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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1047551-Dear-God-April-5-2023
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#1047551 added April 5, 2023 at 4:50pm
Restrictions: None
Dear God April 5, 2023
Dear God:

Thank you for letting my bladder procedure go well. I hope there won't be any any problems and I will be well. Thank you for watching over us in Indiana. Wind and thunderstorms today. We had tornado watches out but you protected us. I am grateful for these things.

Please be with my friends. They have to let their dogs go to Heaven due to illness. I am sad but watch over my friends and the little dogs will be at peace. Please be with my friend who lost her husband. I miss hearing from her. Please be with me and my leg pain. I pray for the world like always, the war in Ukraine, all the animals, my family and friends.

Thanks for listening and be with all the Christians who love you. Please get everyone to believe in you and love you. In Jesus's precious name, I pray. Amen

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