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#1039489 added October 20, 2022 at 9:49pm
Restrictions: None
War and why are we there?

The first thing I ask myself is why?
NAZIS were a direct threat to the USA.
Okay that is a good reason to go to war.
What is the direct threat to the USA from the Ukraine versus Rusia invasion?
There is no direct threat to the USA from the Ukraine versus Rusia war.

So, we of the USA are spending billions of military dollars on Ukraine.
Why? What is the return on all those billions of military aid?
Will the USA military be involved?
Will this invasion of Ukraine become an USA versus Rusia war?
Could this become a nuclear war between the USA and Rusia?

Where is Europe standing on the Ukraine versus Rusia war?
Ukraine is not an allied nation with Europe or the USA.
I disapprove of Rusia's invasion of Ukraine.
But should the USA defend the Ukraine from Rusia?
The first thing I ask myself is why?

Just my penny for the ferryman...

Bob County
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