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Rated: E · Book · Other · #2279759
a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1039077 added October 11, 2022 at 5:23pm
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Character Background Story
Jake Burnett looked at his son with pride. He said, "One day Son, you will take over our family business."

Joal looked back at his dad with a look of deep thought. "Dad? What if I want to do something else?"

Jake scolded his 10-year-old son, "Joal! Don't say something like that! Of course, you will want to take over the family business! You are the oldest and it is your responsibility to keep it going! You get anything else out of your head! Do you hear me?"

Joal replied under his breath with his head hung down, "Yes, Dad! I just thought..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his dad said, "You'll think nothing!" Then he took his finger and raised Joal's head to look at him. "Son, I love you, and I am counting on you to do this for the family. Let's not discuss this anymore."

Joal realized his dad was not giving him a choice. He knew then what was expected of him by his dad and the rest of the family. He just didn't know if he could deliver. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life, but he was only 10 right now. He wanted to be a kid while he could. He definitely didn't want to run any business right now. He had to concentrate on just passing the 5th grade. He was failing English and History. That was his biggest concern right now and he didn't want to have to worry about anything else. He knew he didn't want to disappoint his dad or his family. He finally replied, "Okay Dad, I had better go study for my history test tomorrow, so I don't fail it."

"You do that, Son, and make your old daddy proud!"

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