Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1053350-July-Entry
Rated: ASR · Book · Dark · #2288501
40 word poems for daily challenge
#1053350 added July 30, 2023 at 6:31pm
Restrictions: None
July Entry

07/01/2023- 'sell'
We are commodities for sale

Sometimes it seems.
In this market-driven world

That human being
Are now nothing.
But Commodities

The rights to our soul
Have long been sold.
To the corporations
And the government

Finding Your Crown Jewel

In this modern world
Finding another person
Your soul mates.

Is like finding.
The crown jewel.
Of your life

Exceedingly rare
Very precious

Few ever find.
Their jewel
Most spend their life.
Never finding the one


We all have
A” cute meet” story
In the rom com of our life

when we met
the love of our life

Sometimes we know it.
when we met
love at first sight

other times
love grows.
slowly but surely

07/04/2023- 'circular'
The circular motion of extreme politics

At the extremes
Of politics
There is an odd
Circular motion

Both the right
And the left is convinced.
That an evil deep state
Is out to get them.
And both see the other.
As enemies that must be vanquished

Ugly Politics

Ugly politics
All around the world
Conspiracy, despair, distrust
fake news, fear, lies hatred.
misinformation, paranoia

ugly politics
leading perhaps
to the ugliest of all

Not a winner 40 words

The former president
Always saw himself.
As a winner

Because he could never accept
That he was a loser

lost the popular vote.

lost his re-election.
in one of the fairest elections
ever won.

power the greatest aphrodisiac

The most powerful addiction
Of all
Is the addiction to power?

Which is why?
So many people
Refuse to retire from power.

As Henry K said,
Power is the greatest.
Appropriacies there are.


In this inflationary era
Corporations have mastered this.
The art of shrinkflation

They announce.
A new and improved.
Product line

The only thing new
Is that you pay more.
For less

The only improvement
Is to their profit margins.

Just labor units

To the masters
Of the universe
Those soulless corporate bosses

Everything is a calculation.
Workers are merely.
Interchangeable parts

Labor units
Just commodities
To be bought and sold

Can true love
Thrive in this modern
Toxic modern world?

07/10/2023-'The best'
The best is yet to come .

Kimberly Guilfoyle one day
Made a speech.
At the Republic Convention
In 2022

Announcing that if the former
President was re-elected.
The best was yet to come.

A spoof went viral.
Her speech set.
To Wagnerian opera music

Sure, here is an RNC speech set to Wagnerian music:
Scene: A large hall filled with Republican Party delegates.
Narrator: The year is 2022. The Republican National Convention is in full swing. The delegates are fired up and ready to nominate their candidate for president.
Delegate 1: We've been through a lot this year, but we're still here. We're still standing.
Delegate 2: And we're not going to let anything stand in our way. We're going to make this year our best year yet.
Delegate 3: We're going to make America great again!
The delegates cheer.
Narrator: The speech begins.
Speaker: My fellow Republicans, the best is yet to come.
The music swells.
Speaker: We have faced challenges this year, but we have overcome them. We have come together, and we have shown the world what we are made of.
The music reaches a crescendo.
Speaker: We are the party of the future. We are the party of hope. We are the party of America.
The delegates cheer.

<iframe width="1707" height="1067" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UmXIjFEoeFQ" title=" I put Wagner over Kimberly Guilfoyle's RNC Speech and it was exactly as bad as I expected." frameborder="0" allow=" accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allow Fullscreen></iframe>

Former President Plays on Our Needs

The former president
Is the ultimate con man.

He sees the desperate
Need of those left behind.

He sees the entire country.
As nothing but marks
To be played with

As he rips off the country
For his profit


Tiny Bangkok
Tiny 40 words
Tiny writing com

I once knew.
A man named Tiny.
He was getting the operation.
In Bangkok

He went from being a big man.
To a big woman
Kept the name.

Meeting God in a Lake

One day
While high
On magic mushrooms

I encountered God.
In a lake
And became one.
With the universe

The feeling faded away.
But I will never forget.
The day I met God.

Lessons Life

The best lessons
In life
Occur in moments.
Of quiet reflection

The best lessons
Are free.
But Profound

But many people
Go through life.
Never having
Mastered the lessons.
Of life

Countless times Cheating Death

I have lost count.
How many times
I have cheated death.
In my 67 years
Around the sun

Must have been more.
Then 22 times
I am still alive.
And kicking it

Myths that control our Life

We live our lifes.
Based on myths
Of what life is supposed?
To be all about

The biggest myth
Of all time of course
Is that there is God.
That controls our daily life.

Next Big Thing Things

So many people
Spend their time.
Chasing the latest next thing
Be it a hip spot to go.
Or a must-have app

Constantly chasing
The next big thing

Value Value

So many people
Know the price.
Of everything

But the value
Of nothing

Clashing culture Culture

We live in a world.
Of clashing culture

As the old culture
Is under constant assault.
By the forces of modern culture

And we retreat.
Into our own cultures
Losing our common culture

The best music of all time music

the 60’s
had the best music.
of all time

the greatest bands
the greatest singers
MO Town at its height

The best funk bands.
Of them all
The Tower of Power
Still going strong
50 years later

Improper Behavior in a Post-Trumpian World Trump

In this post-Trumpian world
So many things
That used to be considered.
Improper behavior

Are no longer taboo.
As he normalized crude
Hateful, sexist, violent behavior
Trumpism is cancer.
On society
That must be driven away.

Secret Unit Black Ops
Secret Unit

Col. Sam Adams
Was the colonel.
Of a black ops unit

That did not officially exist.
His unit is part of a government agency.
That did not exist.

The mission of his unit
Was to assassinate enemies.
Of the state

Neglecting the Roots of Society Grassroots

Trump and Trumpism
Came to power.

Because the elites
Of society
Neglected the grassroots.
Of society

And the system
Was corrupt and rotten.
To the roots

Trump promising
To drain the swamp
Just another of his lies

Democracy under attack Democracy
Democracy under attack writing com


Is under attack.

Including the U.S.
Where the guard rails
Of democracy held

Against the assault
Of the Trumpist

But if he is re-elected
Democracy will die.
As the US becomes
A failed illiberal democracy


The sages all say.
Be true to yourself.
Trust your self
Love yourself.

Only then
Can you love another.

And finding true love
Sometimes hard to do.
In this market-driven world
Where we are nothing
But commodities for sale.

Finding inner peace

When you feel
The stress of life
Take a deep breath.

On the image
Of inner peace
And happiness

As you go deep
Into meditation
Everything will turn out.
To be just fine


One day Sam Adams
Saw the face.
Of his dream girl
Nightly for eight years

Then he saw her face
Getting off the bus
In front of him

She was real.
And in front of him

He proposed three days later.
Married her two months later.
Been together 40 years.

How Does Your Garden Grow Garden

Marry, Mary
Quite contrary
How does your garden grow/
How is your life going?
How will it end?
Will your garden
Continue to grow.
After your death?

Powered by our emotions.

We are all powered.
By our emotions
Driven by our fears.
Transformed by our love.
Our emotions define us.
As we are just emotional
Biological robots in the end

Can’t Curb My Enthusiasm.

Curb your enthusiasm.
Is the advice.
Of a popular TV comic

But for some people
That advice
Is hard to follow.

For they are defined
By their enthusiasm
For life itself

the End
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1053350-July-Entry