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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2280466
Old Jokes repurposed for today's world
#1037546 added September 9, 2022 at 6:09pm
Restrictions: None
Rim Shots
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How can you tell when The Drumpf is tweeting a lie?
Because his thumbs are moving!

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Why did The Drumpf cross the road with a shovel?
To get some dirt on the other side!

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Why does The Drumpf wear condoms on his ears
while conducting foreign affairs?
Because he doesn't want to get hearing aids!

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While social distancing, The Drumpf finally proved that he's a stable genius.
He finished a jigsaw puzzle in only seven days though the box said 2 to 4 years.

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Don Jr. and Eric decided to drive up to the lodge to hunt some really big game.
They came to a fork in the road with a sign that said 'Lodge - bear left'
so they turned around and went home.

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"I can't believe you joined the Trump administration.
It must have hurt when your spine was removed?"

"Well, it makes it a lot easier to bend over and kiss ass.
What really hurt was having half my brain removed!"

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