Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1058317-Biology-of-sex-and-Gods-Origin
Rated: 18+ · Book · Educational · #2290035
I might be upsetting the apple cart...
#1058317 added October 30, 2023 at 4:44pm
Restrictions: None
Biology of sex and God's Origin.

"I like macaroni and cheese."

"Why?" Rachiel asks...

Michael thinks about it...
"I just do."

"What is the Origin of the universe and everything?
Macaroni and cheese sounds good."

"What the Hell?" Rachiel queries.

"Noone knows." Micheal answers and chews on his macaroni and cheese.

"That is nonsense!" Rachiel replies and has some macaroni and cheese.
She is wearing a Victorian Secrets nylon body suit in red lace.

"We probably originated from a branch off of Baboons."
Micheal continues while eating macaroni and cheese off of Rachiel.

She squats and makes baboon calls and grunts.

"I'm just quoting Richard Dawkins." Micheal kisses Rachiel.

+ =

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