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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1050852-Rain
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2198921
Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana
#1050852 added June 9, 2023 at 10:31am
Restrictions: None

The rain continues. Mercy sakes - it's like God is opening the heavens here. We've had so much precipitation in the last few weeks. You can almost see the grass grow while sitting on the porch. We're mowing every chance we get, in between rain showers and whenever the sun dries the grass.

We did have more sad news. It just keeps on coming. Our neighbor's dog isn't doing well. This dog is my friend, comes to the fence daily several time to say hello. Well, it seems Lil now is sick, either a virus or cancer. They're not sure what is going on. But poor Lil is just not the same. If I have to say goodbye to this dog forever, oh my.

There are flash flood warnings for all the small streams here, and for the Musselshell River that is just a few blocks north of town. We're pretty high on my street. It would take an epic flood to affect us. But there are people living lower, so I pray they will not be affected.

News about my grandson who's been missing just gets more and more curious. Now people are accusing my daughter of making up the entire story. Accusing her of making up this person. ???? I can testify to the fact that Justin is a real person. I saw his mother when she was pregnant at 38 weeks with twins. I saw the birth of those two babies. I saw them as toddlers. I walked with Justin among the redwoods in California. I saw him graduate from basic training in San Diego. Social media is evil sometimes.

But there is now news that Justin was seen at a hotel in Washington. So we can hold onto the fact he is still alive, until it's proven otherwise. We now have to establish the reason(s) this young man chose to leave his duty, his job. What in the world?

I am just heartsick about it all.

But a fun thing is going to happen. Hubby and I were chosen to be part of a photo shoot for SE Montana Tourism. Seems they want some 'Senior models' for their advertising. I had to laugh at that moniker. But we are willing, and its a four day, all expenses paid little vacay. So sure. Road trip! Starting Sunday, we're to travel over to Hardin, MT, south of Billings. Then we'll visit the Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument. You remember General George M. Custer, I'm sure. After that, the next day over to the Tongue River Reservoir out in the middle of nowhere Montana. Then the next day to Broadus, MT for a SE Montana Tourism board meeting. After the meeting, more photo ops in that little town. That night we'll drive to Miles City, MT instead of trying to drive home in the dark.

Whew, I am tired now just thinking of it all. But I can smile and be polite. Pray for us as we travel. We're in a borrowed vehicle. Please no accidents this time.

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