Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1047469-Running-Out-of-Time
Rated: E · Book · Cultural · #2287159
Poems for Weekly Challenge
#1047469 added April 4, 2023 at 4:42am
Restrictions: None
Running Out of Time

Time is Running Out

They say
That time is running out
That soon the world
Will become uninhabitable

For human beings
Who will have to move
Into underground shelters
To escape the worst impact
Of climate change.

Time is running out
To deal with the ever escalating
Threat of gun violence.

Time is running out
To end the Ukraine war
And to avoid
A war in Taiwan.

Time is running out
To tame inflation
To make college affordable
Health care affordable too

Yes time is running out

But what do our feckless leaders
In the US think
Is the most important thing
To worry about?

Is it climate change?
Is it war?
Is it gun violence
Is it inflation?
Is it the price of college
Is it the price of medical care?


The most important thing
To worry about is

Communism taking over the U.S.
Pedophile democratic leaders
Non-existent election fraud
The 2020 stolen election
Donald Trump being persecuted
The fate of the January 6th
patriotic political prisoners
And trans athletes
And trans people
Using the right bathroom!

And of course
Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Yes time is running out.

comment a bit political rant. With all the real crisis facing the earth and the U.S., it is utterly astounding that our political leaders (republicans) want to focus everyone's attention o such nonsense as

The most important thing
To worry about is

Communism taking over the U.S.
Pedophile democratic leaders
Non-existent election fraud
The 2020 stolen election
Donald Trump being persecuted
The fate of the January 6th
patriotic political prisoners
And trans athletes
And trans people
Using the right bathroom!

And of course
Hunter Biden’s laptop.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1047469-Running-Out-of-Time