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Rated: ASR · Book · Comedy · #2309081
I think she is progressive.
#1061569 added December 30, 2023 at 2:31am
Restrictions: None
Trump's Wall is like Israel versus Hamas.

I like the Young Turks and the Majority Report.
Nevertheless, Israel is fighting a border war with Hamas.
It looks like the USA has open borders...
I think Trump wants to use the WALL to fight a border war.

A wall is only a barrier.
Unless the WALL on the Mexico border it is defended it is useless.
That means civilians will be hurt or shot as they illegally breach the WALL.
There are Chinese and Africans and Middle Easterns, like Jordans, Iranians flying into the USA.

Many of them are staying past their green cards.
Trump's WALL is useless against them.
A country without defended borders is no longer a country.
Illegal aliens must be rounded up and sent back...

This isn't about genocide.
This is about the survival of a country.
My grandparents immigrated to the USA legally.
That is how a country controls its border.

Just my opinion.

Bob Country
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1061569-Trumps-Wall-is-like-Israel-versus-Hamas