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Now my family is attacking Broadway musicals!
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#1056089 added September 23, 2023 at 1:28am
Restrictions: None
A Crazy Night at Broadway - Memphis

It was September 18th, 2023, and you were just getting out of jail for the 3rd time in a row! DO THESE COPS HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TO KEEP ARRESTING YOU FOR RANDOM REASONS?!?

Things would go smoothly this week with you coming back to work and all that until your Facebook notifications started blowing up again on September 22nd, 2023. You check on Facebook and see that your family is upset once again because that asshole brother Ross is seeing a Broadway production called, "Memphis!"
An ad for a Broadway show.

First and foremost, it has been decades since ANY Broadway show came back down to the show! Secondly, THIS SHOW IS ABOUT A WHITE DUDE FALLING IN LOVE WITH A BLACK CHICK!

OH HELL NO, THIS SHIT WAS NOT GOING TO FUCKING FLY! So you and your newly wed wife get into your Hummer and start to haul ass down the highway! However, along the way, you ended up having a wreck with these assholes!

After you pulled over for the cops to do a crash investigation, things start to go south real quick for you and your wife!

As you and your wife keep cussing up a storm on the way to jail, Ross's roommate would post the following video to your latest Facebook post:
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