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#1044911 added February 15, 2023 at 11:01pm
Restrictions: None
the legends are true

The Legends are true

299 words

         This story started for me a few weeks ago. Ever since that fateful night when I was indoctrinated into True Knowledge, I have looked at the world in a different light. They say that the "truth shall set you free". They also say, "Knowing the Truth, the so-called "True Knowledge" usually kills you for as Jack Nicholson so aptly put it, "You want the truth, well you can't handle the truth." Ain't that the truth my friends, and ain't the truth a real first-class bitch?

         The legends are true. The legend that there is a secret conspiracy of shape-shifting reptilian overlords dating back to Atlantis from the planet Sirius is true. They do exist and the alien invasion is coming soon as they are determined to retake the planet.

         It all went down so fast. After learning the secret history of the last five thousand years I saw everything in a different, more sinister, and dark light. Knowing what I know now - that the end times are close approaching - left me with dread, apprehension, and yes paranoia. As Kissinger put it, even "paranoids have real enemies." And boy, does mankind have sinister enemies living amongst us, plotting our utter destruction for thousands of years.

         They have been in touch with Mother Planet. Their instructions are to set off Armageddon and destroy the planet. The invasion begins after the nuclear war is over and most people have been killed and the technological infrastructure destroyed. They will then take over and enslave mankind. Those humans who helped them will be given top jobs in the Sirian administration and eventually given full citizenship rights for them and their families. Most people will be killed or enslaved. Think about what happened to the Indians. That was a Sirian plot.

Daily Flash – list daily do once a week

Prompt for 2/15
Write a story that includes the line: “The legends are true”
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