Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1049100-2nd-Entry-for-May---Charlottes-Web-by-EB-White
Rated: ASR · Book · Other · #2289858
Reviews for Books Read
#1049100 added May 1, 2023 at 4:27pm
Restrictions: None
2nd Entry for May - Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
Charlotte's Web by E. B. White

Originally published October 15, 1952 The copy I am reviewing is from April 10, 2012

ISBN# 978-0064400558

This is a A Newbery Honor Award Winner

The time I saw this on TV was back in the seventies, as a young child. I was fascinated by the story, even though I am not fond of spiders.

I like the premise of the book: a young pig (Wilbur), a young girl (Fern) and a friendly spider (Charlotte). The pig wins a prize at the fair. The farmer is planning on sending Wilbur to be slaughtered, but with the help of Fern and Charlotte, Wilbur becomes popular and ends up living out his life in the barn. Fern grows up, and Charlotte ends up dying (circle of life) and Wilbur feels like he is alone and abandoned. But is he, really? It is a bittersweet story about growing up.

Kind of funny that I came back to a children's book, but it caught my attention as I was looking for an award winning book.

I give it a 5 *Star* rating. I could relate to it, and I enjoyed it once again.

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