Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1032798-Munkey-Pox-and-Cannibal-Girls
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2256536
Are we all crazy or saved?
#1032798 added May 24, 2022 at 6:14am
Restrictions: None
Munkey' Pox and Cannibal Girls!

Muzzy waters his flower pots.
He looks at the parade of beach fans.
Hmm, maybe I could have sex with one of those bikini girls?
"I know what your thinking" Sally states while nursing their twins.
"Oh?" Muzzy turns to his girlfriend and mother of his twins.
"Well, there is Munkey' Pox and an outbreak of cannibal girls."
Sally adds.

Muzzy looks at his twins.
"They'll be adults in 2030" he states and continues his watering.
Hmm, I like that I Dream of Jeannie outfit.
"And your back to ogling the bikini girls again!"
Sally grimaces as the twins bite harder on her nipples.
Muzzy turns back to his girlfriend and gives a Chesire Cat Smile.
"I was just musing and I love you..."

"We are not married. You can do what you chose."
Sally is adamant.
Muzzy gives his smile again, "Do you really think I have a prayer?"
Sally laughs, "No."
"You would need a lot of money which you do not have."
Sally laughs lauder, "Good luck!"
"Thanks" Muzzy returns to his watering.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1032798-Munkey-Pox-and-Cannibal-Girls