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a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
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#1040659 added November 25, 2022 at 11:32pm
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Part 2 - Working it all out

Joal went through the day making sure he had everything measured correctly, he was on time with his project, the men knew what they were doing, and everything was in order. When he was to be inspected, he wanted it all to work like a well-oiled machine. It seemed like the day flew by. When he was ready to clock out, he went into the office to clock out on the computer. His dad was there.

Joal, son, I want you to know that no matter what, I am very proud of you. You have worked hard and you have grown up into a nice young man. I think you will do well. I want to talk to you about something.

Sure, Dad! What is it?

I went to the dr today. He gave me some not so great news. I am not sure how much longer I will be able to keep working this line of work. I may need you to take over the business a lot sooner than expected.

Ok, like how soon are we talking about?

Well, that depends on the results of the tests the doctor is running. I may need you to take over by the end of the year.

Wow! That was unexpected!

I know, son! Believe me when I say I am not happy about it. However, sometimes life has other plans.

Dad, before I answer you, I want you to give me some time to think about this. I had planned on working at least one or two years as a manager before we took the next step. Besides, you still have a couple of years before you are 65.

I know, but we may not have a choice! I didn't ask to have these health issues. They just happened. The doctor thinks it has to do with my heart and I may need a surgery and will be forced to cut down on my work load. I have total faith in you that you can do it if you put your mind to it. I will give you a few weeks to get used to the management position and then I want to start preparing you to take over.

I told you that I am not sure yet if I wanted to take over, Dad!

You don't have a choice, Son! I told you that you have to take over the business for the livelyhood of this family. Do you want us to go bankrupt? Do you want us to go out of business? A lot of people depend on our income and success! What about all the men who work for me? How will they provide for their families if we don't stay in business?

I don't know Dad I just don't know!

With this, he quickly left the office before they got into a heated argument about it. However, his dad stepped to the door and called after him. And Joal, you need to get yourself a car ASAP. It's going to be hard to run a business without a vehicle of your own! We can talk about that later, but I want you to be thinking about it. I'll see you at home!

Alright, I will think about it. I have some other things I need to do right now. I'll see you later. and with that, he walked away down the street.

He felt frustrated. Just when things began to go his way, this happens. Why dad's health? Why now? He walked around for awhile so he could be alone with his thoughts. This seemed so sudden. Dad seemed fine. How long has he been hiding his condition? he wondered.

He found himself in front of the church. He looked up at the sky and asked, "Why God? Why now?"

About that time a familiar voice said, Hello!

Startled for a moment, he looked towards the sound. Oh! Hi! I didn't even see you there!

Hi! I didn't think you did. You seem to be lost in your thoughts. Is there something I can help you with? It was the pastor. Apparently he had been doing some work around the church building and was getting ready to leave when he noticed Joal stop in front of the church and mumble something toward the sky.

Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind! I just found out my dad isn't in as great health as we thought he was.

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. We will have to keep him in our prayers. There seems to be something else bothering you." It was as though the preacher could see right through him.

Yeah, well it isn't important. Just something I have to deal with.

Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? I can pray with you. I am here to support you and nothing you say will go beyond this conversation right here. Sometimes we all need someone to talk to.

Well, ok, I don't think there is anything anyone can do about it." With that, he began to tell the pastor everything he had been holding in and keeping to himself. He just stated everything matter of a factly with no emotion.


The pastor just patiently waited for Joal to finish speaking. "How do you feel about all of that?

I just don't know that I want to do that for the rest of my life. I want to do something that makes a difference. I know I want to help out at the mission. I feel a sense of purpose with that. What is my purpose in running a construction business just because my dad owns it? It's my dad's thing not mine. I have never been given a choice. It is just what is expected of me. Now that Dad's health is declining, there is more urgency for me to take over. Who else will take over if I don't? I don't want my family to not have an income or the employees of the company to not have a job. I just thought I had some more time. I figured that I would have a couple of years out of college that I could just work and think. Now, life is just throwing me forward before I am ready. I don't even know that I have a choice now. If I have no choice, why am I even thinking about other options? I don't know. What would you do if you were me?

I see you are in a tough spot, and that is quite a responsibillity for you to have on your shoulders. Have you asked God what He wants?

I have prayed and asked God about this before. All I get is silence. Does he even care?

Yes, he does care. He loves you very much, but I asked you if you had asked God what he wants. Or are you just telling him what you want?

I guess I never have thought about it like that. I am not even sure I know how to hear him talk to me. I always considered prayer to be a one-way thing. You tell God what you want or need and he either gives it or he doesn't.

Joal, prayer is a 2-way conversation. Prayer is not just telling God what you want, what you think, what you need, or what you feel. It is part of it, but prayer is also listening for God to talk back to you. God will answer you if you listen and wait for him to answer. The Bible says my sheep no my voice. If you are truely a child of God, he will teach you how to hear his voice. Learn to listen.

I know I have asked his forgiveness for my sin. I pray and I have been going to church.

Have you read the Bible from front to back?

Well, no, but I read it sometimes.

You need to read it all the time. How do you expect to hear him if you don't ever read his Word?

I don't know. I haven't thought about it.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. If you want to have more faith and if you want to hear God's voice, you need to read his word regularly. He is the bread of life. Your soul is starving. Hunger and Thirst after righteousness and you will be blessed.


With that, Joal thought for a moment and said, "I never really thought of it that way."

Joal, God wants to have a relationship with you. If you don't have 2-way communication, how is that a relationship?

I guess you have a point. I guess I have some more thinking to do.

I would say you have some more praying and reading to do.


May I have a word of prayer with you?


The pastor put his hand on Joal's shoulder. Let's bow our head in prayer

They both closed their eyes and bowed their heads to pray.

"Dear God,

I bring my brother here to you in prayer. He has quite a burden on his shoulders. You told us in your word that if we come to you when we are weary and heavy laden that you will give us rest. I claim rest for my dear brother right here in the name of Jesus. I claim peace of mind and calm of heart. I claim clarity on the direction he is to go in his life and the strength to follow through. I ask that you baptize him in the Holy Ghost! Let your spirit rest upon him! Let him do many good things for you in his life. Give him a purpose and a calling. Make it plain.

In Jesus Mighty name,

Amen and Amen"

And God's going to do it brother! Now you go spend some time with him! I hope to see you next Sunday.

Thank you, Pastor. I plan on being here.

Alright now, I got to get home for dinner! My wife is cooking one of my favorites tonight, fried chicken, and I don't want to eat it cold, he said with a smile as he was getting in his car. By the way, Would you like a ride home? It's on my way.

Sure I think I will take you up on that. Thank you. Joal got into the car and they drove away.

When they pulled up to his house, the pastor said, Joal don't you forget to spend time with the Lord. It will change your life. I promise. By the way Seek first the Lord and his righteousness so all those things can be added unto you.

As he drove off waving, Joal yelled back, thanks again. I will.

Joal went inside, His mom was starting to clear the table from dinner. Where have you been Joal? Dinner is cold by now, but I saved you a plate.

I just had some things on my mind and took a long walk to clear my head.

Well, you dinner is on a plate sitting in the oven. We had ham steak and mashed potatoes tonight. Fruit salad is in the fridge. That's what we had for desert. You go ahead and eat while I clean up and do the dishes.

After he sat down with his food and a large glass of iced tea at a freshly cleared table, he said, "Mom, why don't I feel like I have a choice about taking over Dad's company?

Son, I never even thought there was a question. I always thought we had made it perfectly clear that you were to take over for your father. That's why we paid good money for that college education you know. You are very fortunate not to have to pay any student loans back.

I know mom. I just wish I had a choice in the matter.

Where are you going to get a better opportunity for your life and career than owning your own company. This will have you set for life. You know you will make great money and not have to worry too much financially if you manage it all right.

Yeah, I have thought about that. But I want to make a difference. I want to do something important. I feel like I may be meant for something bigger than just the path that has already been determined for me.

You know your father expects it and will be very dissappointed if you don't. It's not really up to me either. Your father has determined that is what is best for the entire family and since you are the oldest boy, It is up to you to carry on the family business, name, and heritage.

Thanks, no pressure!

Son! I am not liking your attitude about this lately. What is wrong with you? Maybe, this is just a phase you are going through and I hope you snap out of it really quick for your father's sake.

I'm sorry mom. It's just how I feel right now.

Maybe you should get some counceling or medication. It sounds like you might be depressed.

Mom, you worry too much. I am fine. It's just a lot of responsibility to take on so soon after college and I am just not sure I am ready for it.

Your dad has told me you will do just fine. He said you are doing a great job, even better than he had expected. The men like you and have already started to accept your authority as a manager. I am sure you will do well.

Alright, if you say so mom. And he decided to leave it at that for now.

I say so, now hurry up and finish eating so I can finish up these dishes.

I'm almost finished. With that he took that last few bites of mashed potatoes and chugged down the rest of his tea. He decided to pass on the fruit salad and just go to his room. He was tired. It had been a long day, and he just want to spend some time in prayer like the pastor had suggested.

He went into his room and lay down on his bed after kicking his shoes off.


He looked up at the ceiling and began to pray. God, I never thought of having a relationship with you like I would anyone else. That sounds like a wonderful thing. But I feel like I am just fumbling around in the dark trying to find my way. You know my situation. What do you say about it? What is your will for my life? I just never thought of asking you. I want to have a purpose. I don't want to just live die and pay taxes. There has got to be more to life than that. Amen

Feeling tired, he then reached into the drawer where he kept the Bible he had gotten when he was young from a Sunday School teacher. He sat up on one elbow toward the light, and decided to begin reading. He began right at the front in Genesis 1. He must have read for awhile because the house grew quiet. He looked at the clock and it was midnight. He had read 16 chapters non-stop. He never knew it could be so interesting. He promised himself that he would read every night before bed from now on. Then he put the Bible away, turned of the light and went to sleep.

He slept really well for the first time in a long time. He assumed it was because he felt so tired. He got up when his alarm went off, showered, and changed clothes. He was running late this time so he skipped breakfast so he could make it to work ontime. Joal was so thankful when he got to work and his Dad had bought donuts and coffee for everyone because they were all on schedule on all their projects which wasn't always easy to do. He picked up a donut, scarfed it down quickly, and poored some coffee in his thermas and was ready to go to the site he was in charge of.

Around 10 am in the morning, he had his first official inspection, he was only off by a couple of minor marks. However, it was still considered passing. He was relieved that was over. By lunch, he was starving! He want to the Little Diner down the street with a couple of the men. It seemed as though lunch ended too quickly. However, he had at least eaten enough to feel satisfied and got some iced water to take with him on the job.

He decided to climb up on some scaffolding to inspect a trainee's work and to give him futher instructions of what to do next. He was in deep concentration checking the measurements of the structure.


All of a sudden the scaffolding began rocking so hard, he lost his footing. Before he knew it he was free falling, then total darkness...

Joal's Dad had just pulled up to let him know he had passed the inspection when he saw it happen. A semi truck had swerved off the road to avoid hitting a car and hit the scaffolding his sone and 2 other employees were on. It had crumbled with the weight of the truck crashing against it. "Joal! Noooo!"

Men began to gather around the site. One of the men's head had been crushed and he was killed instantly. The young man, Joal had been training, saw it coming with just enough time to somewhat jump out of the way and just had a broken leg. Joal, however, had been covered in debree. Some of the site seers were gagging at the site. A couple other men began pulling away the rubble. Joal's dad was standing and stunned silence. His body just could not react. Soon Sirens were heard in the distance. With relief, he thought, Oh good someone thought to call for help. Another group of men went to check on the truck driver who had sustained minor injuries.


The men were finally able to pulled Joal from the rubble. He had a gash across his head and looked like a bloody and distorted mess. About that time the emergency crew arrived. Joal was loaded onto the ambulance first since he was the worst injured and still alive. He wasn't conscious, but was still breathing.

Joal's dad made sure the rest of the construction crew was taken care of and a plan of motion was set into place to deal with the reckage. He left his next in command in charge of the rest and then rushed to the hospital where his son was. He went into the emergency department and talked to the receptionist.

I am here for Joal Burnett. He was brought here by ambulance not long ago.

Ok let me take a look at the computer here. Ah, yes! They are working on him at the moment. Please, take a seat and I will let them know you are here and would like some word on his condition.

Ok THank you.

His dad, looked around the waiting area. They seemed very busy. He found an empty chair over by the window and then realized he had not called his wife.

Dialing the number, He took a deap breath. He knew she would be very worried.


Hi, honey! I am up here at the hospital. I don't want you to panic. Joal had to be brought here by ambulance.

Oh my God! Is he alright?

Well, I don't know.

You don't know? He's our son! How can you not know! She shouted into the phone with her heart racing.

Honey, there was an accident at work today. Joal was injured severely. I just got to the hospital. One of the other men were killed instantly. I am in the waiting room now, waiting for someone to bring an update. As soon as the kids make it home, why don't you meet me up here? We will grab a bite to eat for dinner while we are out. Will you let his sister know about this. I saw the incident occur and I think I need a moment. This is the first time I have had a chance to process it all myself.

Yes! Definately! I will be there as soon as I can. You let me know if you hear anything else!

I will.

With that, they hung up.

He sat there in silence for a moment. All he could see is his son going down with the scaffolding. He looked down at his hands and began to tremble. Everything else seemed like a big blurr at the moment. He felt like he was in a bad dream. This was not supposed to be happening. His son was supposed to be able to take over the company for him and he wouldn't be able to if he didn't survive this or was too severely injured. Everything he worked so hard for over the years now seemed like it was all at risk.


THe emergency room waiting room was full. He was fortunate to have found a seat. He watched as people came in and got called back. It was about 30 minutes before someone came out to talk to him. It was the dr. Mr Burnett?

Yeah, that's me!

Hi! I understand you are Joal's father and want to know how he is doing?

Yes, Please!

Joal is stable at the moment, but we need to do an emergency surgery. An ultrasound indicated that there may be some bleeding on the inside of his abdomen. It apears one leg is broken and he has a pretty good gash on his head. We will know more once we are able to do the operation. We will need to have your consent since Joal is not conscience at the moment. He is very fortunate it wasn't any worse than it is.

Yes, you have my consent. Please do what ever you have to do to make him better.

Ok I will do my best and get a nurse to draw up and have you sign the paperwork. We will get him to the operating room as soon as there is an opening. Would you like to see him before we take him back. It will have to be brief.

Yes, I would.

Ok, I will get things going in the back and a nurse will come get you when we are ready.


With that the dr turned and left. His father thought with relief, well at least he is alive. He still felt numb and in shock. He couldn't believe this was happening.

In just a few minutes, the nurse came to get him. She took him back to the room where Joal was at. There is where she had him sign the papers. When he was finished signing the papers, he went over to the bed by his son. Joal? You just have to get better. Do you hear me? I need you, son. Your mom and I love you and want you to get well real soon. Momma will be here soon and I am going to be right here in the waiting room.

Seeing the condition up close that his son was in struck a cord. A couple of tears stung his eyes and made it down his cheeks. I'll be right here for you, son.

With that, he was led to the operating waiting room.


Once there, he called his wife to see where she was.


Hey, honey! Where you at?

We are all getting in the car to head that way now. Have you heard anything?

Yeah, he has been taken into sergery and I am in the waiting room for surgery right now. I will come outside so I can show you how to get up here. They litereally just took him back.

I just wanted to know if you were on your way before I came outside.

Yeah, I am on my way now. It will be about 10 or 15 minutes.

Ok, I am waiting for you to get here. I will be at the front entrance.

Alright, I will see you in a few minutes.

Ok see you.

Right about the time she said it would take, she pulled up beside where he was standing. Hi, honey! I'm going to go park and I be back in a minute.

In about 5 minutes, the were back in the waiting room.

He looked at her and said, "I was able to see him before they took him back. He is in pretty rough shape." He is lucky to still be alive. I hope he looks better when they when you see him.

I do too. What all is injured?

He has a huge gash on his head, a broken leg, and internal bleeding. He was crushed by a pile of debre.

Oh my God! I hope he will be ok

So do I, so do I.

He kind of blamed himself for pushing his son so hard. Maybe if he hadn't insisted he become manager so soon, he wouldn't have been on that scaffolding.

The clock seemed to tick so slowly. It felt like an eternity had passed when 2 hours later, the Doctor came out to give an update.

Mr. Burnett, your son has made it through the surgery. He had a huge laceration on his liver which we were able to stitch up and apparently there was a small impalement in his back where he had landed. Fortunately it missed any vital organs and we were able to just simply pull it out. It is hard to tell how long his recovery will take. He was still unconscious when we took him into surgery. He will be in ICU until he wakes up and we can evaluate him better. You will be able to go back to see him in about an hour once we get him through the recovery area.

Ok thank you so much doctor.

Waking up, Joal looked around the room, wondering where he was. Had he just been asleep? He didn't recognize any of his surroundings. He felt kind of hazy, like he was in some kind of fog. He blinked his eyes a couple of times and looked around again. Was he in a hospital room? If so, why was he here?

It must be a hospital room. There was no mistaking the hospital bed he was in, the IV in his arm, and the beeping monitor.

Wow! What a headache! He reached up and touched his head. Ouch! There was a bandage. He could hear the ticking of the clock on the wall and the sound of the air conditioner blowing into the room. He could hear people talking in the hallway outside of his room. He wandered how long he had been there.

He laid there for a few minutes just taking it all in. His head felt like it was being squeezed by a C-clamp. His right leg was aching, and it felt heavy. It must have been close to lunch time because he could smell something like hospital food. Just then his tummy grumbled.

It wasn't too long until a nurse came in to check on him. "Oh good, you finally woke up! How are you feeling?"

"Like I have been beat up. What happened?"

"Well, to make a long story short, you fell off some scaffolding, some 30 feet, I was told. You have been here for a couple of days. You hit your head pretty hard, and it knocked you out. I am glad to see you are awake. I will let the doctor know and he will probably want to come in to see you shortly. In the meantime, I am going to check your vitals and see if it is ok to give you something to eat. How does that sound?"

"All I remember is working on the building. Then I woke up just a few minutes ago with a raging headache and my leg is aching and feeling heavy. And yes, I like something to eat. My right side of my mouth hurts too. Did I damage my face?"

The nurse, smiled. "You knocked a couple of teeth out, but I am sure it isn't anything an Orthodontist can't fix. As for that leg, it was broken when you fell. You have a cast, and it is immobilized at the moment. That is why it feels heavy. Now let's start with taking your temperature."


As the nurse was preparing the thermometer, he asked, "What is this bandage on my abdomen for?"

You had some internal bleeding and the doctor had to go in and stop it. It is going to take you some time to recover from all of your injuries. From what I hear, you are lucky to still be alive.

I will sure be glad when someone can come in here and fill me in with all the details. I feel like I am waking up from a bad dream that is just a little too real

He had a good temperature. His blood pressure was stable. His oxygen was good. He appeared to be doing much better. Okay, I am going to let the doctor know you are awake. Your family went home to get some rest. I will also call them to let them know you are awake. I will also make sure we have some lunch for you on the way. You will probably only be able to have clear liquids at first to make sure you can handle it ok.

Ok thank you. And can I have something for pain too?

I will check with the doctor. Then she left the room.

Again, he was back to the ticking clock and alone with his thoughts. He was beginning to feel the pain from his injuries. He felt like a piece of meat that just went through the grinder. His body felt stiff and heavy. The aching was throbbing all over his body. He was trying to remember everything that had happened prior to him blacking out. He only remembered working and then falling and then nothing.


It wasn't long until the doctor came in to examine him. Well that was perfect timing, Mr. Burnett. I just happened to be making my rounds on this floor and was about to come check on you anyway. I am glad you are awake. How are you feeling?

Like someone took me out, beat me up, and drug me around for awhile.

I don't doubt that. You took a pretty rough fall. Has anyone talked with you about your injuries yet?

The nurse did briefly but didn't go into details

You, young man, are lucky to be alive. I was told you fell from a scaffolding about 30 feet off the ground when a semi truck crashed into from trying to avoid hitting a car that suddenly stopped in front of him and lost control of his truck. One of the men you were with were killed. You were the next worse injured. Everyone else made it out with some minor injuries. Your leg is broken in 2 places. You had internal bleeding. We did an emergency surgery to see where it was coming from and to get it stopped. You had a laseration in your liver. We were able to sew it up and stop the bleeding. You also have a significant head injury. It required some stitches and we had to also allow for swelling in your brain.


Joal found his sense of humor, Is that all Doctor? You sure there isn't some more?

Well, if you don't want to count your lost teeth, then no.

May I have something for pain. I assure you I am beginning to feel all of that and more.

Yeah, we can get you something for pain. I am going to order some tests before I am going to let you have a regular diet. For now I want to start you out lite and see how you handle that and make sure all of your internal bleeding has stopped. Once I get those test results back then I will know a bit more and will see about getting you back to a regular diet as tolerated.

Ok, I am hurting but I feel like I am starving.

That is actually a good sign. So I will get things in the works and come back and check on you before I end my shift today.

Ok, how long have I been here.

You have been here a couple of days. I think the nurse let your family know you are awake. They have been very worried about you. We didn't know there for awhile if you were going to pull through or not. That's how close you came to dying, but I am glad you decided to stick around. I will see you later.

The doctor when out and the nurse came in. I talked to your family. They said to let you know they will be here later today to see you. I will be back in here to give you something for pain as soon as the doctor gets it ordered and we are able to get it from the pharmacy. In the meantime, the doctor okayed it for you to have some ice. Then she left the room.

Joal took a peice of ice and popped it in his mouth. It even hurt to suck on the ice, but it was soothing to his parched lips. After eating a couple pieces of ice, he tried to readjust his position. It hurt to move even an inch. He managed to get his position readjusted finally and felt completely warn out from the experience. He must have dozed back off to sleep.

He was waken up by the nurse who had some pain medicine for him and the person from the lab to take the bloodwork the doctor had ordered. He thought to himself, why do they want to take more blood from me when they were complaining that I already lost a lot of blood? He felt to bad to argue though. By the time they were done, his parents came into the room.

His mom rushed to his bedside to hug him. WHile he was glad to get a hug from his mom, it hurt his head. Oh! Mom! Be careful. I am still really sore.

Oh I'm sorry son. I am just so glad you are going to be ok. We are so relieved that you finally woke up.

His dad made his way to beside the bed and said, "Welcome, back son! It's nice to have you back!"

The doctor said someone died. Who was it dad?

Roger Adkins, the man that was working on the other end of the scaffolding. He was a good man and a good employee and I dare to say friend.

Oh wow! That's aweful! His wife is pregnant too isn't she?

She was. When she heard the news about her husband, she went into early labor. They were able to save the baby, but it is premature and on a resperator in the NICU. I am so glad it wasn't you son!

What exactly happened to me, dad? Did you see it?

I saw it. He grimmaced. I wish I hadn't. A semi swerved to miss a car and lost control, running into the scaffolding. When the semi hit it, the scaffolding just crumbled to the ground. You and everyone else that was on it just went down. You were burried with debree from it and the men had to dig you out. You were a huge bloody mess. I was afraid I was going to lose you. Someone called an ambulance and by the time they dug you out, the emergency crew was there. You were rushed to the ER.

That was really random. What are the chances of that happening, Dad?

I know, it is a strange incident. I have never heard of that happening as long as I have been in the business, and I have heard of and seen some freek accidents, but this one is at the top.

If anyone had to be injured, I am glad it was me. I hate that Roger didn't make it. I would have gladly taken his place. Why do I keep having these near death experiences and living? Why is God taking others and not me?

You are just very lucky son and you are a good man. I raised you right.

But Roger was a good man too and so was my best friend a few years back! I feel like I must have a greater purpose. I just don't know what it is yet.

Maybe it's because you still need to finish the volunteer work at the mission.

Maybe, but it bothers me, Dad. Why am I still the one that is alive?

I am sure it is normal to feel that way, Joal, but that is just some survivers guilt. I am sure you will get over it.

I am feeling kind of tired now. I am going to go back to sleep. I am feeling the pain medicine starting to work.


Joal woke up to a technician waking him to go for an mri. The did the scan and the internal bleeding had stopped. They went back to his room where he was greeted by the nurse. She said the doctor had ordered a light diet to start with as could be tolerated. She brought in a dinner consisting of chicken noodle soup and a cup of tea. He used his good hand to put it to his mouth. He felt like he was wearing more of it than he ate, but it felt good to get a little in his tummy anyway. When the nurse came back, she cleaned him up and told him that the next day they would be trying to get him up and moving around a little bit and talk about his rehabilitation.

After dinner was finished, the pastor came in to visit with him before the end of visiting hours. Hello, There!

Hi! Thanks for visiting.

You are welcome. The church has been keeping you in prayer. We started a prayer chain for you, so someone is praying for you around the clock. I am really glad to see you woke up.

I was at first too, now I am not so sure with all the pain I am in. It hurts to move.

Maybe you will feel differently once you get past all the pain. I am sure it is bound to get better from here. Now you just have to heal. God's got some work for you to do still it looks like.

I asked my dad why he thought God keeps sparing me and taking others.

That right there is called purpose. God is not through with you yet. Do you remember our conversation the other day?

Yeah, I do now that you mention it, and I did go home and ask God what he wanted and the next day this happened. What is he trying to tell me by that?

Maybe he felt you needed some time to think and he gave it to you. I don't really know. God thought are higher than our thoughts and his way higher than ours. What I do know is that all things, even bad things, works together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Keep watching and you will eventually see some good come from this.

I wish I felt as confident as you about that.

You can. It's all in God's word.

I might need you to read it to me if you would at least until I get some better. I am not very mobile right now.

I will make a deal with you. I will come every evening around the same time and read a chapter of the Bible to you if you promise to continue to do it on your own when you are able to.

Ok, I think that sounds like a fair deal. I promise.

The pastor opened his Bible and began reading from Psalms.


When the pastor was done reading a few chapters, he prayed with Joal for healing and to know God's will. Then he left and Joal was left alone with his own thoughts. Joal decided to pray.


I don't know why you allowed this to happen or why you keep sparing my life and not the life of others. I know this is not fun and it hurts a lot. I am going to need a lot of help to recover. I don't know how we will continue the mission work while I am out of order. What do you want from me? What do you want me to do with my life? This is the second time you have spared me from dying? The pastor says it is because you have a purpose for me. What is that purpose? I need to know what to do and where to go from here. I don't even know if I will be able to continue to work after this or how long recovery is going to take. This is a lot to take in especially when my head is still fuzzy and I am having to live on this pain medicine right now. I feel exhausted now, and think I am going to try to get some sleep. But I need some kind of sign and I need to know where you want me to go from here.


He got woke up at 2 am to the nurse checking his vitals and checking on him. She gave him some more medicine and made sure he was comfortable. That was the last he remembered of anything until the next morning.

His mom was sitting next to his bed when he woke up just staring at him. Hi mom

Hi, Looks like you slept good last night

Yeah, I was pretty tired after all the tests and visitors. The pastor came by to visit after dinner. I really like this church. I am going to keep attending there for awhile and if it continues to go well, I may just join the church. Do you think Dad will ever join another church?

I don't know. He was very offended by the last one and you know how he feels about churches now.

What do you think about the church mom?

It seems to be very nice.

Would you consider joining a church again.

I would consider joining a church but it will take me a long time to ever trust one again.

That seems fair enough considering all that happened. I am glad to hear you are willing to give it a second chance though.

We will just have to see. The people do seem nice at the church we have been visiting.


Yeah, and I really like the pastor.

I am glad you are enjoying, Honey.

I kind of miss going to church as a family like we used to

I miss it too sometimes.

Did you hear how long the doctor thinks it's going to take me to recover?

I was told it would take at least 2 to 3 months.

That's what the doctor told me too. I guess I won't be taking over Dad's company as soon as he thought.

He knows you need time to get well and recover. I think he will be ok until then.

I just don't know that it is what I am supposed to do with my life. I have a feeling that I have a very different purpose in life. I just don't know what it is yet. I talked to the pastor about how I was feeling and he says I should ask God what he wants me to do. So, I did just that. I haven't got an answer yet, but I am sure he will give me one.

Son, you know it will devistate your dad if you don't take over the business. Who else is he going to get to run it?

Mom, I have a younger brother that will be out of high school soon. He could train him and he could maybe take over the business. I don't mind helping, but I don't understand why all the presure has to be on just me.

Your dad wants it to go to the oldest son and that would be you.

I know I am the oldest, but I do have another brother and other siblings. Dad should let them get involved too.

That isn't up to me. You will have to talk to your dad about that.

I can't help buy feel the way I feel, mom.

I know. You have always been a bit different. It is just your personallity. I just know your father really has his heart set for you to take over the business, and he will be very disappointed if that doesn't happen.

I know mom. I am going to keep praying about it.

The nurse walked in with his breakfast. It consisted of oatmeal, toast, and a bowl of fruit with orang juice and milk.

Am I allowed to have some coffee because I would sure like some right about now?

I will go check, but in the meantime you had better eat up. You have physical therapy starting today.

Then I will definitely need the coffee. The nurse laughed as she went out the door.

He was very hungry. He hadn't really eaten a good meal since the accident occurred. He had to force himself to eat slow and not too fast. As bland as the hospital food was, he didn't even care. He ate it all. He was just finishing off the milk when the nurse brought him some coffee.

It's nice to see you have an appetite, Mr. Burnett. Here is your coffee with cream and some sugar if you like that.

Yes, I do. Thank you very much

You are welcome.

He put the cream and sugar in as his mom watched. She was grateful her son was still alive and it was a pleasure to watch him be able to do stuff she wasn't sure he was going to ever do again. As he sipped the warm liquid, she noticed just how much he took after his father in his looks. You look so much like your father did at your age, son.

Well, then he can't deny me. He said with a smile.

I am glad to see you still have your sense of humor too. Do you mind if I sit up here with you today?

No, I think I would like that very much. It's been a while since we were able to spend the day together.

THat's kind of what I was thinking too. I thought I would spend some time with you while you couldn't go any where. She laughed. You are always on the go it seems.

It does seem like that a lot lately.


I guess I am just used to being busy since I was in college and working. I like to stay busy.

You are a good man, son. I am so proud of you. What do you hope to accomplish by making repairs at the mission?

I just want to make a difference. I want to make the world a better place. I want to help those people so maybe, just maybe they won't end up like the people who took my best friend's life so long ago. If I can keep it from happening to someone else somehow, then that is what I want to do. It gives me a sense of purpose, and it certainly can't hurt to help the poor people out.

What if they don't appreciate it and you do all that work for nothing?

What if I do? I at least tried to help and do my part. I am leaving them in a better situation than what they were before. Is that not worth it?

I can't argue with that logic. I just worry about you taking on too much. I know you are young, but you are still a human. You have your limits like everyone else. I'd like to see you get married and have your own children some day!

There is plenty of time for that! I would like to marry someday, but I don't want to be in to big of a rush. I want to make sure I am established and stable financially before I get into all of that.

That is the responsible way of looking at it. Just don't wait too long. Life is short and the years go by before you know it.

We will just have to see where the future takes me. I am still figuring it out right now. I want to get a car and a place of my own now that I am out of college. Looking down at himself, he said, Of course, I guess that is a bit delayed right now. I was thinking about seeing if I could stay at the mission to see if I can continue to help there. I don't have a family yet, so I just need to support me right now.

That is no propper place for a Burnett to live and you know it! Why don't you look for a small appartment or a room to rent somewhere. That would be less humiliating!

Why do I need all of that. I don't have very many belongings. I heard they had a rooming house set up so I could see if I could get a private room there. I could eat at the mission with the other men there. I could get a small fridge and microwave to put in my room. I'd be ok. Then I could save up even more money for that family you want me to support.

I don't like the idea of you staying there, but you are a grown man now and I have to let you make your own decisions.

Thanks mom! I knew I could count on you to understand.

You know where your home is so come back and visit often when you can, and you know you can always come back and start over at our house. But you have to get well first.


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