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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1051066
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#1051066 added June 14, 2023 at 4:12pm
Restrictions: None
Good Samaritan Story
Prompt: Write about the good Samaritan story.

In the Bible, a man was beaten up and left on the road injured. No one would help him. Two men ignored him and a third man came along and bandaged the man. He cared about him. He took him to the Inn and told the Inn Keeper to watch over him. We should treat everyone alike and never turn away from someone needing help. Jesus says we all are equals. I worked in Nursing and some patients were hard to deal with but I took care of their medical needs. Outside of my job, I helped people. The neighbor girl fell down. I went and took care of her scraped knee and took her home. I help anyone who needs my help as long as I am able. I always try to be a good Samaritan. Jesus taught us to care about everyone and help your fellow man. You never know when you will need help. I was in the hospital for a month for a bowel obstruction surgery and the nurses and everyone were nice except 2 of them. That happens. Anyway, my kindness was rewarded and I still help others when I can. Jesus will smile on you.

An image for my blog group

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