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Rated: E · Book · Other · #2279759
a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1039311 added October 16, 2022 at 11:30pm
Restrictions: None
Character: Antagonist Background Story
"Character: Antagonist Background Story" ▼
Write a story about your antagonist that takes place outside of your novel. The object of the contest is to make your judges understand and empathize with the antagonist's motivations.

If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, write a background story about that. The Tom Hanks movie ""Cast Away"" famously features only one character (unless you count Wilson), and his antagonist is loneliness. Could you personify loneliness? Why does loneliness exist? What motivates it? How would a lack of loneliness affect survival of the human race? How did it drive main character Nolan to survive for years alone on a deserted island? Loneliness has a job to do. Make us believe it's a valid one.


Life presents us all with challenges. Some challenges are meant to grow us. Some are meant to test us. Some teach us an aspect about ourselves that we are unaware of. Can life itself be an antagonist? I believe it can.

However, to live is life. To live is to experience. Life is a series of both good and bad events and encounters, and some are somewhere in between. It is a series of decisions. It is learning and developing. We all have a choice of how we live our life and choose to respond to the circumstances it gives us.

In my story there are several obstacles and circumstances that must be handled. It is hard to pin down just one. There is disappointment of family members. There is humiliation. There are financial challenges. The city council is against the mission. There is a gang that feels threatened by the work of the mission. There are different religions that must be faced, respected, and come to an agreeable solution to all parties involved. There are needs that need to be met and problems that need to be solved throughout the entire story.

The purpose of my story is to show how all things can work together for good. I hope to raise awareness for the work that real missions are doing in the Chicago area so that people can donate and volunteer for them. This is a Christian fiction novel.

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