Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1054384-Eye-of-a-poet
by jaya
Rated: E · Book · Contest Entry · #2289848
Contest entries
#1054384 added August 21, 2023 at 1:32am
Restrictions: None
Eye of a poet
Poet's eye never misses much.

It surveys every little thing from sky to earth and records it in his mind for later contemplation and a critical conclusion.

Be it good or bad, be it nature or society, be it a king or a commoner, his sweeping eye takes in the animate and the inanimate with equal precision.

He never misses a flying eagle or a rushing wave, the sweat of a farmer or the misery of a molested woman.

The eye of a poet perceives points of prime importance. His vision is prophetic and profound. His poems mirror facts of life such as found in war and peace, the material and the metaphysical, in soul and in spirit.

Inspired readers see the elements of importance through the eye of a poet.

From the beginning till the end of the world, the eye of a poet measures the worth of creation.

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