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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2282172
Inch tall criminal minors must interact with normal-sized students!
#1042798 added January 11, 2023 at 11:43pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8: Rescue Operation
Chapter 8: Rescue Operation

While clenched in Amelia Andino’s fist, Jason realized he had a transponder built into his class ring. If he could activate it, someone at his parents home should be able to track down the signal. All of the TOY’s were given one, in case of a kidnapping. He reached over with his right hand to his left and screwed the top, activating the transponder.

Back at the Lynch residence, Jason’s younger sister Lavender was emerging from the bathroom when she heard a beeping sound coming from Jason’s room. She went into her brother’s bedroom and saw the control panel lighting up with the signal from the transponder. Her mother was out shopping, so she knew she should find Sadler and his crew to help track down Jason. She used a flash drive to document the transponder signature and the location, and took off to find Sadler.

She rode her bicycle to the high school, which was less than a mile from her house. She dropped the bike when she found the habitation module for the TOYs shattered. When she peered inside, she saw that only Jason had been taken. Sadler, Blip, Hack and Glitch were inside, safe and sound.

“Sadler, can you help me track down my brother?” Lavender asked.

“First you need to restore power to the school!” Sadler told her.

Lavender reached in and scooped Sadler up in her hands, then followed his instructions. She found the spot where the step down transformer box supplied power to the school from the nuclear fusion plant several miles away. She hooked up the cables that had been disconnected by the Death Matrix, and the school once again had power.

Lavender took Sadler back to the habitation module and gently dropped him back inside. She dropped the flash drive into the module so Sadler could download the transponder signature. He hooked cables from the flash drive to the computer and tried to track down the signal where Jason’s ring was transmitting from.

Within five minutes, he had the address.

“It’s the Andino address, and the laptop is registered to Amelia Andino. She must be a kid!”

“Can you set up a meeting with her? Convince her that we are interested in buying the schematics to the communications technology Jason decrypted!”

“I sent her an e-mail!” Sadler replied.

Within another few minutes, Amelia replied. Lavender instructed Amelia to meet her at the high school, and they would conduct a transaction with a debit card. Sadler did as she instructed.

“She’s on her way now!” said Sadler.

Lavender got her cell phone and called the local police department, and told them what had happened. They agreed to send an unmarked unit to hide from Amelia until she showed up. Once she did, the police nabbed her and returned Jason to Lavender.

“This isn’t fair!” Amelia shouted as they put her in handcuffs.

The police told Lavender to take the other TOYs home, and they would have the habitation module repaired by morning time. The TOYs spent the night in her bedroom, and Lavender and Jason’s mother had food sent over that had been miniaturized down to the scale of the shrunken students.
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