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#1059285 added November 16, 2023 at 3:40pm
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Path of the lost god
The forest was thick as Yecta moved seeing his claws before him trying to keep himself steady just for it to pass through. whereas the buildings seemed to go on forever as Chajet sat down for a moment just to be back at the oasis with his class. Above the stone walls of reality, the Lord of Life giving powers flew around watching as this golden dragon god was struggling with the truth while the old man couldn't let go of his students, but where was the kid?
The plateau rose above the forest floor with a city that glowed, as the kid heard,

mysterious voice
One of the old,
rooted to both self and universe'
Looking for just an acorn of truth and faith.

that voice again, who are you?

mysterious voice
climb and know, even though you have been here before.

Path of the lost god-

Tree after tree, limb after limb, when would the struggle to find the exit end? shadows lurked around each tree and roots were raised with a giant tree at the center with two dragon makers rotating with each other, a golden dragon that circled right, and a dark purple dragon rotating left. As the dragon god left the woods he was greeted by sand and the sphorinx portals with at least 15 of them. each had a colour representing its coordinates. the first one was a reddish gold with home written on its head, leading to what looked like where the gods had their meeting.

Path of the lost god- home

The air hummed with power as machines smoked and others sparked with elemental energy, The cores glowed with lights of their dimension's element as Earth became humanoid form. Bones formed into rib cages, the joints formed into collar bones giving way to necks and arms. From the pelvis grew legs and organs formed followed by muscle and nerves, with skin sealing the bodies as they hung on racks to be assigned an element.

Lost god
Can anyone tell me whats going on? How did I get here from a desert?

Nobody commented as they couldn't see him. From here the several of core energy flared and the bodies glowed with a core element then went off through a portal that looked like the one he came in. He entered the door that lead outside just to find himself back at he door he entered before observing clones being made. now the lab had the cosmic form of himself and his brother, Etchula, Huonlongchusu, Tinwana, Ketchula, Nomostis, Stagimus, Gaia, Genjin, Aknar, Yimir, Azuka all stood around the room as thirteen clones glowed and then merge. The perfect being being had been created and as Atum reach up the roof vanished for a moment and the void opened up letting in a comet of pure light and crystal, separating one for each realm. then as if by Atum's will the crystals turned into orbs and he reached for the stars that once never existed, the void shaken with force as it split with each version in its own bubble and with each pop broke down in to elemental gasses and metals. The gates aligned into a golden river and branches connecting to the lab/ capital. From here the space had only stars as cores formed of all sizes and the Bennu rose to great Atum.

Mysterious voice
So he was made from all of your cores, with all your faults gone how did it feel to be in perfect balance? For once?

The lab changed upon the comets streak into the oasis again, now only two gates down and thirteen to go. How much does he have to watch? What was the point of looking back? He was trapped here until death or he found the exit.

Yecta found himself looking at another portal with the word Jerico, anywhere but there he thought, but he knew that it wouldn't dissapper without him entering it. The sky was clear with a few clouds floating over the paradise that the gods built stepping outside the elemental barrier one would see dark grey cloudy skies, barren land with few vegitation due to Atum's tears. The first humans from these tears could be seen struggling to make it to the small forest below the plateau, where there were two hundred now only 25 sets of male and female survived. As he looked up he saw himself in cosmic form glow and shift to what he was now before the birth of the the third generation Ennead. For they knew if he could create living stones to build walls and buildings(constructs), then what would that look in a wrathful form?

Mysterious vice
So that was you before full of spirit, full of faith. So what happened between then and now? do you even remember your true name?

Did he remember his pure name, since Yecta was his god form name? He couldn't answer that since the name faded long time
ago. Jerico was a paradise in chaos, for those who survived the trek in a primordial world.

Jercio's fall

Three fortnights before the rebellion- The night had come with a few clouds as people settled in protected by his kin, a breeze blew thru the trees as the gods communed going over daily check-ins and tabs on how the world was coming along. some were awake wondering why the gods didn't include them in the chat since they were the scouts of the gods. A shadow moved across the city only heard by the weary and drunks-

Dark voice
" why do you serve them when they don't even acknowledge your work?, who are they to hold you back? follow me and you won't be treated like dogs", they heard from the shadows that composed the alleys and corridors.

Drakein's shadow
"KILL those who would get in your way, if they won't join you they are against you"
and he watched as they threw others of their kind of the great plateau or burned them to the ground as the building where the gods meet in came down on top of them hearing
" we are the gods now"

Atum and the other gods left the humans and sent a punisher to deal with them as Drakien was told to collect his prisoners, so Drakien attacked at the end when the lion left and sent a void fireball to bring them to him, the fireball (breaking the atmoshere) hit and opened as those that died was collected and the unworthy burned giving life to Aknar for who he had plans for.
So his brother was behind the rebellion the whole time, just how far did his shadow reach? of course that was a stupid question, where his power could be felt in every living object so his brother's would be in every shadow.
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