Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1053477-2nd-entry-Sept-2023---Warrior-by-Jennifer-Fallon
Rated: ASR · Book · Other · #2289858
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#1053477 added August 2, 2023 at 7:03am
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2nd entry Sept 2023 - Warrior by Jennifer Fallon
Warrior (The Hythrun Chronicles: Wolfblade Trilogy, Book 2), written by Jennifer Fallon

ISBN# 0765309904

Published: September 2006

You can get this story through Amazon books.

This is the second book in the series. Marla has buried 2 husbands now. Her main focus is on protecting her young son, Damien, who is heir to the throne of Hythria. She has become indispensable to her brother, the High Prince. She intends on doing what she can to protect her son from those who would take his life, and the lives of all of the Wolfblades. Her advisor, Elezaar the Dwarf is there to help her steer the political machinations of court life. He has his own secrets as well. The High Arron, Alija Eaglespike, who is head of the Sorcerer's guild, is head of the Patriot's Faction - they want to topple the Wolfblades and put a new High Prince on the throne; namely her husband Barnado. There are several stories that intertwine in this tale, but Marla is definitely the main character. She and her son, Damien. In this story, Damien is coming into his own as a young man. He has a seemingly carefree attitude and is content to let his mother "do her thing".

Again, this story is filled with political intrigue that could rival the show "House of Cards". I give it a 5 *Star* rating, because that is supposed to be the top rating. There are twists and turns that you don't see coming at first, but then going back, you can see the build up to these happenings. To say that I love these books is an understatement.

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