Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1047382-Desperation-in-Death-by-JD-Robb
Rated: ASR · Book · Other · #2289858
Reviews for Books Read
#1047382 added April 3, 2023 at 12:16am
Restrictions: None
Desperation in Death by J.D. Robb
ISBN 978-1-250-84971-7

This is the 55th (*Shock2*) book in the In Death Series by J.D. Robb (This is a pen name for Nora Roberts). It came out in hardback in 2022 and paperback this year.

J.D. Robb (Nora) is a New York Times bestselling author. The first couple of pages shows you the stories in chronological order of being written, and also some of the anthologies she has collaborated on.

The main character is a NYPSD Homicide lieutenant named Eve Dallas. The setting is a little into the future (around 2060). She has a partner, Detective Delia Peabody. She is also married to an obscenely rich and powerful man named Roarke. The story even mentions her fat furry lovable dual colored eyed cat named Galahad.

The further you get into this series of books, you find how her lives intertwine with those she works with and her husband and his family which is from Ireland. It is an engaging series, and even after having read these books, I would keep going back to them. I've read many of them several times, and I don't get bored with them. The writing is that good, encompassing police procedure, personal trauma of different characters, the warmth and love each of the characters possess toward one another.

This particular offering starts with two girls, both abducted and are being groomed for trafficking. They manage to escape, but one girl is caught and murdered. Enter Lt. Dallas, and the story takes off from there. The other is injured and has a bit of amnesia until later in the book. It is fast paced, and you easily get caught up in the story. It only took me two days to read it, and you can be sure I will be going back to it again sometime this year.

I give this story a 5 *Star* rating and the series in general a solid TWO *ThumbsUpL* *ThumbsUpL*, ala Siskel and Ebert. LOL

Caution: there are some disturbing scenes in the books, and some explicit scenes between Eve and her husband Roarke.

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