayed and clarified points with him. "Any other questions?"

Phoebe hesitated before expressing her request. "Can you take me to see Alpha Arazel?" Logarth, taken aback by the request, stared at her confused. "It's about my brother..." She trailed off before taking a deep breath. "He's the one targeting Ember..."

Logarth's eyes widened. "He's told you?" Phoebe shook her head. "You've seen it?" She nodded slowly. "I have a few things to gather before heading home, if you don't mind waiting a few minutes?" Again, she nodded. He ducked back inside, the door closing behind him. He glanced back at the door before tapping into his pack's mindlink. Logan.

What is it Logarth?
Logan replied relatively quickly. Logarth relayed everything Phoebe had told him. I'm going to take her to Alpha Arazel before heading home to our pack. Can you let him know or get Raven to let his Father know we are coming?

Sure thing.

The mindlink cut off and Logarth quickly packed his bag before heading back out to Phoebe with his keys in his hand. "Let's get going." He lead the way down to the teacher's carpark. "I've asked Logan to let Raven and Alpha Arazel we are coming to see him."

"Thankyou Sir." Phoebe murmured before settling into her seat and tried to calm her nerves on the drive to the Deep Water packhouse.


Trance stared angrily as his parents allowed Alpha Arazel and Raven into their home. Someone ratted me out! I swear once Ember is mine I will find the rat and make them regret turning on me. Family knows what's best for you... Bullshit! He pretended to pay attention to Alpha Arazel's reasoning for the visit and request to search their home. His parents agreed for the search. What the fuck! My parents don't even trust me enough to deny that I would do anything like what they are accusing me of!

He followed the Alpha and his son directed their warriors as they searched through the entire house. The warriors were very careful to put everything back as they found it once they were satisfied that there was nothing of note. Narrowing his eyes, he glared at the warriors as they searched his bedroom. How dare they!

He felt a hand rest on his shoulder. "If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about," His Father, Alan, said softly. "Alpha Arazel has the right to search any house he sees fit to ensure the safety of his pack. Denying him that right by refusing a search could indicate to him that we have something to hide." He glanced down at his son. "We have nothing to hide as we have done nothing wrong."

Trance clenched his jaw. Of course we've done nothing wrong. I'm trying to get my mate back. That isn't wrong. Sebastian is in the wrong for stealing her! But being a future Alpha he gets to be above the law! He restrained himself from letting out a growl in anger. Once I have my mate back, everything will be right again.

Taking a deep breath, he forced his expression to remain neutral. His mind was determined to keep his future plans to himself and to find a place where no one would find Ember until his goal was reached. He smiled internally. A minor roadblock to his plans but one that was not impossible to overcome.


"So I heard you are responsible to putting Ember through hell," A velvety she-wolf voice wrapped around Trance as he sat alone watching the future Alphas and their mates from a distance during lunch. "They say that you are claiming to be Ember's true mate." The she-wolf leaned over a spoke directly in his ear. "Is that true?"

"Why should I tell you?" he spat turning away from her. "You're a future Beta. You have an obligation to tell Alpha Alexius if you know."

"Obligation?" She sat down next to him with a sly smile on her face. "Yes but I'm not commanded to do so. I want my mate so I'm willing to help you get yours."

"Sebastian is your mate?" Trance looked angry. "I knew he had stolen my mate for his own selfish reasons. How could he deny his own mate? As future Alpha to the Shadow Runners, he should have his true mate not a chosen mate." Trance growled angrily and slammed his fist down on the table in front of him. "What do you have in mind?"

"Poison them," she purred in his ear. "If we poison them enough, we can mark and mate them before they are even able to stop us." She chuckled. "After all, a true mate mark will override a chosen mate mark."

"That is true," Trance replied mimicking her smile. "I also need a place to hide Ember. My family will turn me in the moment I bring her home. They don't believe me when I told them that Sebastian stole my mate."

"Not a problem," she replied. From around her neck she produced a key. "My Father built a cabin not far from the school. It's within Shadow Runners territory as well so even if they do suspect you, they will search Deep Water territory instead of Shadow Runners. No one knows about this cabin as Dad built it for his mate and him to sneak away during lunch. It's a small one room cabin with a bed inside but it'll suit your purposes nicely."

"Won't he miss the key?" Trance asked. He tied the key around his neck and tucked it under his shift. "I mean it is his cabin."

"He passed the key to me when I turned sixteen," her smile grew wider. "For me to have for privacy with my mate if we wanted to have some fun during school."

Trance chuckled before asking. "I take it Sebastian refused to go there with you?"

"He not only refused," she growled. Her eyes flashed green showing her wolf just on the surface. "But he used an Alpha command on me telling me to get away from him. I was so livid that he would do that to his mate!"

Trance held out his hand to the she-wolf. "Then let's get our mates back and show them that they should never disobey a mate bond every again." She took his hand and shook his, sealing the deal between them. He paused before adding, his smile growing wider. "I have an idea on how to make it even harder for them to find Ember."

"Let's hear it," the she-wolf replied with an equally wide smile.


Trance smiled to himself. Today was the big day. Quickly and quietly, he sprinkled wolfsbane on several rolls. The more rolls spiked with the wolfsbane, the more likely that a poisoned one would fall into the hands of Sebastian. He stacked the rolls onto the serving tray. Carefully he placed the poisoned rolls at the front. Now just to wait for the fireworks.

He watched the students as some picked up some of the poisoned rolls. No matter. Collateral damage to get my mate back. His eyes spotted Caius entering the cafeteria. It's go time.

Quietly, he snuck away from his duties and followed Caius outside. He held a roll and two pies. Predictably, the roll was for Sebastian. Trance growled softly at the sight of Ember sitting in Sebastian's lap while she read a book. He couldn't see what the book was about but Ember's gentle smile told Trance that she was very happy and comfortable sitting there. Not for long.

Time slowed down for Trance. It was agonising for him to watch as Sebastian chatted with the other future Alphas first. He felt it was torturous as Sebastian slowly unwrapped the roll and took his first bite. Sebastian was almost half way through the roll when Trance began to wonder if the wolfsbane was fake... Until it started.

Sebastian gripped his chest. Sweat poured down his face. Ember dropped her book and got out of his lap, her eyes wide. Trance could see her mouth moving trying to talk to Sebastian. He couldn't hear any sound but he could tell by how she was acting was that things were not going good for them. Sebastian at this point was leaning heavily on Ember. His eyes heavy and his breathing laboured. The remaining three future alphas eased him from her arms so he could lay on the ground.

Trance could see the tears flowing down Ember's face. She rested her hands on Sebastian's chest. Roars and loud growls filled the air and Trance ducked back further into his hiding spot. The Alphas along with their Betas and Gammas had arrived. He bit his lip. It will be hard to take her with them present. Smiling he watched as Sebastian fell unconscious... And Ember's eyes widened before her pupils shrunk to pinpricks. She had shut down.


Violet and Rita shook Ember, trying to elicit a response from her. She remained unresponsive despite being upright. "CAIUS!" Violet screamed, her hands shaking as they covered her mouth. "Caius! She's not responding!"

Alpha Marcus and Caius both whipped around at her scream. Caius quickly moved in front of Ember shaking her harder than Violet and Rita had done earlier. "Sis?" Ember's eyes remained wide and vacant. "Sis, come on! We need you here! You need to stay strong for Sebastian. Your mate is counting on you to be here with him." Seeing no response, he looked up at his Father. "I've only seen her do this once before. It took Sebastian to bring her out of it." He took a deep breath. "She's completely shut down."

Taking a deep breath, Alpha Marcus called to his Gamma. "Ridley, can you watch over my daughter while we deal with this situation. I cannot help but feel this was intentional."

"Yes Alpha," He bowed and added. "Alpha Alexis has also asked Noel to watch over Ember as well. She's their future Luna." Alpha Marcus nodded understandingly. "We will ensure she is safe."

Nearby, Alpha Alexius sat with the Loam, healer from the Deep Water pack. He worked with Aaliyah to try and work out what happened to Sebastian. Cries from other wolves caught their ears. Suzume came running to them in a panic.

"There are more wolves falling with the same symptoms!" she cried. "I've asked wolves who are unaffected to bring them here. There's at least twenty who have fallen with the same symptoms." Wolves came from everywhere carrying their unconscious friends and relatives.

"Wolfsbane..." Aaliyah stared at the testing vial in her hands. "He's been poisoned with wolfsbane..." She went to each of the affected wolves. Quickly testing, she brought all the vials back to the Alphas and Loam. "They all have been. This is looking like a targeted attack. Someone deliberately poisoned them with wolfsbane."

Caius shifted nervously next to his Father. "Sebastian ate a roll from the school cafeteria. He always eats one every lunch. What did the other wolves eat? It's the only way they could all be poisoned around the same time with the same thing without knowing it."

"I'll find out," Suzume bounced on her feet and pulled out her notebook. Caius watched her quickly write down what Sebastian had eaten before this incident and went over to start interviewing the other wolves present.

Caius took a deep breath and turned to his Father. "Ember hadn't eaten anything yet at lunch so there isn't a chance that she is poisoned. But I'm worried this may have something to do with Trance."

"Same here son..." Alpha Marcus replied. Be it luck or divine guidance by the Moon Goddess, he had looked up to where the two Gammas stood with his Daughter. Both Gammas fell to the ground before his very eyes. "Ridley!" Aaliyah ran with him towards the two Gammas. They both writhed on the ground from the same symptoms as Sebastian and the other wolves had. But for them, several arrows had been fired into them laced with wolfsbane. Alpha Marcus growled loudly drawing the attention of the other Alphas to his location. "Where is my daughter!" He growled loudly, angry that the Gammas had not only been taken down but Ember had been stolen from right under their noses. "I want her found. NOW!"


Trance ran through the forest. His amazement at his luck burst out of him in fits of laughter. His arms were filled with Ember's petite frame. Mine! He cried in his head with pure happiness. And what's even better is that she can't even fight me. She's so broken because of what I did to Sebastian! All mine to do what I want! He kept running until he reached the secluded cabin his benefactor had provided him.

Eagerness filled his being as he kicked open the door and lowered Ember onto the bed inside. He stood back, licking his lips savouring the moment. He wanted his lips to touch and claim everywhere. His eyes raked over her body before being drawn to the two decent mounds that sat on her chest. He reached down to touch one.

A golden shield threw him backwards hard against the wall. He stared at it before realising the golden colour was the same colour as Sebastian's eyes. "That bastard still stops me!" He growled angrily. His claws came forth as he tried to break the shield down to get to Ember. Sparks flew up from his claws causing small burns on his hands. He stepped back frowning. "I guess that means I have to kill Sebastian to get what I want. My benefactor wanted Sebastian but he bars my way... She can't have him if I can't have Ember." He slammed the door to the cabin shut and stalked back to school trying to think of a way to kill Sebastian once and for all.
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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