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Rated: E · Book · Other · #2279759
a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1039491 added October 21, 2022 at 12:41am
Restrictions: None
Setting: CONTEST ROUND: Setting Description

Waking up, Joal looked around the room, wondering where he was. Had he just been asleep? He didn't recognize any of his surroundings. He felt kind of hazy, like he was in some kind of fog. He blinked his eyes a couple of times and looked around again. Was he in a hospital room? If so, why was he here?

It must be a hospital room. There was no mistaking the hospital bed he was in, the IV in his arm, and the beeping monitor.

Wow! What a headache! He reached up and touched his head. Ouch! There was a bandage. He could hear the ticking of the clock on the wall and the sound of the air conditioner blowing into the room. He could hear people talking in the hallway outside of his room. He wandered how long he had been there.

He laid there for a few minutes just taking it all in. His head felt like it was being squeezed by a C-clamp. His right leg was aching, and it felt heavy. It must have been close to lunch time because he could smell something like hospital food. Just then his tummy grumbled.

It wasn't too long until a nurse came in to check on him. "Oh good, you finally woke up! How are you feeling?"

"Like I have been beat up. What happened?"

"Well, to make a long story short, you fell off some scaffolding, some 30 feet, I was told. You have been here for a couple of days. You hit your head pretty hard, and it knocked you out. I am glad to see you are awake. I will let the doctor know and he will probably want to come in to see you shortly. In the meantime, I am going to check your vitals and see if it is ok to give you something to eat. How does that sound?"

"All I remember is working on the building. Then I woke up just a few minutes ago with a raging headache and my leg is aching and feeling heavy. And yes, I like something to eat. My right side of my mouth hurts too. Did I damage my face?"

The nurse, smiled. "You knocked a couple of teeth out, but I am sure it isn't anything an Orthodontist can't fix. As for that leg, it was broken when you fell. You have a cast, and it is immobilized at the moment. That is why it feels heavy. Now let's start with taking your temperature."

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