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I might be upsetting the apple cart...
#1054307 added August 19, 2023 at 4:00am
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Do women have penises?

Richard Dawkins asked this question.
Did the universe come from nothing?
Richard Dawkins thinks it did.
Transsexuality actually exists.

Women have had both penises and uteruses.
This has been documented in India.
And these women have impregnated themselves.

The Virgin Birth of Marry might have been self-impregnated.

A biologist like Richard Dawkins does not want to accept transsexuality.
However, transexual exist and Richard Dawkins must accept that.
Homosexuals are famine in a male body.
A transexual is female in a male body.

Whether a transexual should play sports against women is not the question here.
I do not think biological men should play sports against biological women.
Men are naturally stronger than women and should not play sports against women.
That is my opinion...

I wish my laptop had brighter keys!

Bob County
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