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Rated: 18+ · Book · Mystery · #2306770
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#1058225 added November 7, 2023 at 4:03pm
Restrictions: None
Plot: Outline Revision # 1
Plot: Outline Revision # 1

Three Act Structure

First Act—The Setup

1% - Hook - This opening moment is the opening scene—the first thing that happens in your story—possibly even the first line.

POV from: Omniscient Narrator
Main Event: Sinclair Banks, successful owner of The Chateau de Talon Russo vineyards and Mercle, The Sarti Reef and the, surrounding Kilomon Islands is shot and killed while jogging.
How does it impact the story? It begins the setup for the rest of the story. A killer is loose, and a police detective is brought in to investigate.

1% -12% - Setup - Learn about characters, their goals the stakes, the setting, and tone.

POV from:
What is the Main Event?
When did this happen?
Where did this happen?
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Clues: What clues will be left for the reader?

POV from:
What is the Main Event?
When did this happen?
Where did this happen?
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Clues: What clues will be left for the reader?

POV from:
What is the main Event?
When did this happen?
Where did this happen?
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Clues: What clues will be left for the reader?

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