Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1033450-Manchurian-Candidate
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2256536
Are we all crazy or saved?
#1033450 added June 6, 2022 at 8:57pm
Restrictions: None
Manchurian Candidate...

Manchurian Candidate stars Frank Sinatra and has a supporting cast that's great too.
I like Angel Lansbury as the conniving mother.
She would go on to star in Murder She Wrote.
I hope the present President of our not so united states is not a Manchurian Candidate.
That would cause civil unrest.

It looks like this President has done everything for the profit of China.
His son Hunter Biden owes his wealth to China and Ukraine...
I hope that does not compromise our President Biden.
Nevertheless, I am an Irish Democrat like my father and his father.

I believe that government should help people be prosperous.
Maybe there is a greener world to come...
It feels like we are at war with Russia.
But, that's between Russia and Ukraine...

Isn't China aligned with Russia?
I'm confused.
I need a nap...

Bob County
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