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#1058453 added November 18, 2023 at 5:48pm
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plants growing into a lush forest.
"Forgive me, my young student", was all he heard in his ear as the sand went green giving way to a forest of unfamiliar trees and plants.

As this went on around the city, oasis carts with people and scrolls left while he handed Azmet over to the remaining scribes and took the kids back to the group.

He watched as Azmet used fresh mud to make two dolls a Ushabtis and a shabti, the Ushabtis was molded into a dragon decorated in little spirals like those on Yecta's hands, and the Shabti was molded to look like Himself with a strand of his own hair.
Upon giving the Shabti to Yecta, Yecta removed two scales from his body and placed them in both dolls to bring them to life.

Go, we humans will be fine. I will take care of my class and we will keep your teachings

then as the Ushabtis transformed into the human that was Azmet's beloved teacher and Pharoh

Azmet you are in charge here, but listen to the scribes on what they have to offer as help

Yes, Sebayt

The reed boat creaked a little as Yecta boarded as he said

Let us move before I decide to jump overboard before the gateway takes us

A stone sphinx with a pyramid-shaped front body with a door in its chest rose from the Nile lighting up and the boat was gone. The river of energy ran in a straight line with branches splitting off into other worlds with each world having seven exits. The river reflected stars of all Zeglar, and cosmic walls showed different planets within the nebula wormhole. Five doors lit up as Thoth joined them, From Yect's told you so look of failure

Cajeht, sorry I couldn't go meet you. I never got around to teaching her how to address a child of the sacred eight Ogdoad.

from a sea-green door came Nomotis; a lean frost-white pegasus Air Elemental

Uncle, the wind is carrying us both

from a dark purple door, a jet-black panther with an Ankylosaurus-type tail, and a seven-foot dark being with the head of a jackal known as Anubis

About time you got off that world

from the deep-blue door(venus) came a dragon with the shell of a turtle, and basilisk-type legs and wings hidden in the shell.

washed ashore hun, things have been sinking badly

A tall door with gold hues that matched Yecta's scales and adorned with mosaic tiles with strange symbols that Yecta could read.

Yecta saw the mosaic-tiled pool by a three-tier docking bay with all types of creatures moving crates and stocks of food or drinks. Boats of all types could be seen from reed boats like the one he was on to the fancy dragon-headed boat with little rock-like creatures repairing a fallen mast.

The group came to the door that led to the next chamber but would not open when Anubis tried to push it and then pull them.


with a loud creak, the doors opened wide as a metal hammer with lightning bolts on it, bronze hide handle as Yecta caught it and carried it onto the central floor that could fit 200 suns.

He is one of the builders of Jerico before mortals existed

cries of impossible that hammer can only be lifted by pure hearts.

Thoth bring me a report please, find me in the docks.
Yecta's thoughts
Arrogant pack of phrolintex(donkey manure).

He entered the docks heading for the second tier where collected cores of the universe get stored. The tiles up here were green with red borders, twenty-two vaults lined the wall. These would be filled with supplies from the twelve elemental plains, now the stored materials from the planets for use of gate connections.

Each planet had its core element copied and brought here for study, the research center was two floors up, he knew this because he was one of the elemental technicians back then.
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