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Rated: ASR · Book · Other · #2289858
Reviews for Books Read
#1048035 added April 11, 2023 at 6:50pm
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Sparring Partners - by John Grisham (an entry for July 2023)
Sparring Partners a 3 story novella set in one book by John Grisham. I am using this story as one of my July's "Anything" entries.

Publishing date: May 21, 2022

ISBN # 978-0385549325

I have always been a fan of John Grisham. It's been a while ago, but I have driven past his home in Oxford, Mississippi. He started out as a lawyer, and then turned novelist, where he has enjoyed great success with over 50 books written.

There are 3 novellas (A novella is defined as a work of narrative fiction that runs between 20,000 and 50,000 words). Three titles in this book are Homecoming, Strawberry Moon and Sparring Partners (which is the title of the book).

The first story (Homecoming) is about a lawyer who walked away from his law office, his wife and family, and ran away. Now he wants to come back to see his daughters. There are several twists and turns in this story, and to be honest, I would absolutely love a full novel on this story.

The second story, (Strawberry Moon), is about a young death-row inmate whose time has come. It is a very sad story, and raises some interesting arguments about trying teenagers as adults, and the death penalty in general.

The third, (Sparring Partners) tells the tale of two feuding brothers, their father, the family law firm along with many twists and turns. The ending is surprising, and almost has a Robin Hood-esque feeling to it. For being a short story, it draws you in, and while there are some questions not completely answered, it is an excellent story.

I give each story a 5 *Star* and I am glad that my son got this book for me to read. It is fast paced, and I read this in an afternoon. It has about 320 pages.

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