Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1052516-Glen-Beck-and-Transsexualitydeath
Rated: 18+ · Book · Educational · #2290035
I might be upsetting the apple cart...
#1052516 added July 12, 2023 at 11:44am
Restrictions: None
Glen Beck and Transsexuality=death.

Glen Beck is obsessed with transsexuals...
Kateline Genner said, "I've cut my balls off."
So what? That is her choice.
Glen is obsessed with sterilization and eugenics.
That is what I listen to after work.

It reminded me of Wings Over The World.
A science fiction film in black and white.
Any who, it's about airplanes dropping sleeping bombs on savages.
That way the "Wings over the world" will bring world peace.
The savages are ruled by a dictator with one plane.

Glen thinks there would be no push back to sterilizing children.
Remember how gay children were treated by Christian families?
Some of these children were cast out into the streets.
Others conformed to their families' wishes.
This still happens.

The most important thing to remember about Glen Beck is he admitted he is insane.
He admitted to being insane when he worked for FOX NEWS.
He had a chalk board full of crazy ideas with lines connecting them.
Glen got too crazy for FOX NEWS and they fired him.
Who is Glen Beck?

Just my two cents for the ferryman.

Bob County
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