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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1043749
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#1043749 added January 27, 2023 at 3:31pm
Restrictions: None
Praying for yourself
Prompt: Is it right or wrong to pray for yourself? Why or why not?

When we pray to God, he wants us to give him our worries. This includes our health problems, personal stuff and anything that is on our minds. I pray for my needs, my family and friends, animals and political leaders who disappoint me. I pray for my Church and we talk to God like a friend. We tell our friends our problems and they try to help. God has the power to heal us and help us and we need him. If we don't ask God for help, that is like saying you don't need his help. You can do this on your own. That is not what he wants. Her wants us to pray to him and ask for his help in every aspect of our lives. Praying involves us as people and the world and animals. I pray for everything and I need help so I pray so I can make it through life and this includes my needs.

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