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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2282443
Someone was out to get her. Collina wanted to know who it was and why they were doing it.
#1039788 added October 26, 2022 at 7:26pm
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Professional Eliminators - The Third Outline

Professional Eliminators

The Third Outline

Written By



     Looking through an open Long Tube on the top of her Long Weapon, Collina waited until her elimination was facing her before she used a single red glowing ball to eliminate him. One second it was coming out the end of her Long Weapon, and the next it was hitting the forehead of a male TriLan. Collina could see through her Long Tube that he had been eliminated even before he hit the ground behind him. A few seconds later he disappeared.

     Roobic already knew that Collina had finished her latest elimination and was on her way back to their spaceship before she contacted him. He had been watching her on his Data Monitor in front of him and he was still doing it as she walked through a Wooded Area. Suddenly, Roobic stopped watching Collina and contacted her.

     Collina thought she heard someone following her. So, she wasn’t surprised when Roobic contacted her about what he had just seen. He didn’t know who it was or if there was more than one of them. All he knew was that there was at least one TriLan near her. Collina continued walking toward a large open area in the Wooded Area she was in as she slowly started looking all around her. So far, she hadn’t seen anyone yet.

     Maveen wasn’t just monitoring the health of Collina like she always did during an elimination. He also monitored those around her. That time it was the other Professional Eliminators. Maveen was constantly telling Collina about where they were and what their health was. It helped Collina a lot in eliminating them before they could eliminate her.

     Using two large threes to protect her, Collina started eliminating the other ten Professional Eliminators one after another. They had her partially surrounded, but they had spread out for a better chance at eliminating her first. Around half stayed where they were. The other half tried to move toward Collina. Collina eliminated them before she started eliminating the other half. It looked like she was going to eliminate all of them first, but several small red glowing balls were about to eliminate her.

Chapter One
“All Like That”

     Collina laid on one of the Healthcare Sleepers in Healthcare, staring up at the inside outer hull of their spaceship. Thinking about what almost happened to her only a few hours ago, and how she wasn’t also eliminated thanks to Roobic and Maveen again. She was having a lot of trouble remembering how they did it, but it was starting to come back to her. So was what almost happened to her. Why did it happen? That’s what she wanted to know.

     Roobic was always the first one to get their latest elimination. He just got another one, and he didn’t understand why. It had only been about a day since they got one. Collina usually had several days to relax before she got another elimination. Not that time. Why so soon? Roobic didn’t know why yet, but he was going to find out what was going on there.

     After being contacted by Roobic about their latest elimination, Collina couldn’t stop thinking about it. She agreed with Roobic. It was very unusual. Was it related to what almost happened to her a few hours ago? Collina didn’t know why, but she didn’t think it did. Whether it did or didn’t, she didn’t have time to think about it. She had another elimination. An elimination she was looking at right now through her Long Tube.

     Maveen didn’t like the latest elimination so soon either. It had happened before several times. Only that one was different because of what almost happened to Collina against those ten other Professional Eliminators. Maveen also didn’t like that Collina couldn’t remember what almost happened to her. That wasn’t like the Collina he knew.

     Collina was always very careful when it came to her eliminations, but she was going to be even more careful with this one. She was going to watch her for a while before she eliminated her. So far, she hadn’t seen any problems with that elimination. No protection of any kind. It should be an easy elimination. Maybe it was too easy. That was what Collina was starting to think when she eliminated her too with a single red glowing ball to her head. No one near her seemed to notice when she disappeared after her elimination.

Chapter Two
“What Happened”

     Roobic sat in his hovering seat in front of a large wall Data Monitor. He was tapping away at the control panel beneath that Data Monitor. Looking up at it as he did it. Roobic agreed with Collina about what almost happened to her. Those ten other Professional Eliminators were trying to eliminate her. Why? That he didn’t know yet.

     Maveen was staring at the ten other Professional Eliminators on her large monitors in Healthcare. Going over each one individually. After checking out one on his small Data Monitor in the palm of his left hand, he went to the next one. Tapping away at his hand monitor and looking between it and the large ones. He had checked four of them already.

     There were no doubts in his mind. Roobic watched on his wall monitor as those ten separated to surround Collina partially. Then he got a closer look at their faces as they started trying to eliminate Collina. One of them in particular. She seemed to be the leader of the other nine. Telling them what they should be doing to eliminate Collina first.

     So far, Maveen hadn’t seen anything to help Collina with the other six Professional Eliminators who were trying to eliminate Collina before she eliminate them. after he got finished with the last one, he just stared at them for a long time. While he was staring each one started to disappear when they were eliminated by Collina.

     Roobic continued to watch what almost happened to Collina and the ten other Professional Eliminators. He didn’t like what he was looking at. Those ten Eliminators were using red glowing balls with small blue spots within them. That showed Roobic they weren’t just trying to eliminate Collina. They also wanted her to forget how it happened.

Chapter Three
“Not So Soon”

     Collina was in their Sleeping Quarters on their spaceship getting ready for her next elimination. As she was getting ready, she was thinking about that elimination. She didn’t think it was another elimination against her. Collina didn’t think whoever wanted her eliminated would try again so soon.

     Maveen had just finished checking out Collina. Just like he always did after very elimination. He didn’t think she was ready for another limitation so soon. Maveen thought she should take another week or two off. After all, she hadn’t recovered from her what almost happened a couple of weeks ago. He knew he couldn’t stop her from doing it, though.

     Looking at a large Data Monitor in Data Information on their spaceship, Collina was checking out her latest elimination. She did that before every elimination. Only that time it was different because of what almost happened to her. Collina wasn’t going to take any chances that elimination was against her too. It didn’t look like it was so far, but she still had a lot of checking left to do before she could eliminate him too.

     Roobic already had checked out their latest limitation. He wasn’t surprised Collina was doing it too. After all, he knew she did it with every elimination too. Roobic also understood why she wanted to do it deeper than she usually did. He also did that with those last two because of what almost happened to her with those ten Professional Eliminators.

     Collina didn’t think that elimination was another attempt against her. She would take a little bit longer before she eliminated him to be sure she was right about her thinking. That was why she was looking at him through her Long Tube, but not using her Long Weapon yet. Collina could see there was no protection in the same room with him. There were some walking around the CloudToucher he was in. None were near him, though. It shouldn’t be any problems with Collina eliminating him any time she wanted to do it.

Chapter Four

     Maveen monitored Collina during every elimination. From her health readings, he could see if he needed to contact her about it. Most of the time, he didn’t need to do it. Every so often he did. Her latest elimination was one of those times he did contact her. Maveen was just hoping he wasn’t too late in doing it that time.

     Still not knowing why those ten other Professional Eliminators were trying to eliminate Collina about a month ago, Roobic continued to check out what almost happened to Collina. Roobic was going over what was going on there again. Looking for anything that might help him understand what was happening there. So far, he hadn’t found anything.

     After Collina returned from that elimination, Maveen started checking her out like he always did. Maveen was about finished doing it, and he didn’t like what he was looking at. Physically, she was okay. She had taken a few red glowing balls. Nothing serious about that. What he was worried about had nothing to do with the elimination itself at that time.

     Roobic wasn’t going to stop checking out what almost happened to Collina until he found something to help her. Even if it meant going over what happened a million times. If there was something there, he would find it. He just didn’t know how long it was going to take. There was always something. All he needed to do was find it, and the sooner the better.

     Maveen thought what he had found out about Collina was because of what almost happened to her against those ten other Professionals Eliminators. After all, they were using Memory Balls against her just in case they didn’t eliminate her. That wasn’t what Maveen was worried about, though. It was how those Memory Balls affected her.

Chapter Five
“Only Twenty Protectors”

     Collina just had one elimination that time. The only problem was had twenty Professional Protectors protecting him. She would need to eliminate them before she could eliminate him. only she couldn’t do that. Collina didn’t eliminate Protectors unless she needed to do it. After all, they are Protectors, not Eliminators. It looked like she would need to do it this time. Collina was about to be contacted by Roobic about them.

     Roobic was about to find out something regarding those Professional Protectors. As soon as he did, he contacted Collina about them. What he found out by checking them out too was that they were really Professional Eliminators. Their latest elimination only called them Protectors in an attempt to not be eliminated himself if he was ever to be eliminated.

     After she found out that the Protectors were really Eliminators, Collina started to eliminate them. That wasn’t going to be easy to do. There were only twenty of them, but they were spread out all over that CloudToucher. Collina had twenty levels before she got to who she came to eliminate. Only one Protector per level but finding them was going to take some time. Time she might not have if her real elimination finds out about her.

     Maveen usually monitored everyone involved in an elimination. Mostly she did it with Collina and whoever she was eliminating. She also did it with any protection. Maveen still did it with that protection too, but she concentrated on Collina because of what was going on with her. Because she wanted to be ready if Collina needed her help fast.

     Collina only had five more Protectors to eliminate before she would eliminate the one that she was there to eliminate. That might not be too easy to do now that everyone knew she was there. She could still do it, but she might not be after to eliminate everyone and him before they eliminate her. Collina had been close to elimination six times already. Luckily, none of them had been serious enough to eliminate her. It only took one red glowing ball to do it, and it sure did look like that one was about to eliminate her first.

Chapter Six
“Just One TriLan”

     After checking out her latest elimination, Collina headed for him. She was now on top of a large CloudToucher looking through her Long Tube at him. He was a very busy TriLan right now, but other than that Collina couldn’t see anything wrong with that elimination. At least she didn’t until now. While checking out the rest of that CloudToucher Collina thought that she saw a possible big problem that might get her eliminated first.

     Maveen didn’t think Collina Should have taken their latest elimination. After all, her last one almost got her eliminated. It was only because of her and Roobic who stopped that from happening again. She checked out okay once they got her back to their spaceship, but she still thought that she should relax for a few more days before another elimination.

     Collina thought she saw a Professional Eliminator, and if there was one of them there were probably a lot more. Having Professional Eliminators there didn’t mean it was another attempt to eliminate her, but after what had been happening to her for the last couple of months, she wasn’t going to take any chances. The first thing she needed to find out is if she was a Professional Eliminator, and if so, how many more of them there are.

     Roobic was watching Collina. He was also checking out CloudToucher to see if there were any Professional Eliminators. So far, he hadn’t found any. Including the one that Collina thought she saw. Roobic would continue looking for any problems that might come up against Collina, but he didn’t think that he would find anything, though.

     It appeared Collina was wrong about her seeing another Professional Eliminator. Now she knew why. He didn’t need any. Collina was about to find out he was protected by the large open area in the room he was in. A single red glowing ball wouldn’t eliminate him. She needed to use multiple balls one after another. Even then she might not be able to eliminate him now that he knows she was there. He was using his overturned desk for protection. True, he still could be eliminated. Only now it wasn’t going to be so easy to do.

Chapter Seven
“What was up with Collina?”

     Maveen had just finished checking out Collina after her last elimination, and all appeared to be okay. At least she was physically healthy right now. That wasn’t what he wanted to talk to her about, though. It was what she hadn’t been telling him about her internal health. He knew all about it too thanks to her Memory Ball trying to eliminate her.

     Roobic was going to try something else to find out what almost happened to Collina. He had tried to watch what almost happened to her a billion times. That didn’t work. He had to try something else. Roobic had started doing it. Instead of trying to make sure Collina was supposed to be the one eliminated, he thought he was wrong about that.

C     ollina didn’t know what Maveen was talking about. There was nothing wrong with her. If there was, Maveen would have known about it a long time ago. Maveen didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it before that day. That didn’t mean he didn’t know about it. Maveen wanted to know why Collina hadn’t told him about it, and he wanted to know now.

     Unfortunately, Roobic was right. Roobic already knew that only one Eliminator was given an elimination. That meant that those ten other Professional Eliminators were trying to eliminate her. The big question was why they were trying to do it. Was it because they were after her personally or were they against her because of her elimination of him?

     Maveen knew that Collina had a very serious health problem that may eliminate her before someone else does it first. He could understand why she wasn’t telling who has been giving them her eliminations, but not him and Roobic. How could they stop her from being eliminated so painfully if they didn’t know she had a serious health problem, to begin with?

Chapter Eight
“Two Eliminations”

     Collina was watching her next eliminations from within. That was right. She had two eliminations that time, and she thought that it was best if she eliminated them at the same time. After what she had seen the last several hours, that shouldn’t be a problem. They weren’t always together, but they were most of the time. Collina didn’t have her Long Weapon. It was too long to hide. Instead, she would use Hand Weapons to eliminate them.

     Roobic wanted to know why those ten other Professional Eliminators were there. Were they there to eliminate Collina or were they there to protect the one she was there to eliminate? So far, he hadn’t found anything to help him with what almost happened to Collina. He should have found something by now. That was what he wanted to know too.

     Just as Collina was about to eliminate her two eliminations, another TriLan saw her. He warned them about her, and they took off in different directions. Collina went after the one closest to her first. She had a feeling something like that might happen. That was why she preferred to use a Long Weapon from a distance. Only because there were two of them that time, she didn’t think she could do it. Especially, if she eliminated them together.

     Maveen always watched Collina during an elimination. He had another reason to do it now. After all, he knew that Collina had a very serious problem. If that problem were to come out during an elimination, he wanted to know about it first. There wasn’t anything he could do about it, but he could contact her. That wasn’t much, but it would help her.

     Collina had to use several single red glowing balls to eliminate one of the two she was there to eliminate. Now she only had one more to eliminate. Only that wasn’t going to be easy to do. Not only did she know Collina was trying to eliminate her, but she was also keeping one step ahead of her. Whenever Collina got close to her, she would send some other Professional Eliminators after her to try to eliminate her first. Collina knew there were other Eliminators there. She just didn’t know there were that many of them.

Chapter Nine
“Finding Out Everything”

     Roobic didn’t like not knowing something. He even hated it more when he didn’t know why he didn’t know it. After all, he was one of the best Data Professionals on TriLan. If not the best. So, if he couldn’t find what he was looking for, then there was a reason for it. Unfortunately, he thought he knew what it was, and he didn’t like that at all.

     After checking out Collina once, she did it again. Only that time she went deeper into her checkout. Usually, she just checked to make sure that Collina hadn’t been almost eliminated. Now that he knows Collina had a serious problem within, he wanted to monitor her more closely. That was what she was doing right now whether Collina liked it or not.

     Staring at his Data Monitor, Roobic continued tapping away at the control panel in front of him too. He softly mumbled to himself as he read what was rapidly running down that monitor. The worried look on his face said he didn’t like what he was looking at. Roobic didn’t like it. After all, he was right about what he had been thinking.

     Maveen wasn’t just checking Collina out after her latest elimination. He was also trying to get her to tell him why she hadn’t told him or Roobic she had a serious problem within. It was because she didn’t have a serious problem. Well, she did have one. Only it wasn’t serious yet. When and if it became one, she would let them about it.

     Roobic would figure out what almost happened to Collina a little over three months ago. After all, he knew why he hadn’t been able to find out anything. He still didn’t know why those ten other Professional Eliminators wanted to eliminate Collina, but now that he knew what to look for, it wouldn’t be long before he knew everything about her elimination.

Chapter Ten
“A Lot of Eliminators”

     Collina was about to return to their spaceship when a lot of Professional Eliminators surrounded her in a large Wooded Area. After stopping because she thought she heard some extensions cracking, she slowly looked around her. At first, she didn’t see anything. Then she saw them. She dove between three large trees just as they finished surrounding her. They started trying to eliminate her before she could even try to eliminate them first.

     Maveen never got the chance to tell Collina that he thought she should tell Roobic about her serious problem because of her latest elimination. Now that she was on her way back to their spaceship, she could finally do it. That was before the other Professional Eliminators showed up. Maveen might never be able to tell her about Roobic after all.

     Using those three large trees to protect her, Collina started her attempt to eliminate all of the other Professional Eliminators first. Collina stayed between those trees to protect herself. Only her Hand Weapons were sticking out between them. It was very hard for the other Eliminators to eliminate her, but a few red glowing balls were getting to her. So far, none of those balls had eliminated her. She had eliminated a lot of them already, though.

     Roobic wasn’t surprised when there was another attempt against Collina. He saw them surrounding her before she did, but he couldn’t contact her about them. Since they were being very careful not to make any noises, he did it for them. Maybe he couldn’t contact her, but he could make some noises she was sure to hear. Hear it, she did.

     Collina tried to count how many other Professional Eliminators there were trying to eliminate her, but she couldn’t do it. She thought there was about twenty of them, and that she had eliminated around ten so far. That left only another ten for her to eliminate. Only they weren’t going to let that happen. They were slowly advancing on her. It didn’t look like Collina was going to be able to eliminate all of them first. After all, more and more of their red glowing balls were getting to her. Some of them were starting to eliminate her.

Chapter Eleven
“Too Close”

     Even before Collina got back to their spaceship, she knew someone wanted to eliminate her. Collina didn’t know who it was or why they wanted to do it yet. All she did know what that she barely got away from her last elimination before being eliminated herself. Right from the beginning of that attempt against her, she knew they weren’t there to eliminate anyone else but her. She would find out who and why, but not right now.

     Maveen wasn’t just checking out Collina very carefully. He was also trying to get her to tell Roobic about her serious problem, but he still hadn’t been able to do it. Roobic should know about it. Maveen wasn’t going to give up trying to convince her Roobic should know about her too. Collina was still saying there was nothing to tell him. At least not yet.

     Collina had gotten another elimination. Maveen didn’t think she was ready for one so soon after the last elimination. She said she was, but she wasn’t stupid. Collina knew that could be another attempt against her. All of them could be. That wasn’t going to stop her from eliminations. It may slow her down some when checking them out more than she used to do, but it wouldn’t stop her from eliminating anyone. Not even her latest one.

     Roobic started monitoring her as soon as she left to eliminate her latest elimination. So far, everything was going okay. He hadn’t seen any problems with Collina eliminating that elimination. Roobic wasn’t just monitoring Collina, though. He was also watching all around her. Making sure that there wasn’t going to be any problems with that elimination.

     After watching her latest elimination for several days, she felt ready to eliminate her latest elimination. Using her Long Tube, Collina aimed her Long Weapon at who she was there to eliminate. A few seconds later a small red glowing ball came out of the end of her Long Weapon. It hit the side of the head of the one she was there to eliminate. The first one didn’t eliminate her, though. So, she used another one. That one did eliminate her. She was eliminated before she hit the ground beside her. Maybe Collina wasn’t ready after all.

Chapter Twelve
“No More Eliminations”

     Maveen didn’t care what Collina thought. He wasn’t going to let her take any more eliminations right now. Collina wanted to know how long that would be. Maveen didn’t know the answer to that. All he did know was that it wasn’t like Collina to miss a single elimination the first time. He didn’t know if it was because of her serious problem or not.

     Roobic agreed with Maveen about Collina. It wasn’t like Collina to not eliminate her elimination the first time. He had been noticing that Collina had been acting like this for a long time. Roobic thought he knew what it was too. What he didn’t know was what was going on with her. Was it related to the attempts against her or was something else going on?

     After checking out Collina again, Maveen knew that what was happening to her now wasn’t related to her serious problem. It was because she had been getting a whole lot of eliminations lately. He didn’t know if it was related to the attempts against her or not, but right now he did care. All he cared about was her health, and that wasn’t very good.

     Tapping away at his control panel below his Data Monitor, Roobic wasn’t checking out another elimination. He was checking out Collina. Roobic thought he knew everything there was to know about Collina, but now he wasn’t so sure. That was why he was checking her out. If there was something he didn’t know about her, he would find out what it is.

     Maveen knew that Collina eliminated all of her eliminations lately. It was how she did it that she was worried about. Especially, her last one. At first, he didn’t think it was related to her serious problem. Now she was starting to think that it was. Not only was he starting to think that, but he knew it was only a matter of time before it eliminated her.

Chapter Thirteen
“Ready to Eliminate”

     Collina hadn’t had an elimination in almost a month, and she wanted to know how much longer Maveen was going to stop her from getting one. Maveen still didn’t think that she was ready for another elimination. She knew he had stopped her from getting one several times. Collina was very mad at Maveen about that. When another one came up, she got to it before Maveen could stop her. After all, she was ready to return to eliminating.

     Roobic didn’t understand why Maveen had been stopping Collina from getting any eliminations. He had checked out all of them, and none were another attempt against her. Sure, he knows that she had been getting a lot of them lately, but that didn’t explain why Maveen was doing it. There must be another reason why Maveen had been doing it.

     After reluctantly getting Maveen to let her do that elimination,      Collina agreed to be very careful in doing it. She would have done it anyway. Especially, after what had been happening to her for the last four months. Once she checked out her latest elimination, she headed to where he was to eliminate him. Collina hadn’t done it yet, though. She wanted to watch him a little bit longer before she decided it was okay for her to eliminate him too.

     Maveen still didn’t think Collina was ready to take any eliminations, but there was nothing he could do about it right now. All he could do was monitor her health, and to contact her if he needed to do it. She didn’t think he would need to do it. From her health readings so far, he had to agree with her. Collina wasn’t having any health problems yet.

     Collina watched her latest elimination for about three hours before she decided she was also ready to eliminate him. In those three hours, she hadn’t seen any Professional Protectors or Eliminators. She didn’t think she would. After all, it was very late in the day. It was already dark and everyone else had left there for the day. He was the only one still there. Collina didn’t think he would be any problem in eliminating. And she was right. After aiming her Long Weapon at him, she eliminated him with a single red glowing ball.

Chapter Fourteen
“Never Giving Up”

     Roobic wasn’t just checking out Collina anymore. He was also checking out Maveen. Like Collina, he thought that he knew everything about Maveen. Now he wasn’t so sure. Roobic knew that both Collina and Maveen were hiding something from him. He didn’t know what it was, but he was going to find out what it was. If anyone can do it, it was him.

     Once Maveen finished checking out Collina after her last elimination, he couldn’t find anything wrong with her. That wasn’t too surprising to him. after all, she had been keeping her serious problem away from him for how long? That was what was wrong with him. he wanted to know how long Collina had had a serious problem.

     So far, Roobic hadn't found out anything about both Collina and Maveen that he didn’t already know already. It wasn’t going to be as easy as he was hoping it to be. Roobic could still do it. He just didn’t know how long it would take. Roobic continued tapping away at the control panel under his Data Monitor that was right in front of him.

     Maveen probably could find out how long Collina had been having that serious problem. Only he would need to get help from Roobic to do it, and he wasn’t ready to do that just yet. He still thought that Roobic should know about her serious problem, but it was up to Collina to do it. Maveen didn’t know why she didn’t want him to know about it.

     Roobic thought he might just have found something that might explain what was going on between Collina and Maveen. He couldn’t believe what he had just found out. That was why he was going over it again. Roobic must have made a mistake. Only he didn’t make mistakes. At least not that big. It must be true Collina was about to be eliminated.

Chapter Fifteen
“It Didn’t Matter”

     Collina had gotten herself another elimination. Only that time she thought that it might be another attempt to eliminate her. After all, the TriLan she was headed for to eliminate had a lot of Professional Eliminators protecting him. That was what it looked like to Collina. If they weren’t there to protect him, then they were there to try to eliminate her. She didn’t know whether they were there to protect him or not, but it didn’t really matter.

     Maveen didn’t like the latest elimination that Collina had gotten. Not because they might be trying to eliminate her, but because there were so many of them. he didn’t think that she was ready to eliminate about twenty-five other Professional Eliminators before they could get lucky and eliminate her first. There was nothing he could do about it, though.

     Watching those other Professional Eliminators, Collina didn’t think that they would be a problem whether they were there to protect who she was there to eliminate, or they were there to try to eliminate her, or both. It didn’t matter. He would need to eliminate all of them before she went after the one, she was there to eliminate. That was what she was doing right now. So far, she wasn’t having any problems with eliminating them first.

     Roobic had already started checking out their latest elimination. By the time Collina got to him, he knew all that there was to know about it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t too much. They never were. That made Roobic wonder. Who were those eliminations and why were they being eliminated? Roobic didn’t know who and why, but he would very soon.

     Collina took out three more other Professional Eliminators with multiple red glowing balls. She preferred to use single balls, but with so many of them trying to eliminate her first she decided it was best to use multiple balls. So far, it had been better. After all, she had eliminated almost all of them. Once she got finished eliminating them, then she would go after the one she was there to eliminate. Collina only had a few more Professional Eliminators left to eliminate, but that wasn’t going to be easy to do.

Chapter Sixteen
“Trust No One Except Us”

     Another elimination already. That was what Collina had just gotten. As soon as she got it, she started checking him out. Her last elimination wasn’t another attempt against her. They were just there to protect the one she went there to eliminate. Collina didn’t think that elimination was going to be a problem. After all, he didn’t have anyone to protect him. At least Collina hadn’t seen anyone, and she had been watching him for several days.

     Roobic was about to find out something that might help them know what was going on with Collina and those attempts to eliminate her. While trying to find out more about those eliminations, Roobic found there were two other Professional Eliminators who have been eliminated just like Collina. The only difference was she hadn’t been eliminated yet.

     Collina wasn’t going to take any chances anymore. She was going to make sure that wasn’t another attempt against her. After watching him for the last three days, Collina didn’t think it was another attempt against her. It should be a simple elimination. So, why hadn’t she eliminated him yet? That was what Roobic and Maveen wanted to know. It was because he wasn’t alone. He had a relationship, and that relationship included Young Ones.

     Maveen wasn’t surprised when Collina told them why she hadn’t eliminated him yet. He knew how she felt about relationship eliminations. Especially, not in front of the relationship or anywhere near them. Collina would still eliminate them. She just wouldn’t do it where the relationships would see it. Maveen agreed with those kinds of eliminations.

     At first, Collina didn’t know what to do. Collina was going to eliminate him. Only she wouldn’t do it until he was away from his relationship. Did he know that? Maybe that was why he had been staying near them most of the time. Sooner or later, Collina would get her chance to eliminate him. Hopefully, it would be sooner rather than later. Collina was about to get her hopeful. Using her Personal Transporter, Collina got close enough to him that she could eliminate him without anyone else seeing her do it.

Chapter Seventeen
“More Like You”

     Roobic didn’t know if there were any other Professional Eliminators who had been eliminate like they had been trying to do with Collina, but he knew there were at least two others like Collina. He was trying to find out if there were any more like them. So far, he hadn’t been able to find anyone else. That didn’t mean there weren’t any more of them.

     Maveen had started helping Roobic with what he had found out about the two other Professional Eliminators. He just didn’t know how he was going to help him. True, he could check them out with their health before they were eliminated. After they were eliminated, there wasn’t too much he could do for them. There were things he could try, though.

     After tapping a few buttons on the control panel in front of him, Roobic looked up at his Data Monitor. He slammed his fist on both side of his control panel. Barely missing it. Roobic didn’t know how they were doing it or why, but someone was stopping him from finding out what he needed to know about those two other Professional Eliminators.

     After Maveen checked out the health of the other two Professional Eliminators they were sure were eliminated like someone had been trying to do with Collina, he contacted Collina and Roobic with what he had found out. It wasn’t much, but he had found out something that made him sure they were eliminate like what they wanted to do with Collina.

     Roobic thought he had just found something. Only he didn’t know if it would help Collina or not. He found out there had been three other Professional Eliminators instead of two. Roobic hadn’t been able to be sure about the third one, but from what he had found he was sure he was eliminated for the same reason someone wanted to eliminate Collina.

Chapter Eighteen
“A Need to Know”

     Collina had been thinking she was the only one who someone wanted to eliminate. Now she knew she wasn’t. There have been three other Professional Eliminators who had already been eliminated. The third one she had just found out about. That still didn’t explain who wanted to eliminate her or why they were trying to do it. Collina wanted to find that out now. Only she couldn’t. She had just gotten another elimination.

     Maveen didn’t know why they were eliminated with memory balls, but the three other Professional Eliminators were all eliminated with them. That was why he was sure Collina was the next one to be eliminated. Whoever wanted her eliminated had tried to do it twice already. It was only a matter of time before they tried to do it again to her.

     Not being able to do anything about who was trying to eliminate her or why they were doing it, Collina did the only thing she could do. She was getting ready for her next elimination. After checking him out, she headed for where he was. Now that she was there, she was watching him. Even though she was sure he wasn’t another attempt to eliminate her, she still wanted to watch him a little longer before she eliminated him too.

     Roobic wanted to know more about those other Professional Eliminators. There must be something they all had in common with Collina other than being a Professional Eliminator. So far, he hadn’t found out anything else they had in common, but he wasn’t going to stop checking until he found something. Anything that would help them.

     Collina was ready to eliminate her latest elimination. Using her Long Tube, she aimed her Long Weapon at him. a few seconds later a small red glowing ball came out of the end of it. Another few seconds and it eliminated the TriLan Collina was there to eliminate. Normally, she would use her Personal Transporter to leave there. Only she didn’t do it that time. After all, he might be eliminated, but he hadn’t disappeared yet like all of the others. Why not? That was what Collina wanted to know before she left.

Chapter Nineteen
“Healthcare Signals”

     Maveen hadn’t found any other Professional Eliminators who had been eliminated like someone was trying to do to Collina, but he had found a whole lot that had been eliminated in the last eight months. A lot more than usual. Maveen had a very bad feeling that some of them might be like Collina. He just didn’t know how many of them yet.

     Now that Roobic knew what all three of the eliminated Professional Eliminators and Collina had in common, he might be able to find out who was eliminating them or trying to eliminate Collina. It was that they were Hiders. No one knew where they were. All anyone knew was how to contact them. Sometimes even that wasn’t easy to do with Collina.

     Maybe Maveen can check out their health after they have been eliminated, she can do it before their elimination. That what he was doing right now with all the Professional Eliminators who had been eliminated in the last eight months. So far, he hadn’t found anything to explain why they had been eliminated, and it didn’t look like he ever would.

     Roobic now knew what to look for with the other Professional Eliminators who had been eliminated in the last eight months. He wanted to know if any of them were Hiders too. After checking out about half of them, he hadn’t found any more Hiders. Maybe there weren’t any more. Of course, he still had a whole lot more to check out.

     Maveen thought that maybe the other three Professional Eliminators were like Collina. After all, she had a serious health problem. Maybe they did too. Only they didn’t. Maveen had just finished checking them out, and none of them had a very serious health problem. If that wasn’t why they were eliminated, then what was the reason for doing it?

Chapter Twenty
“Only About Fifty”

     Collina might not be able to eliminate all the other Professional Eliminators before they eliminate her. She knew she was walking into another attempt to eliminate her, but she had to go there. What she didn’t know until it was too late was that there was about fifty of them to eliminate first. Collina didn’t know exactly how many there were. She lost count after she eliminated around twenty. She thought there were about thirty left to eliminate.

     Roobic was about to tell Collina what he had found out about her, and the other three Professional Eliminators had in common when she got her latest elimination. Right from the start he didn’t like that elimination was going to be against her. Unfortunately, he was correct. Only now it might be too late to stop her from being eliminated too.

     It didn’t look too good for Collina. Collina still had about twenty-five Professional Eliminators left to eliminate before she was eliminated. That wasn’t going to be easy to do either. They had separated into individual Eliminators. Each one looking to eliminate her first. So far, Collina had been able to eliminate them, but it was getting harder for her to do it. It only took one lucky Eliminator to eliminate her before she could eliminate them.

     Maveen wanted to help Collina, but she couldn’t do it. All he could do was monitor her health, and he didn’t like what he was looking at. Her health was usually high during an elimination. That time it was extremely high. Maveen knew that meant she was out of control. If the other Eliminators didn’t eliminate her, she might eliminate herself.

     Collina was using a Relationship Sleeper to protect her during that elimination. She didn’t want to be there. It was too easy for the last ten other Professional Eliminators to eliminate her first. That just happen that time. After all, they had forced her there so that they would have a better chance to do it. It looked like that was what was going to happen, though. Collina had been almost eliminated several times already. So far, they haven’t eliminated her, but that was about to change. It sure did look like she had been eliminated.


     What was wrong with Roobic? He was having a lot of trouble checking out the latest elimination for Collina to eliminate. It didn’t happen too often, but it did happen. That time was different, though. No matter how long it took he could find what he was looking for. Only that time it wasn’t happening, and he didn’t know why it was happening now.


     For over twenty years, Collina had been a Professional Eliminator. One of the best on TriLan. If not the best one. She had eliminated about two thousand TriLans during those twenty years. That was about a hundred per year, and that didn’t include all the Professional Protectors and other Professional Eliminators that she had eliminated. All total she had probably eliminated about six to seven thousand TriLans so far.


     Of course, whenever Collina needed his help, he was there to do it. If he wasn’t helping her, he was helping other TriLans at Healthcare places that are all around TriLan. He was also one of the best on TriLan. If not the best Healthcare Professional. Maveen was always being asked to help because he was so good. Like what he was doing right now.

Chapter Twenty-One
“Almost Eliminated”

     Collina looked like she had already been eliminated as she laid on her side on one of the Healthcare Sleepers. Especially, in her face, legs, and body. The only thing that said she hadn’t been eliminated was that she hadn’t disappeared yet. Maveen was still checking her out. She tried to look at him and what he was looking at on his large Data Monitor. Every time she tried. she couldn’t raise her head to do it. No matter how hard she tried.

     Roobic would never forget how he barely got Collina away from the last attempt to eliminate her. He was the reason why she hadn’t been eliminated yet. If he hadn’t sent her Personal Transporter to her, she would have been eliminated. It was very risky for him to do that, but it was the only way he could think of right then to stop her from being eliminated.

     Slightly bending her head forward with a lot of pain on her face, she could see what was left of her arms, legs, and body. Collina knew she wouldn’t be able to do anymore elimination anytime soon even before Maveen could tell her she couldn’t. If she could do it ever again. That was how bad she was. Only that wouldn’t happen. After all, Collina would be eliminating again. She just didn’t know how soon she would be able to do it.

     Maveen had almost finished checking out Collina. He didn’t like what he had found out about her. True, she hadn’t been eliminated yet. She still could be at any time. There was nothing more he could do for her right now. Except to keep her as painless as possible. Maveen didn’t know how long that would last. Maybe a few months if they were lucky.

     Collina suddenly started shaking and shivering wildly. Her head, arms, and legs were flapping around uncontrollably. Maveen was trying to help her, but whatever she tried to do to stop it didn’t help so far. He was starting to get very worried that they helped her from being eliminated too late. She would never admit it, but she was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately, it looked like they were both right. Collina had just been eliminated. At least it looked like she had been. The only thing left was for her to disappear too.

Chapter Twenty-Two
“Where are You Going”

     Roobic didn’t want anyone to know where they were. So, he moved their spaceship to someplace where he didn’t think anyone would find them. He had started monitoring all around them. Roobic hadn’t seen anyone or anything that said they had been found. Right now, he thinks that they were okay. How long it would last, he didn’t know.

     After what almost happened to Collina again, Maveen wasn’t going to leaver her side until she was out of her Deep Sleep. There wasn’t anything that Maveen could do for her once he put her into a Deep Sleep to stop her from being eliminated. He didn’t know how long she would be in there, but he hoped that it would be a very long, long time.

     Continuing to monitor all around where their spaceship was, Roobic still didn’t see anyone or anything. Roobic was sure that they could come out of hiding. After all, they needed to stay out of hiding as much as they could so that they could use it if they needed it. He didn’t think that he would need to use it again, but it was best not to take any chances.

     Maveen knew that the longer Collina stayed in her Deep Sleep the better she had to stop her elimination from happening. He just didn’t know how long that would take to stop it. If she came out of it too soon, it could be even worse for her, Maveen didn’t think that would happen, but he still hoped she would stay in her Deep Sleep until she was okay again.

     Roobic wasn’t just trying to keep them in hiding. He was also trying to follow some of the Professional Eliminators who hadn’t been eliminated by Collina. Collina eliminated most of them, but not all. Roobic had already lost two of them because all went in different directions. That only left two that might help him with what was going on with Collina now.

Chapter Twenty-Three
“Tired of Everything”

     Collina was coming out of her Deep Sleep. Once she came out, Maveen started checking her out. Maveen liked what he had found out so far. He thought she was going to be okay. At least she would be if she didn’t do any eliminations for a little while longer. Collina didn’t like that. She wanted to know how soon she could be going to eliminating. The sooner she went back to it the better. Not because of the eliminating, though.

     Maveen understood why Collina wanted to return to eliminating as soon as she was able to do it. He just didn’t think she was ready for eliminating again. Why did she want to return to doing it so soon? Wouldn’t it be better if she took a few more days, weeks, or months before she, did it? Eliminating wasn’t the reason she wanted to go back to doing it.

     The reason why Collina wanted to return to eliminating was because of the eliminations. It was because she was getting tired of doing nothing. Collina also was getting tired of what had been happening to her lately. She wanted to get back to eliminating so that she could find out who wanted to eliminate her and why they were doing it. Couldn’t do that by just relaxing for as long as Maveen wanted her to do it.

     Roobic had already started doing that after Collina was almost eliminated again a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, he didn’t find out what they wanted to know aka who wanted her eliminated and why they were doing it. Either none of them were headed back to where they had come from, or they didn’t want to take any chances in being followed.

     Collina didn’t take the time to check out her latest elimination that she had just gotten. She didn’t care if it was another attempt against her. In a way, she hoped that they would try to eliminate her again. Collina would make them tell her what was going on with her. Only that wasn’t going to happen that time. It turned out to be a simple elimination. She was a little disappointed that there weren’t any other Professional Eliminators for her not to eliminate. Of course, she would have made it look like she had just missed them.

Chapter Twenty-Four
“All She Needed”

     Maveen wasn’t finished checking out all she needed to keep Collina from being eliminated too, but she was almost finished doing it. He liked what he had seen so far. After all, he was sure that he had all he needed to help Collina. At least he did as long as she wasn’t near elimination. It didn’t look like that was going to be a problem right now.

     Roobic thought that he had found the perfect place for them to hide. It was in a large Open Area toward the center of a Wooded Area. Now he wasn’t so sure about that anymore. He hadn’t seen any Professional Protectors or any Professional Eliminators, but he had been seeing a lot of other TriLans in that Wooded Area,

     What had Maveen done? He thought that he had enough to help Collina, but he didn’t. True, he wasn’t completely out of what he needed. Maveen was getting very low on a lot of it. He needed to get a lot, and he didn’t know how he was going to do that. After all, if he tried to do it, then where they were hiding might be known to everyone on TriLan.

     Hiding them again, Roobic moved their spaceship away from that Wooded Area. Now he was headed for another place where they could hide from whoever was trying to eliminate Collina. After looking all around TriLan for the perfect place where no one would find them, he thought he had found it. They should be there real soon.

     Maveen didn’t know what he was going to do. He needed to get a lot to help Collina. Collina wasn’t the only one who needed them. She was just the main reason why he needed them. Maveen thought he knew where he could get what he needed without anyone ever knowing where they were, but it might be very, very dangerous if they do it.

Chapter Twenty-Five
“Finding Her”

     Collina couldn’t believe that those who wanted her eliminated had found them. They had been hiding at their newest location for almost two months, and they thought no one knew where they were at. Only they were wrong. Another fifty Professional Eliminate were about to try to eliminate her again. The only problem was Collina didn’t think she could do it alone that time. After all, she was still recovering from her last encounter with them.

     Roobic thought he was the reason why they had been found. He thought he had found the perfect place for them to hide until Collina was able to return to eliminating. It looked like he was wrong about that. Now whoever wanted Collina eliminated had found them. Roobic didn’t know what to do, but he knew he had to do something and fast.

     Usually, Collina did her eliminations by herself. She didn’t want to risk anyone being eliminated because of her. Especially, Roobic and Maveen. That time she might need their help. Collina was going to try to eliminate them on her own, but the way she had been feeling lately she didn’t think she could do it alone. She didn’t want to ask Maveen and Roobic for help, but that was probably what she was going to need to do and soon.

     Maveen was sure he was the reason why whoever wanted to eliminate Collina had found them because of what he needed to help Collina. He couldn’t think about that right now. Collina might need him. Maveen didn’t know how he was going to help, though, after all, he was a Healthcare Professional and not a Professional Eliminator like Collina.

     Collina so far had been able to eliminate about twenty of the other Professional Eliminators on her own, but it was getting harder to eliminate them. As soon as she eliminated one of them, two more show up to try to eliminate her. She didn’t want to get Roobic and Maveen involved, but it didn’t look like she had too much of a choice. With some help from Maveen and Roobic, Collina should be able to eliminate all of the other Professional Eliminators before they could eliminate them. Collina had just done it.

Chapter Twenty-Six
“Not All Eliminated”

     So soon after the last attempt to eliminate her, Collina knew what that meant. It meant that whoever wanted her eliminated really wanted her eliminated. She wouldn’t be surprised if there were a lot more like that one. That was why she let one of the other Professional Eliminators not be eliminated. So, that she could follow him back to whoever wanted to eliminate her. Which Collina was what she was doing right now.

     Maveen was also trying to follow the other Professional Eliminator back to where whoever wanted to eliminate Collina was. Only he was doing it through his health. He liked what he had seen so far. True, Maveen didn’t know if he was going back to whoever wanted to eliminate Collina. He was heading somewhere in a very big hurry, though.

     Collina knew that Roobic had tried to follow some other Professional Eliminators back to where they had come from, but he did it with four of them. He didn’t know if any of them were going back there or not. One of them might had been. Then again, maybe none of them were going there. Collina was only following one. True, he may not be going back there, but she thinks that he is. To tell whoever wanted her eliminated what happened.

     Roobic also was monitoring the other Professional Eliminator very closely. That wasn’t all he was doing, though. He was also using their spaceship while doing it. Staying just far enough away so not to be possibly seen by him. That wasn’t really a problem, though. After all, he was also using hiding while he was following him in their spaceship.

     Getting ready for anything was what Collina was doing right now. Collina wanted to be ready to start eliminating if who they were following did go back to whoever wanted her eliminated. She didn’t care how many other Professional Eliminators there were. She was so bad about what they had been trying to do to her, that she would eliminated all of them. after she eliminated them, Collina was going to eliminate those who wanted her eliminated. Only she wasn’t going to do it quickly with them. It would be very painful for all of them.

Chapter Twenty-Seven
     “Something Was Wrong”

Maveen didn’t know yet, but there was something wrong with Collina. She had been acting like that lately, and he wanted to know what it was. He didn’t think it had to do with her serious problem or her health. So, what was it. All he knew was that it all started after they lost the last Professional Eliminator a few months ago.

     Thinking that something was wrong with Collina too, Roobic had started checking her out again. Roobic didn’t think that he would find out anything that he didn’t already know, but he had to try something. That was the only thing he could think of to do right now. Besides, there was always a chance he might find something to help him after all.

     Collina hadn’t been just acting like something was wrong. She had been staying to herself most of the time. Except for eating and sleeping, she was somewhere else on their spaceship. Maveen didn’t know where she was because he couldn’t monitor her. That was something else that was wrong about her. Collina usually didn’t act like that either.

     Roobic wanted to know what was wrong with Collina. So far, he hadn’t found out anything he didn’t already know about her. Now he didn’t know what to do. He could try to check her out again, but he didn’t think he would find anything. Suddenly, he smiled. Roobic thinks he knew what was wrong with Collina and how to find out about it.

     Maveen was about to find out where Collina had been going on their spaceship, and she couldn’t believe what she had been doing. no wonder she didn’t want anyone to know about it. Now Maveen had a very difficult decision to make. Was he going to forget what he had found out or was he going to do what he should be doing? It was all up to Collina.

Chapter Twenty-Eight
“Only One Thing to Do Now”

     Collina tried to follow another Professional Eliminator back to where he had come from. Only that didn’t happen. At first, she didn’t know what to do. All she knew was that she was going to find out who wanted her eliminated and why, and she didn’t care how she had to do it to get what she wanted. Collina tried it the easy way. Now she would do it the hard way. She preferred to do it the hard way anyway. it was more fun for her that way.

     Roobic disagreed with what Collina was doing. He wanted to find another way to find out who wanted to eliminate Collina and why besides what Collina was doing. So far, he hadn’t come up with anything yet. Roobic wasn’t going to stop until he did. There must be another way. All he needed to do was figure out that other way. The sooner the better.

     The only problem Collina had was she didn’t have another Professional Eliminator to tell her who wanted to eliminate her and why. Collina needed an elimination with some Professional Eliminators. Only she wasn’t getting any. She didn’t know what to do. So, she did something she had never done before. Collina contacted those who gave her all her eliminations and asked them for an elimination. At first, they didn’t want to do it.

     Maveen wanted to know how Collina got her another Professional Eliminator without him or Roobic knowing about it. Also, how she got him on their spaceship without them seeing it. He understood why she had done it, but he didn’t have to like it, and he didn’t. Maveen didn’t know what he was going to do now, but he would do something.

     Collina didn’t care how she got the answers t she wanted. Now that she had another Professional Eliminator, she would get those answers. Using a white glowing ball, Collina used it against that other Professional Eliminator. Hitting him in his left arm. Then she did it again, but in his right leg. Both times he screamed out in pain. Collina asked again what she wanted to know. Once again, he didn’t tell her. That was okay with her. Sooner or later, he would tell her everything or he would be eliminated very painfully. The choice was his.

Chapter Twenty-Nine
“Getting Answers”

     Roobic still didn’t like what Collina had done. He understood why she did it, but he didn’t give her any answers. Not knowing what to do now, he started watching him. hoping that he might say something that they could use. Unfortunately, he hadn’t said anything yet.
Roobic doesn’t think that he will, but he can’t think of anything else to do right now.

     Maveen was checking out Collina, and he didn’t like what he wasn’t finding. He couldn’t find what was wrong with her. Why she had been acting like that lately. Maybe he wouldn’t have found what was wrong with her, but he should have found something. Maveen hadn’t done that, and he wanted to know why he hadn’t found anything yet.

     Continuing to monitor the other Professional Eliminator that Collina brought onto their spaceship, he still hadn’t heard anything that might help them find out who wanted Collina eliminated and why. The other Eliminator mumbled. Especially, when he was sleeping. So far, he hadn’t mumbled anything about what was going on with Collina.

     Going over what he had found out from checking out Collina again, Maveen thinks that he knew what was wrong with her. It was because of the Memory Ball that tried to eliminate her almost eight months ago. Not only was it supposed to remove her memory if it didn’t eliminate her, but it was going to stop her from wanting to eliminate anymore.

     Roobic was starting to think that maybe he was right about that other Professional Eliminator not telling them what they wanted to know. Suddenly, he thought that he heard something. He needed to make sure that he heard what he thought he heard, but if he did hear it, then they know who wanted Collina eliminated. Maybe not why yet, but who.

Chapter Thirty
“Eliminate or Not to Eliminate”

     Collina didn’t know how whoever wanted her eliminated had found them again. Of course, she wanted to know how they did it, but she couldn’t think about that right now. She had about forty other Professional Eliminators to eliminate before they eliminated her. Collina wanted to keep some from not being eliminated. Only it already didn’t look like she would be able to do that. There were just too many of them trying to eliminate her first.

     Maveen wasn’t sure why the Memory Ball used against Collina didn’t do what it was supposed to do, but he thought it might have to do with her serious problem. He didn’t think her serious problem was the reason why she was acting the way she had been acting lately. Now he thinks that it might be. Somehow her serious problem affected both things.

     So far, Collina wasn’t doing too bad against the other Professional Eliminators. Only they were different from others that had come to eliminate her first. Every time she tried not to eliminate one, they either eliminated themselves or one of the other Eliminators eliminated them. That was another reason why she decided not to stop some of them from being eliminated. Now she was going to eliminate all of them if she could do it.

     Roobic thought he knew how whoever wanted Collina eliminated found them. It was the other Professional Eliminator she brought onto their spaceship. He didn’t know if the other one sent out some kind of a signal to them or if they all could be used that way. Either way, he was sure that was the reason why those other Professional Eliminated found them.

     Collina had already eliminated about half of the other Professional Eliminators who were there to eliminate her. That wasn’t too big of a surprise to Maveen and Roobic. After all, she was a wild TriLan. Eliminating them one after another. Roobic and Maveen helped her as best that they could, but she didn’t need their help. Collina didn’t think it was going to be too much longer before all of the other Professional Eliminators would be eliminated.

Chapter Thirty-One
“Who Was a Beginning”

     who had been trying to eliminate her? Collina was about to find out, and she wasn’t that surprised as to who it was. She had thought it was probably them. Still didn’t know why they were doing it, but she would find that out when she asked them. Collina wanted to know how soon she would be ready to go after them. She wasn’t going to like what Maveen had to tell her about that. After all, it was going to be a very long time before she could do it.

     Maveen checked out Collina very carefully. He always did that, but after what she had been through the last eight months it was being more careful than usual. So far, he liked what he had found. She wasn’t too bad, but she wasn’t too well either. Maveen was sure she was going to be okay. At least she would be if she would relax for a little longer.

     Collina was already getting ready to go after those who had been trying to eliminate her. She knew that she wouldn’t be doing that anytime soon, but she wanted to be ready for when she could do it. Of course, she wanted to do it right now. Collina could understand why Maveen wanted her to wait until she was completely ready. If she did it before then, her chances of being eliminated first was a whole lot better. She didn’t want that to happen.

     Roobic wanted to tell Collina and Maveen who had been trying to eliminate Collina as soon as he found out, but those forty other Professional Eliminated showed up before she could do it. Now that they have been eliminated, he can do it. Which he had just done. Neither one of them was too surprised at who was behind her elimination attempts too.

     Collina thought that she was ready to eliminate those who had been trying to eliminate her for a little over half of a year. So, when she was ready, she left to do it. She had enough to eliminate every other Professional Eliminator if she had to do it, and she knew that might be what happened. Collina was being very careful as she headed to where they were. She hadn’t encountered any problems yet, but she would be ready if she did.

Chapter Thirty-Two
“Monitoring Her Health”

     Maveen wasn’t surprised when he and Roobic found out that Collina had left to eliminate those who had been trying to eliminate her. What he didn’t know was how long it had been since she left to do it. After all, he can’t monitor her health if he didn’t know where she was. That was what he was doing right now. Trying to find where Collina was.

     Roobic already knew a whole lot about who had been trying to eliminate Collina, but he wanted to know everything there was about them. Especially, since Collina was on her way to eliminate them. He knew that wasn’t going to be easy to do because of who they were, but if anyone could do it, it would be him. That was what he was doing right now.

     No, Maveen didn’t like what Collina was doing, but he did like the way she was doing it. She could be using her Personal Transporter. Instead, she was doing it the hard way. Maveen didn’t know why she was doing it like that, but he thought it was because of where they were and what kind of extra protection, they have against someone like Collina.

     So far, Roobic hadn’t been able to find out too much about who had been trying to eliminate Collina that he didn’t already know. Roobic wasn’t surprised about it. After all, he knew it would be hard for him to do it. Their protection was strong, but not strong enough to stop Roobic from doing what he was trying to do. He would get it sooner or later.

     Maveen finally found Collina. It wasn’t all that hard to do since they knew where she was going and where she had come from. Now that he knows where she was, he could monitor her health. So far, he liked what she was looking at. Her health was a little high, but after what she had found out and was about to do, he wasn’t surprised about that.

Chapter Thirty-Three
“Elimination, Here I Come”

     Collina was about to be contacted by Roobic and Maveen. They kept their voices low so that they could only be heard by each other. Roobic and Maveen want to know what Collina was doing. Maveen and Roobic know where Collina was headed. Collina was going to do that no matter what they say or do, and they couldn’t stop her. She has already disabled her Personal Transporter. That was one of the reasons why she wasn’t using it.

     Roobic continued to help Collina as best as he could by trying to get through their Protection. That won’t be easy to do without them knowing about it. He could still do it, but he didn’t know how long it was going to take. Roobic should be able to through it before Collina got there. Another reason Collina hadn’t been using her Personal Transporter.

     After using her Personal Transporter, Collina quickly used it again. Collina was using her Personal Transporter, but she wasn’t using it for short distances. She could have used it to go almost directly to the ones who had been trying to eliminate her, but they might be expecting that. Besides, she hadn’t figured out how she was going to get past their Protection. Collina was going to need some help from Roobic to do that.

     Maveen was very happy that Collina was using her Personal Transporter like that. It kept her health high, but not too high. He was still against Collina going after them so soon after their last attempt to eliminate her, but by doing it that way, she was staying healthy. Maveen just hopes that she kept staying healthy like that.

     Collina hadn’t seen any other Professional Eliminators, but that didn’t mean they weren’t following her, watching her, or scattered all over TriLan to watch or follow her. That was another reason why she was using her Personal Transporter like she had been doing. she was ready for them if they do show up to try another attempt to eliminate her, and sooner or later there would be at least one group of them trying to do it.

Chapter Thirty-Four
“Where was Collina Heading”

     Roobic still hadn’t been able to get past the Protection of where Collina had been heading, but he did think that he was getting closer to doing that. He had started at one spot near where Collina was heading, but not too close to it. After all, if they were expecting her, they would be monitoring all around them to eliminate her if she showed up there first.

     Continuing to monitor Collina, Maveen liked what he was looking at. Her health was still high, but not too high. It was going up slightly, though. That he didn’t like. The closer she got to her destination, the higher it got. Right now, that wasn’t a problem, but it could become one very quickly. Maybe too quickly for her to have a very big problem.

     No, Roobic wasn’t just trying to help Collina with where she was headed. He was also watching all around her as she continued using her Personal Transporter for any other Professional Eliminators who might be near her. That hadn’t been easy to do because of her numerous quick transports, but he hadn’t seen any of them yet. Hopefully, he wouldn’t.

     Maveen contacted Collina to tell her she needed to slow down a lot. It wouldn’t do her any good if she wasn’t completely healthy by the time she got to where she was headed. If she wasn’t completely healthy when she got there, she may have had a big problem with her eliminating them before she was eliminated. A very, very big problem.

     Roobic thought he had seen something that may have been a group of Professional Eliminators. He just didn’t know if they were looking for Collina or following her. Either way, it could be another elimination attempt against her. So, he contacted Collina. She didn’t think it was a problem. Suddenly, it became a very, very big problem for Collina.

Chapter Thirty-Five
“More Now, Less Later”

     Collina didn’t need to be contacted about a whole lot of Professional Eliminators who had been watching her. She already knew about them too. That wasn’t the first group she had seen watching her. Almost every transport there had been some. Only that time there were a lot more of them. Usually, there had been only about fifteen to twenty, but that time there were about forty. Were they about to start another attempt against her?

     Maveen was already starting to get worried about Collina. Her health was getting higher almost constantly. That could mean only one thing to Maveen. Collina was about to start eliminating the other Professional Eliminators near here. Maveen would try to contact Collina about it, but he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening.

     With such a large group of Professional Eliminators, Collina decided it best if she eliminated them now. Besides, the more she eliminated before she got to where she was headed the less, she would need to eliminate then. After all, there could be several hundred there to eliminate first. She could have quickly transported away from there, but she didn’t. Collina started eliminating them, and she had already eliminated quite a few of them so far.

     Roobic kept in contact with Collina too during the latest attempt to eliminate her. He knows she didn’t need his help against those forty other Professional Protectors by telling her what they are doing because she can see it for herself, but he wanted to help, and that was the only thing he could think of to help. So that was what he was continuing to do.

     Collina didn’t have too many more Professional Eliminators left to eliminate. She had already eliminated about thirty so far. That only left around ten more to eliminate. One after another, she started to do that, but it wasn’t completely a one-sided elimination. A lot of their red Memory glowing Balls were trying to eliminate her. Of course, none of them had done it yet, but it only took one to eliminate her first. It was her and one other Professional Eliminator. Both were about to be eliminated at the same time.

Chapter Thirty-Six
“Not Surprised”

     Collina was now in a Wooded Area on her way to those who had been trying to eliminate her. She was being very careful as she continued toward them. Almost constantly looking all around her. Jumping slightly if she walked on an extension to a tree. Especially, if that extension creaked. Collina hadn’t seen any more Professional Eliminators, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. It just meant they hadn’t tried to eliminate her yet.

     Roobic used his Data Monitor above him to keep his eyes on Collina. He was also monitoring the Wooded Area that surrounded where Collina had stopped. That wasn’t too easy to do because of all the trees there. Roobic hadn’t seen anyone else there, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t there or that they were also Professional Eliminators.

     Suddenly, Collina stopped walking through that Wooded Area. She was at the edge of it, and she could see where she was headed. Collina was looking at where those who had been trying to eliminate her were, It was a small land mass that was surrounded by water. The water she knew would eliminate her very slowly and painfully if she tried to use it to get to that other land mass. She would need to find another way to get to them.

     Maveen wanted Collina to return to their spaceship after she barely turned sideways before the final red Memory glow Ball passed past her. She got scared a little bit by it, but that was all. After that attempt on her, she started heading to those who had tried to eliminate her. Maveen wanted to check her out, but she refused to come back there.

     Collina just sat at the edge of that Wooded Area staring at the small land mass where those who had been trying to eliminate her were. She could see where they were hiding barely. Like most of her eliminations, they were using a Wooded Area that was surrounding them. Collina hadn’t seen any other Professional Eliminators, but he knew they were there. Just not sure how many there were. Eliminating them wasn’t going to be easy, but Collina would do it no matter who else needed to be eliminated first.

Chapter Thirty-Seven
“What Will She Do Now”

     Roobic could see what Collina was looking at, and he didn’t like it. He knew how to turn off their Protection long enough for Collina to get past it without them knowing what they had done but getting there could be a big problem if they are watching the water around them. Then again, they might not be doing that since it was Death Water.

     Maveen thought that Collina would be okay now that she had calmed down a lot. Her health was still high, but not as high as it used to be. Of course, that would all change once she headed for that small land mass. It would get even worse after she got to that small land mass and started eliminating those who had been trying to eliminate her.

     What was Collina going to do? How was she going to get to those who had been trying to eliminate her without them knowing it? She could use her Personal Transporter, but they would know it. Coming in from above she would be seen too. The only way to do it was through the water surrounding it, and she couldn’t do it that way either.

     Under high health? That could mean only one thing to Maveen. Collina had been thinking about what she was going to do to get to that small land mass without anyone knowing it. She had put herself into a kind of Deep Sleep to think about it. Maveen liked it when she did that. Too bad she couldn’t do that all the time. Unfortunately, she couldn’t.

     Roobic couldn’t believe what Collina was doing, and there was nothing he could do about it except watch her do it. Collina had made her decision, and she had already started doing it. She was running slightly above the water toward that small land mass to where those who had been trying to eliminate her were. One mistake and she was eliminated.

Chapter Thirty-Eight
“No Problem So Far”

     Collina had gotten to the small land mass where those who had trying to eliminate her were. Her overall appearance didn’t look too well, and she did have some new health problems because of the Death Water she mostly walked across. Now all she needed to do was to get to those who had been trying to eliminate her. She hadn’t seen any Professional Eliminators or how many there were on that land mass, but she knew they were there.

     Maveen was happy Collina was okay after her walking across that Death Water, but he was also very mad at her for doing it. He was also mad at himself because he wasn’t there to help her now that she needed him. There wasn’t anything he could do. Except to continue watching her as she headed for those who had been trying to eliminate her.

     Using her Personal Transporter, Collina could have used it now. She was close enough to those who had been trying to eliminate her that only one use would have put her in the middle of them. Only she didn’t want to do that. She wanted to do it the hard way to eliminate as many other Professional Eliminators as she could before getting to them. So far, Collina hadn’t seen any other Professional Eliminators there to eliminate silently.

     Roobic could see what Collina was looking at because of his monitoring. He was doing that too. Only that wasn’t all he was doing. Roobic was also monitoring everywhere around her. If there were any other Professional Eliminators near her, he would notice them and contact her to tell her where they were and about how many they were.

     Collina wanted to eliminate them silently because she didn’t know how many of the other Professional Eliminators there were walking around that Wooded Area. She didn’t want to eliminate them all at once if she didn’t need to do that, and she didn’t think that she would. So far, Collina had eliminated about fifteen of them silently, and none had been able to contact the others to tell them she was there. If she saw any more, she would eliminate them silently too as she headed toward those who had been trying to eliminate her.

Chapter Thirty-Nine
“Health Matters”

     Maveen knew what Collina had been doing because of her health readings, and she didn’t like it. Collina was still at a healthy high, but the more eliminations that she did the higher it would get. That was what Maveen was starting to get worried about. If it was starting to get higher now, what was it going to be when she really started her eliminations?

     Roobic continued to monitor Collina as she headed toward where those who had been trying to eliminate her were. She had stopped her eliminations for now. He wasn’t just monitoring her and any other Professional Eliminator near her, though. Roobic was also looking ahead of Collina. Collina wasn’t too far away from where she was headed.

     Constantly, Maveen was looking from one Health Monitor to another. One showed Collina as a TriLan moving through a Wooded Area. The other one showed the health readings of Collina. That was the one Maveen was looking at most of all. He didn’t like those health readings. Maveen was starting to get very worried about Collina again.

     After contacting Collina to tell her there were no more possible attempts against her, aka any other Professional Eliminators heading toward her, he returned to monitoring her and her surroundings. Roobic had been contacting her every few minutes. Mostly because it made her mad, but he was also doing it to let her know what was going on with her there.

     Maveen was also contacting Collina every few minutes. Only he was doing it because of her health. He was telling her that she needed to slow down a lot. Maveen knew she wanted to eliminate those who had been trying to eliminate her, and he agreed with that. It wouldn’t happen if she continued the way that she had been going. How can she eliminate anyone if she was eliminated herself? Maveen wasn’t talking about another Professional Eliminator doing it. He was talking about her serious problem. What serious problem?

Chapter Forty
“Eliminating All of Them”

     Collina had already started eliminating everyone that was there. Unfortunately, it wasn’t those who had been trying to eliminate her. It was other Professional Eliminators so far. The one she really wanted to eliminate, and soon would, were hiding deep below her. Collina was making her way toward them with each level she went down after eliminating everyone in the level that she was on. She had already left six levels before that one.

     Roobic wanted to know what was seriously wrong with Collina. He had been asking it ever since Maveen let it slip a few hours ago. Maveen nor Collina had told him what they were talking about. Roobic was still helping Collina during her eliminations now, but it was getting harder to do because he couldn’t concentrate on it because of her serious problem.

     Collina didn’t know how many other Professional Eliminators that she would need to eliminate before she got to those who had been trying to eliminate her. She had already eliminated about fifty of them so far, and with fourteen more levels to go before she got to them, she was right about how many there would be there to eliminate. Collina might not know how many there were, but she was right about it being several hundred of them.

     Maveen never meant for Roobic to find out about Collina’s serious problem like that. He thought that she must have told him about it by now. After all, it had been just over half a year since she found out about it. In all that time, he was sure Collina told him what was wrong with her too. That was not the time to be thinking about something else with Collina.

     Collina had eliminated all the other Professional Eliminators on the first half of the levels that were protecting those who had been trying to eliminate her. About two hundred of them had been eliminated so far. That probably only left around two hundred for her to eliminate before she could eliminate her real eliminations. She was going to eliminate them too or be eliminated herself. Collina wasn’t going to let that happen. It was either her or them, and it wasn’t going to be her. She wasn’t going to stop until she eliminated all of them.


     Not knowing how many more other Professional Eliminators there were protecting those who had been trying to eliminate her didn’t matter to Collina. She was going to eliminate all of them. then go after those whom she was really wanting to eliminate. Only she was going to eliminate them very slowly and painfully. Collina wanted to know why they had been trying to do that to her before she finally finished eliminating them.

     Roobic hadn’t seen any more Professional Eliminators for Collina to eliminate. He had been looking for them just to be sure there weren’t any she hadn’t eliminated, but it appeared she had eliminated all of them. All except for the ones protecting those who had been trying to eliminate her, and she was eliminating them right now.

     Collina figured there would be about another two hundred other Professional Eliminators to eliminate before she got to the ones who were trying to eliminate her, and she was right. She had been eliminating around two hundred more of them one after another. Just like the other levels, she was using multiple red glowing balls to eliminate them, and she was going wild with them. Not caring what else she eliminated to get them.

     Maveen didn’t like her health. It was extremely high and was getting higher with every elimination she did. If she continued like she was, the other Professional Eliminated wouldn’t need to eliminate her first. Collina would do that herself. He had tried telling Collina that numerous times, but she doesn’t have time to do that right now.

     Wanting to know why they wanted her eliminated was the only reason why they hadn’t been eliminated yet. Collina was going to eliminate all ten of them, but there were a lot of different ways to do it. From quick to extremely painful. Whoever told her why first would get the quick elimination. So far, none wanted to tell Collina why. They would rather be eliminated than tell her why. Maybe after two or three got eliminated, the others might change their minds. Unfortunately, they didn’t. So, Collina eliminated them too.

The End?

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