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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1045844-Dear-God-March-2-2023
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#1045844 added March 2, 2023 at 3:08pm
Restrictions: None
Dear God March 2, 2023
Dear God:

I watched Dr. David Jeremiah this morning. I trust him more then any TV Minister. Thanks for letting him deliver his messages to the world. The world needs him to tell the world about you and Jesus and save people.

Please be with me on my Doctor visit tomorrow. Let the Doctor prescribe the right medications for my minor infection but I feel better somedays then others. Please let tomorrow be a good day for me, my family and friends and everyone who need your help. Please be with all the animals. My family situation isn't resolved and I don't like feeling negative and hurt. Please help me with this situation. I pray for the war in Ukraine as well.

I am thankful for my male cousin who loves me and my husband. I am grateful I have you and Jesus to pray to. I ask for your forgiveness always. Please be with everyone on the Prayer List at my Church and all the Churches the world over. Thanks for listening. I do need you and Jesus more then ever. In Jesus's precious name, I pray. Amen

An image for my blog group

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1045844-Dear-God-March-2-2023